

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Lovely day here in Canada's National Capital, lovely and sunny and cold - only -19c, but it doesn't look like there is any wind. Haven't been outside yet.

    I envy those of you who have pets and can empathize with those who are having pet-health problems. I know what a hard decision it is to have to take when we have to say good-bye to our companions. The local pet shop has a border collie pup and both my DBF and I love borders, and our last dog was a mostly border mix. Had all the herding attributes and loved to jump into the pool for a cool off swim on a hot day. Yesterday the border collie was out of the display so both of us had a chance to pet her. However, before we had got out of the mall, I was wheezing and my eyes were itching. I hate being allergic to dogs as I'd have loved to bring her home with me. I think it has got worse as I was ok when we had our dog - perhaps it is just because she was a puppy and I'd need to get used to her - but I'm not willing to try right now.

    Have to spend a while and enter all the dates for my aquafit classes and doctor's appointments in my new diary.

    Welcome to all the newcomers - you will find this a very supportive group.

    Tracked everything again yesterday and managed to keep under the totals in most categories except protein.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, and BTW, my name's Linda. I don't mind giving my 1st name, and it's a lot shorter than my screen name.
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?
  • debloves2ride
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?
    if you are doing all that work out, you may need to eat a little more. but it is only a week and your body may need to adjust a little. give it some time! I figure it took me awhile to pack this on, it is going to take awhile to unpack :)
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?

    I'd go with the not enough calories answer above. While it makes no sense to most of us you lose more weight by feeding your body what it needs than by dieting.

    This is what I have learned over the last year: You need to feed yourself a minimum amount of calories (let's say 1200 for the sake of throwing out a number - everyone is different). This needs to be the "net" at the end of the day so if you workout for an hour and use up more calories you need to feed your body so that your daily total consumed doesn't go below what you need to keep your body functioning properly. Also, if you aren't used to working out do you think you could be adding muscle weight?

  • etremoi53
    etremoi53 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow! Just the group I am looking for. I had a good December in that I did not gain weight. I was able to maintain. I was just looking over the board for a few new women friends in my age bracket. Thanks for being here.:smile: I am 53 and my goal is to lose the next pound. I decided to go pound by pound and celebrate each one.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My big question of the day is: I started logging my actual water yesterday - and while the flavored water I drink has no calories it is quite high in sodium as I found out yesterday. My question is - if I'm not reaching my sodium ?goal? on this site even with the water should I be concerned? I know I should be drinking tap water but honestly the tap water at work is soooooo bad! I'm convinced that whatever comes out of that tap cannot be better for me than the bottled variety. Any thoughts?


    First off the default goal on MFP is 2500mg and if you haven't changed it, it is probably too high. Today most guidelines suggest aroung 1500mg for those of us over 50. There are a lot of low calorie low sodium water flavors out there. Safeway brand "shake and run" has 0 and most crystal lights have 0-5mg. other options are filtering your tap water so it tastes better, freezing bits of fruit or berries and using those as ice to slighty change the taste of water works too. Good luck :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Just bumping girls, supposed to be at work. Ooops!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Major head cold. Vise grip around my head, feel like I swallowed glass and I can't breath. Stayed home from work today and plan to sleep alot. :sick:

    I hope you are all having a better day than me.

    Robin and the Bodi boy
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?

    i agree with the other posters on this...you may need more of the good calories...maybe more protein.....but watch for the the net calories, you should not be below 1200.....also the calorie count on the exercise portion of MFP tends to a bit high, just an FYI....good luck:flowerforyou:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Deethinner: I understand your frustration...it is likely a combination of things, so be patient! (building muscle, too much sodium?, and just being our age...sob!:cry: ) Try mixing up your workouts a little and the number of calories you eat, just don't add junk to get to the number you need. (Eat as many simple veggies as you can). And Water, Water, Water! It does help. And as our Barbie says: Never, ever give up! Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Goodness, so many new people. I can't remember, was it as busy as this last new year?

    It's been howling a gale here in London today - and rain like you wouldn't believe! At 5:30 this morning I was already being blown around when I left home to get over to my grandtwins (who were particularly adorable today ... Molly has now decided that it is a good plan to remove my socks and hide them, as well as my boots, so I can't leave! Not only that, but she hides each item in a different place ... cunning for a little 13 month old! I think she talks Teddy into keeping me amused whilst she hides them ... such a pair!)

    I must remember to call the doctor tomorrow to arrange the scan on my tummy - I'm still having problems with it. The most embarrassing thing is the rumbling noise it makes! No joking, my DH could hear it from the next room. It sounds like a tiger!

    My fridge is finally empty of all the Christmas/New Year food and drink. To be honest, I didn't overindulge, I must have trained myself well. There is some alcohol left, but it's been put into the pantry for when we have guests. I have entered my third year without alcohol and I am so proud to be able to say that. DH will very occasionally have a drink - maybe two, but never any more than that. He gets horrendous migraines so has always been cautious about booze, because he reckons he couldn't handle the aftermath.

    I suppose I should start thinking about preparing the evening meal rather than sitting at a computer.

    Have a good day my friends.
    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :smile: sending a smile sun to all, good happy tuesday day, havung a good morning logging in good ,work out on wii off and on i love basketball and bowling its almost as if i really am playing, were is our snow i love the four seasons in new england,
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member

    First off the default goal on MFP is 2500mg and if you haven't changed it, it is probably too high. Today most guidelines suggest aroung 1500mg for those of us over 50. There are a lot of low calorie low sodium water flavors out there. Safeway brand "shake and run" has 0 and most crystal lights have 0-5mg. other options are filtering your tap water so it tastes better, freezing bits of fruit or berries and using those as ice to slighty change the taste of water works too. Good luck :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I didn't know you could change the guidelines. I've found where I can change what I monitor (and that was another nightmare because really what are the right things to monitor????) Anyway how do I change the amounts?
    I never thought of using frozen fruit to flavour my home tap water. Then it might stay cold all day at work too! Great idea.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Dear Ladies:

    Wow, there are just far too many posts and way too many Newcomers, which is a good thing, Welcome one and all. I can't wait to get to know you all :flowerforyou:

    I am sort of glad to have the Christmas break over and done and to get back to the "norma" routine, if that makes any sense??

    I am like Michele, I got rid of the treats out of the house with the kids, so there is nothing left, I did not want anything but fruit etc. I did make some bad choices and I am up almost 2 lbs but I am not changing my ticker because I am giving myself a bit of time to get this weight off :grumble:

    My son that is in the military and DIL and granddaughter were over yesterday for the day (and stayed overnight) and then my other son and DIL and the other 2 grandkids were over for the day, just my middle son could not make it as he is a tattoo artist (that is what they are called so he tells me) and he owns his own shop and he already had appointments booked. But, nevertheless, we had a good day and I was glad to see my son as I had not seen him since he was posted on his last mission away in early October. Since he just did a mission, he is off work for a few weeks now, which is just as well, as his wife, my DIL is going in on Jan 9th to have her gallbladder removed. She is in the military too so she will be off for a couple of weeks as well recovering. They left for home this morning :sad:

    I see so many great goals being set for this year; aren't we an amazing group :drinker:

    I hope that those that are dealing with adversity can find the support they need from within our pages, I know I have when I have needed it.

    Well, Ladies, I am at work and I really should make a pretense of work, shouldn't I :laugh:

    Talk to you later. Take care of yourselves.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I was reading today's USA Today Life section at lunch and I found an article about an MFPer from Rochester NY who lost 135 lbs! Hurray for her!:drinker: I thought you may want to read it. Inspirational! :smile:
  • scompton54

    .....also the calorie count on the exercise portion of MFP tends to a bit high, just an FYI.

    I thought this was the case too and the calorie counters on a lot of machines may be a bit low.
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    A quick post from work. I feel like I'm cheating because I don't think this is an "approved" site. Although my company is really big on fitness and losing weight, so maybe they changed their mind?

    Mary/Mimi: So glad to know I'm not the only one with parental issues even at this age! My latest "slacker" phase came about because of Mom issues. Same kind of thing: she's under a tremendous amount of stress due to health issues for her and her husband. She's in Florida, so it's not as intense as it could be. But I'll be going down for five days in less than 3 weeks. I am definitely taking my laptop!

    Bea: I can't tolerate tap water AT ALL. Most of the areas where I've worked (I've been with this company almost 18 years) had a water cooler paid for by the employees. Where I am now doesn't, so I brought in a Britta filtered pitcher, which I can keep in the refrigerator. Britta and probably other companies also make filtered individual bottles.

    Catch you later!

  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm in too. Have been an athlete for over 20 years, but the last few, since I turned 60 seem to be an avalanche of negative stuff. Now I'm turning 66 this month and need to find the old me. Exercise has to be fun, or I don't want to do it. If there are any of you living in the Tigard Oregon area, I would enjoy some walks and bike riding. I am a rower (racing shells) and have a double and a single stored down on the Willamette. My husband and I row together but sometimes new partners spice things up a bit. I'll watch for any interest here.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 57. I need to lose 30 lbs. I started one week ago today. I work out for 1 hour every day on the tredmil doing differnet programs on it for one hour. Then I use weights. I have been following a 1200 cal a day diet and logging everything I eat and today I weighed in and have not lost not even 1 lb. This is very upsetting. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi. Is the walking a fairly new thing for you, or have you been walking a while?

    As someone else mentioned, even though walking isn't considered a "strength training" exercise, if you had been inactive previously and just started walking, you will gain some muscle. If you lost a lb of fat and put on a lb of muscle, the scale wouldn't register any change, but your measurements should go down. I record my measurements once a month, so that when that scale gets stuck, I can still see progress.