Giving up Meat



  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    One thing that I really don't understand, and probably never will, is people's incessant need to be troll-like when it comes to things they don't fully understand, or want to participate in for themselves.

    The OP said "I have slowly been giving up meet since August. I gave up red meat and starting today, all meat together. I have never been one to really enjoy any bean recipes, but I am willing to give it a try!! If you know any great vegetarian dishes or ways to get more protein, please share!!" No where in this post did it say "I want your opinions and snarky attitudes towards my decision to try vegetarianism."

    If you have no supportive, encouraging words to say, or no recipes to share, there is no need to bash this person's decisions. Just because eating meat is "the norm" according to society, and you don't agree with vegetarianism for YOUR PERSONAL decisions in life, then don't be a vegetarian, but don't go around bashing those who choose this lifestyle. Didn't anyone ever tell you "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?"... This is supposed to be a SUPPORTIVE community. So BE SUPPORTIVE!"

    THANK YOU. I was just going to post something like this and then I saw you took care of it :)

    Seriously, I understand that not a lot of people "get" vegetarianism and the choice to cut meat from one's diet... but that's just it, it's a PERSONAL CHOICE. Just because you could never see yourself doing it doesn't mean you need to bash someone who does. OP is just interested in trying to cut meat from her diet and wanted some suggestions, and of course people had to come in here and be rude about it. MFP is supposed to be a positive environment; let's keep it that way. I'm a vegetarian but I never once have criticized someone for eating meat and I never will. It's a personal choice and to each his own.

    Also, you might as well stop trying to argue about it because for every argument you make for eating meat, there is an equal argument for not eating it. For every study you cite about how cutting out meat is "harmful", we can show you one saying that cutting out meat is healthier. This is exactly why it's a personal choice; there's evidence on both sides, so you're not going to convince anyone just by spewing out "facts". Just leave it alone.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I totally disagree, as someone who has been a vegetarian for 21 years. I don't know any fat vegetarians, nor do I know any malnourished ones. In general the healthiest people I know choose not to eat meat.

    I was a podgy child, and only lost my puppy fat when I stopped eating meat.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    This is my choice!! Thanks for your input but you don't have to be negative!! : )

    Way to go! There is a great group called happy herbivore on mfp you should join us. I enjoy this website has a lot of great recipes. The first week is hard but once you start seeing all the different variety of foods out there you will love it. Also a few documentaries forks over knives, food inc, and earthlings. You can watch earthlings for free at but beware you will never go back to meat

    I'd love to join the happy herbivore group, how do I go about that?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I can think of a lot of things that are worse for your diet than giving up meat. Calling vegetarianism/veganism "stupid" just because you're not into it is a little harsh.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    PLANTS are alive and have feelings too!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Well life has been tied to cancer its all tied to it. Just eat your meat how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat.... I would just make sure you eat enough living food and cut back on your meat I think meat is great. Just don't eat red meat as often and when I do it's lean! Good luck especially in the summer when your friend are BBQing.:ohwell:
    It is kind of mean to eat animals.
    During the slaughter process, when an animal suffers in that gruesome operation, it secretes stress hormones that give the meat that fabulous taste.

    It's something I think about every bar-b-q.

    Ya..know...Last week, some guy posted a thread called 'I love meat.' It took everything I had NOT to go onto that thread and make some crass, sarcastic remark about guys who love meat. But, I restrained myself, and the thread went on with people discussing their favorite meats. It takes nothing at all to troll, thinking you are the wittiest person on the planet. Rarely is this so.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I totally disagree, as someone who has been a vegetarian for 21 years. I don't know any fat vegetarians, nor do I know any malnourished ones. In general the healthiest people I know choose not to eat meat.

    I was a podgy child, and only lost my puppy fat when I stopped eating meat.

    There are loads of reformed vegetarians and vegans in the Paleo/Primal world. In fact, Robb Wolf who wrote The Paleo Solution and has a popular Paleo blog is a reformed vegetarian who resolved many of his health issues by introducing meat to his diet again. I'm not saying that means it's the right choice for everyone but the point is, there are many vegetarians who found the lifestyle detrimental to their overall health.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I can think of a lot of things that are worse for your diet than giving up meat. Calling vegetarianism/veganism "stupid" just because you're not into it is a little harsh.

    I agree with this. It makes me wonder why that poster is here, and I mean that in the most existential of ways.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I totally disagree, as someone who has been a vegetarian for 21 years. I don't know any fat vegetarians, nor do I know any malnourished ones. In general the healthiest people I know choose not to eat meat.

    I was a podgy child, and only lost my puppy fat when I stopped eating meat.

    There are loads of reformed vegetarians and vegans in the Paleo/Primal world. In fact, Robb Wolf who wrote The Paleo Solution and has a popular Paleo blog is a reformed vegetarian who resolved many of his health issues by introducing meat to his diet again. I'm not saying that means it's the right choice for everyone but the point is, there are many vegetarians who found the lifestyle detrimental to their overall health.

    And there are many vegetarians who are healthier for being so. I don't have any health issues, so I don't see how reintroducing meat after so long could be in any way beneficial. In fact I know some vegetarians who have ended up in hospital through being given meat accidentally.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    i've lot 50lbs eating a TON of meat every dang day.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    I posted this the other day, but it seems relevant to this thread. It is very interesting, and I would really recommend his book, the recipes are just amazing.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    i do like this topic and ensuing discussion so bumping
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    i've lot 50lbs eating a TON of meat every dang day.

    PLEASE, fates of diplomacy and charm....don't make me say what my mind is thinking.
  • megansoriano
    I gave up meat once. . . then after two months everything started to smell like steak. Today I only really eat chicken, fish and eggs. Good luck to you! That is a big life change. I would make Lentil soup or Potato Leak Soup :)
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Black beans are a great source of protein with 15 grams of protein per cup. I'm eating some as I type this! I am not a vegetarian, but I do try to avoid eating an excess of meat so I replace meat with beans often. Black beans are really good with just some seasoning IMO or as black bean soup. Soy beans have the most protein of any bean, so if you like edamame that would be a good way to get your protein in. You want to avoid canned beans unless they have no sodium added, many canned beans have a lot of sodium in them. Here is a good black bean soup recipe:

    2 cups dried black beans
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    5 garlic cloves , minced
    2 cups chopped onions
    2 cups chopped red bell peppers
    2 cups chopped celery
    1/4 cup chopped celery leaves
    2 cups diced carrots
    10 cups water
    3 bay leaves
    14 1/2 ounces diced tomatoes
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon pepper
    1/8 teaspoon cumin
    1 teaspoon dried oregano
    1 teaspoon dried cilantro


    Soak beans overnight; drain.
    In a large soup pot, heat oil. Add in garlic, onion, red peppers, celery, celery leaves and carrots. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes, until veggies start to soften.
    Add water, bay leaves, canned tomatoes, salt, pepper, cumin, oregano and cilantro. Bring to a boil. Add drained black beans.
    Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer for about 2 hours or until beans are tender.
    Discard bay leaves and serve.

    Read more:
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Giving up meat is 100% the worst thing you can do for a diet! Clean protein like chicken and white fish is the best thing for you whislt dieting - give up carbs if you are serious about dieting and want to change your diet. Giving up all meat (for any reason other than vegetarianism) is very very stupid.

    I totally disagree, as someone who has been a vegetarian for 21 years. I don't know any fat vegetarians, nor do I know any malnourished ones. In general the healthiest people I know choose not to eat meat.

    I was a podgy child, and only lost my puppy fat when I stopped eating meat.

    There are loads of reformed vegetarians and vegans in the Paleo/Primal world. In fact, Robb Wolf who wrote The Paleo Solution and has a popular Paleo blog is a reformed vegetarian who resolved many of his health issues by introducing meat to his diet again. I'm not saying that means it's the right choice for everyone but the point is, there are many vegetarians who found the lifestyle detrimental to their overall health.

    And there are many vegetarians who are healthier for being so. I don't have any health issues, so I don't see how reintroducing meat after so long could be in any way beneficial. In fact I know some vegetarians who have ended up in hospital through being given meat accidentally.

    Nowhere in the post you quoted did I say that eating vegetarian could not make someone healthier. I merely pointed out that the posters implied assertion that all vegetarians are healthier is incorrect. I respect your choice, even if I don't agree with it. I respect the OP's choice but don't think she should do it based on the science but she's welcome to do it as a personal choice of course.
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Good for you me it's a good decision and it gets easier as you go. I've been vegetarian for years and finally went vegan in October. Tofu is a good protein source and it can be scrambled like eggs or you can drain it, freeze it and then cut it in to cubes, dip in soy sauce and fry. I love it with stir-fry over brown rice with some archer farms general tso sauce. Soy crumbles are good can use it in spaghetti or tacos. Amy's brand foods are all vegetarian and are pretty good. I only eat the vegan options but she makes soups, chili, enchiladas and burritos...all kinds of stuff. Morning Star and Bocoa make great burgers and chicken patties...add a baked potato and some brocolli and you have dinner.
    Good luck! There are many groups out there for support and recipes... :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Post removed.
  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    I can't give up meet; that's insulting to God.
    If God did not want us eating animals, why did He make them out of meat?

    Uh, humans are made of meat. So are dogs. God must want you to be a dog-eating zombie cannibal.

    Humans are omnivores, as proven by our teeth. We can survive without meat, but we evolved eating both.

    (I needed to add that we didn't evolve eating animals genetically modified through commercially-derived selective pressure and that is why I have a mostly vegetarian diet.)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't give up meet; that's insulting to God.
    If God did not want us eating animals, why did He make them out of meat?

    Uh, humans are made of meat. So are dogs. God must want you to be a dog-eating zombie cannibal.

    Humans are omnivores, as proven by our teeth. We can survive without meat, but we evolved eating both.

    And yet our teeth bear more resemblance to herbivores than other omnivore species........ Look at rats.