January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    hi everyone ... Happy new years!! ok i am new to this .. can u tell me how to join this .. thank you so much hugs

    All you do is choose three or four goals and post them each day (or when possible), come back and let us know how you are doing and then repost for new day! Welcome Cindy!!!!
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    My first time posting to a group :)

    My name is Evelyn. I am a mother to two beautiful boys, 4 y/o and almost 2 y/o and will celebrate 10 yrs of marriage this year. I have lost 75 pounds since July and I have a good 20-30 lb to go (at least to be in my healthy BMI weight range). I'm not one for posting to any forum regularly because I am a full-time student, full-time employee/supervisor, and that is enough on my plate. Soooo, I really appreciate this thread for accepting people like me :)

    Goals for 1/2/12

    1. Don't beat myself up about yesterday----my first "cheat day" since July. It was sooooo baaaaadddd!
    2. Exercise with the hub this morning before work and after work.
    3. Pack for cruise. (going on a 3-day cruise to Bahamas on Thursday).
    4. Register at the Y for their Biggest Loser challenge (Team Lean). So excited about this!!!! And, the initial weigh-in is the day I get back from my cruise :)

    Busy day ahead! Wishing you all success in naming and claiming your goals for this day.
  • Bostongirl40
    Bostongirl40 Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Amandine. I am a mother of two wonderful kids, 4 y/o girls and 2 y/o boy. Married to a awesome man, who doesn't have any weight issue sometime it doesn't help LOL . I need to loose weight this year I keep looking the other way but I need to be realistic and start getting healthier.
    I like the concept for this group, I manage my days this way, now I just have to add a goal for helping me loose weight each day.

    2 January goal
    1- clean downstairs
    2- finish laundry and fold it
    3- some exercices ( ice skating with the kids )
    4- water water and water
    5-no snacking

    Wish everybody good luck and to stay motivated .
  • lilgriffo
    Hi, I'm Caitlin from Australia and I'm 21. I am off on a big holiday in Two weeks and would like to lose another kilo or so before I go! Today's goals are:
    1. 1 hour brisk walk after work
    2. Drink at least 2 llitres of water
    3. Print of all my accommodation papers for my holiday!

    Oh complete fail today-
    1. 1 hour brisk walk after work - no (had to stay back 5 hours longer at work :( )
    2. Drink at least 2 llitres of water - yes!
    3. Print of all my accommodation papers for my holiday! -no

    Jan 3
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Walk and shred workout
    3. Finish post grad application!
  • Claub1215
    hi All

    I am so in! I need something to keep me going day after day!
    I started MFP back in November to help me lose some lbs for a trip that my husband and I took. And now I have gained all that weight back. Ugh! New Year time to get back on track.
    I have been married for 6 years and have two wonderful little girls (almost 5 and 2 1/2).

    Mondays goals
    1. Track every piece of food that crosses my lips
    2. Drink LOTS of water
    3. Get to the gym and exercise for at least 45 minutes
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    OK cool. I’m on board. I find that I fail when I try to take on too much at once so a daily goal sounds do-able. For today, Jan2:
    1. Step Class
    2. Finish two work projects
    3. No meat today
    4. Only fresh fruit and raw veggies for lunch (no bread!)
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    I'm new to doing this kind of challenge but I will give it my best shot! I'm a married mom of 1 teenage boy! I work full time on a rotating swing 12 hour shift for a public utility. I do so much better staying focused when I'm working! My goals for today:
    1. Stay under my calories and log everything!!!
    2. Go for a walk!! At least 30 minutes!
    3. Finish my Standout program for my job!
    4. Set up extra bedroom for my parents!
    Ok I think this is do able!
  • 2B2013
    2B2013 Posts: 3
    I love this idea...I think I need one day at a time right now so if I fail one day I won't just throw in the towel for good!

    I am a mother of two - a four year old boy and five year old girl. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 8 years. I work full time and travel on average one week a month for work - not easy to eat well with all the temptation on the road!

    Last year I lost 30 pounds in about 4 months and then had to travel for work a lot and totally fell off the wagon and gained it all back!!! Ugh! I would like to lose a total of 50 pounds and more importantly - keep it off!!!

    Today's goals:
    1) Log all my food
    2) Eat healthy at the movies and out at lunch
    3) Pack my gym bag for tomorrow!
  • tpenha
    tpenha Posts: 19

    My name is Tracy, I am a mom of 3 grown men and a Nonnie to a precisous 3 month old named Evan!

    My goals for today

    1. Log everything I eat
    2. 30 minutes elliptical
    3. plan tomorrows meals!

    Looking forward to taking this journey with you all!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone... I am Rose. Feel free to add me. I was doing well health, mentally and spiritually until August when my mom went into a full time nursing home care. Mom passed away on November 22nd. I was on a major foof binge since August, trying to stuff my feelings down and went from 180 up to 206 lbs. When I don't make healthy choices or exercise, I disappear. I have recommited myself to get back on track.

    My goals for today :

    to eat healthy (making sure to eat either a fruit or vegetable at every meal)
    to exercise
    to journal my food, exercise and feelings.

    I did great yesterday and I feel like I am going to do well today too.
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member
    This fits well with my personal goal for January - to log into MyFitnessPal every day in January (except Jan 1, because the new year really doesn't start until Jan 2 because on the 1st you are still recovering from New Year's Eve).

    I am 42 and married, and work at a job I love, even though it can be very stressful (often stressful because I actually care about what I am doing and really want to do a good job and make a difference). No kids, unless you count the 3 dogs. I've struggled with my weight ever since college, and can almost never stick to a fitness plan. I did lose 30 lbs 3 years ago after finding out I was diabetic, but since then 25 of them have found me again.

    Today's goals -
    1. Take a walk with one of the dogs (much easier with just one, not all three)
    2. Drink one 24 oz bottle of water (not nearly enough, but I am starting from ground zero here)
    3. Get together with my friend Yvonne
    4. Shred some more paper (shredded 10 years of old pay slips yesterday [except for the year-end ones] - not sure why I was keeping them all. I definitely have an issue with accumulating paper clutter. Maybe if I get rid of some of the paper clutter I can get rid of some of the body clutter [as FlyLady likes to call it]. It felt good to get rid of it!)
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    Great idea! My name is Shannon and I am 32 years old. I'm currently at my highest weight ever (222 lbs) and my first goal is to get back under 200 before our family vacation to Disney at the end of March. I actually want to be even under that but I'm setting smaller goals to make them feel more attainable! My ultimate goal is about 165 lbs. so I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I'm not good at making time for myself and putting me before my 4 year old daughter and work/life demands but that's my plan from here on out. I have to make time for ME!!! I love the idea of daily goals.

    So for today (January 2, 2012)

    1) I will get to the gym and workout for 1 hour.
    2) I will get to the grocery store and buy some fruit and other heathy options.
    3) I will log everything I eat and drink onto MFP today.
    4) I will read at least one chapter of the new book (I love to read and rarely make time for it).
  • beckyiz
    beckyiz Posts: 7 Member
    Yes I`m in.this is a great idea!!!!
    ..1.) drink 2 pints of water in addition to my usual fluid intake
    2) Do a minimum of 20 mins exercise
    3) stay under my calorie goal of 1400 calories
    4) quality time with 2 boys before school tomorow (scrapbooking,wii or board games)

    Also.....Extra bit... Todays Menu; breakfast=cornflakes,skimmed milk,no sugar
    lunch = ham sandwhich,apple
    main meal = small portion shepherds pie and veg
    snacks=hot chocolate,caramel creme and sugar free jelly
    exercise = exercise bike and wii just dance

    good luck with all your goals x
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Good Morning everyone

    Still not feeling good, but a lot better than yesterday. (food poisoning sucks)

    My name: Teresa/Terry :bigsmile: I'm 49 yr, Married 25 years, No children. I'm in buisness for myself cleaning houses & offices.
    I Live in Pompano Beach, Fl

    January 2nd daily goals

    1) drink plenty of fluids today
    2) Stay away from sugar & carbs (No white carbs)
    3) rest
    4) iron clothes tonight
    5) stay in my calorie limit
  • kittybitz79
    Love this idea
    I'm 36 married and will start my stressful months at work this tomorrow.

    Today goal
    1) Log everything good or bad
    2) Drink only 2 glasses of pop today. The rest of it crystal light or water.
    3) Make a healthy choice for supper tonight. Going out with friends to a restaurant.
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    Who doesn't love this idea! Great way to keep us motivating one another while sticking to our daily goals. I find that much easier than the lengthier ones.

    So for today, January 2nd.

    1) Drink at least 4 16 oz bottles of water
    2) Exercise for at least 30 minutes
    3) Finish cleaning the upstairs part of the house!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I'm in for now (not always good with the daily stuff). I am 40 year old (happily married 21 years) mother of 21 year old, 19 year old, and 17 year old. I joined mfp last January and made it to my goal weight of 125lbs the end of Sept. Since then I have not been good about logging and feel like I have been making horrible food choices. (my mind seems to be telling me if I just take one bite and put it in my mouth it won't hurt but my brain tells me I need to log and then I will know if in fact it "hurts" or not) I do daycare and live in Minnesota and since it has gotten colder (not even that cold this year as far as winter in Minnesota goes yet) I have every excuse not to take kids out and do our daily walk around town. So maybe this will help me with that.
    Todays (Jan 2, 2012) goals:
    1. log food all day
    2. Make good food choices today
    3. start tax paper work (mileage and income)
    4. I would also like to sit down and make up a menu for the week (I generally eat better and prepare better meals this way)

    So far I have been staying in a range of 124-128lbs but would like to have 125lbs as the high end of range. Kind of glad holidays are over so I can get back into a routine around here.
  • bkwman
    bkwman Posts: 4
    I am a married mother of 4 kids. 3 boys - 1 girl. My youngest is 8, so it is time to finally lose the baby weight. I started tracking yesterday but today I am going to start daily goals. Today is to drink 8 glasses of water and exercise for 15 minutes.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    Love this challenge! My name is Mikki, I am 31...mother to 3 girls (5, 3, 1) and today my goal is to drink 64 oz of water. :)
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone! I really like this challenge. I am a school teacher and have been on break for two weeks. In those two weeks I have done a really great job sticking wiht my workouts (not so great with eating). I would like to continue doing well once I start work again tomorrow.

    Goals for January 2:
    1. Drink at least 6 glasses of WATER today (not counting coffee)
    2. Workout for at least 40 minutes at the gym.
    3. Go into work and get ready for school tomorrow!

    Good luck everyone!