Who believes in Internet Dating?

xginanax Posts: 333 Member
No offence to anyone who have met their partner through internet but I was just wondering what's your thought on this topic?

I personally wouldn't do internet dating because for me I see it as "What is the point in all this, if you cant hold your man/women in person, go out to dinner or just hang out in general, and how you know if he is actually faithful," for me you can never trust someone's words . For me words mean nothing. & obveriously If I don't see the guy in person, how would i know If he's not cheating regardless of all the phone calls you two have made, Skype'd etc..

I don't know, Personally I just don't get the whole point in it, for me its just a waste of time and always better to have the real thing then computer screen esp even worse if they live in another COUNTRY!. Sorry if anyone finding this a bit offensive and don't mean too but if you have found love through internet then Congratulations. :)


  • sonjawi
    sonjawi Posts: 46
    I did not do internet dating. Which means I did not mean to meet my now husband on the internet. We just met up in a forum with a similar interest and started talking from there. As we both lived only an hour apart, we met at a party in real life pretty fast, decided we like to hang out with each other as friends, and the rest is history *lol* We had both been in a phase when we did not look for anything, but apparently it was meant to be.

    I do not think I would go to an internet dating site as match.com or the like to meet somebody. I just doubt that many of those profiles are truthful. People can represent themselves as they want and invent a double life.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    I do not think I would go to an internet dating site as match.com or the like to meet somebody. I just doubt that many of those profiles are truthful. People can represent themselves as they want and invent a double life.
    About the whole double life thing, EXACTLY THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! :) At least your man was only an hour away which is great, not in another country.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I believe. Found my now husband online. We had brief chats and then met up in person - turned out he worked across the street from me and we lived close to each other (less than a half hour). Then we were dating, prior to meeting in person I don't consider that actually dating. So - you still date in person - really no different than any other dating except that the initial meeting was set up online. Chatting online is not dating.

    I think you are more talking about people who have internet relationships where they have never met in person and that's not what I consider dating.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
  • iancburgess
    iancburgess Posts: 8 Member
    I met my wife online 5 years ago. I have 2 beautiful girls and and amazing 2 year old son. It took ages though and met quite a few "interesting" girls lol.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    I think you are more talking about people who have internet relationships where they have never met in person and that's not what I consider dating.

    OH YES !! That's what i mean. I have come across people that say "Oh I'm dating blah blah," and you found out its internet Dating ..
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    I met my wife online 5 years ago. I have 2 beautiful girls and and amazing 2 year old son. It took ages though and met quite a few "interesting" girls lol.

    Aww congratulations on the two beautiful children :) and your wife too off course :)
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member

    LMFAO that's a classic one! lol
  • MelisandreRed
    MelisandreRed Posts: 31 Member
    I met my husband 5 years ago online. I definitely met quite a few interesting people before meeting him. Yes, there are a lot of strange people out there, but I don't think it's any worse than meeting someone in a bar.

    We've been married 2 1/2 years and have a 1 year old son.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's just another way to meet someone. But if you don't think it's right for you - don't do it!
    I met my husband online and we've been married nearly three years now. Before I met him I chatted to lots of guys, met some in person and found some who were straight up and honest, others were not. Not much different to meeting someone in a bar or at a party really!
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I definitely couldn't carry on an entire relationship over the Internet. However it's a great way to meet new people. Where it goes after that is up to the people involved. I met my wife online about 7 years ago and I'm sure we wouldn't have met otherwise.
  • LowCarbinLA
    LowCarbinLA Posts: 4 Member
    I didn't believe in Internet dating. However, met my now wife on yahoo personal years ago! Dated for 2 years, now married and with a 2 year old daughter. I am still not sure what happened, fate! Go figure.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    No offence to anyone who have met their partner through internet but I was just wondering what's your thought on this topic?

    I personally wouldn't do internet dating because for me I see it as "What is the point in all this, if you cant hold your man/women in person, go out to dinner or just hang out in general, and how you know if he is actually faithful," for me you can never trust someone's words .

    So what's the difference between the words someone tells you to your face and the ones they tell you through a screen? Both can be lies.

    I'm just curious as I've heard this a lot but people seem to think that when the internet is involved that it's all subject to more quesiton than if it's right in front of you.
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    I met my partner on POF 3 years ago and two children later were still very much together :))
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I don't personally see the point of internet dating if that is all it will ever be, but if internet dating is only a precursor to meeting in person and having an actual relationship, then I see no reason not to. It's a great way to meet new people and I happen to think it's better than going to a local bar to meet someone. It can be unsafe however, so I hope those who choose to do it take every precaution. I also don't think most people set out to exclusively internet date, but perhaps develop feelings for someone they happened to have met online. I think most people who go on dating websites have the hopes of someday meeting the other person? I don't know... I've never done it before, but those are my thoughts.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    Here's my opinion:

    I met my husband online (well from myspace) but I would never start a relationship with someone off the internet that didn't live close so we could eventually meet face-to-face.

    As far as the whole "They could be LYING!" bit, I say anyone can lie about anything. Even straight to your face, if you meet at a bar or library or where ever. It's easy to come up with a story and tell yourself it's the truth and get someone to believe it.

    I don't think internet dating is bad, but just like anything else one should use caution and many safety measures to ensure they are kept safe, which I recommend for anyone going out to meet someone. I just wouldn't do the long distance thing because I want to actually be around you if we are going to be together.
  • achief192
    achief192 Posts: 192
    You probably should distinguish between "long distance relationship" and "internet dating". You can meet someone on the internet and have dinner with them the next night if they live in your area.

    My opinion is that the internet is just another way to meet new people. Especially for shy people like myself :)
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    While I currently have a profile on an internet dating site (and everything I've listed is 100% true) I find myself not taking it seriously.

    Call me old fashioned (and I am) but I want to meet someone "randomly"

    I mainly have my profile for curiosity's sake. I'd be the first person gone if curiosity really did kill the cat :wink:
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I didn't meet my partner on the internet, but, here are two thoughts...
    1) How do you ever know someone isn't cheating? You have to trust that someone is being honest with you even if they are local. My husband spent half of the first four years of our relationship away (he was in the military), he couldn't check up on me. Now, even though he's out and we live together, we're not together every moment, I don't check up on him or go through his stuff (or vice versa), because we TRUST each other.
    2) A lot of internet dating sites are set up so you can meet someone near you, and have been for a long time.