Who believes in Internet Dating?



  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    i found my fiance on HERE :) want looking for him. . . he happened to be on my friends list when my ex broke up with me and he was the only one there for me. . . and later on we decided we were together. . . your right u cant know if ther cheating but technically u cant know even if u r together. . . u cant have a relationship long distance or not if u cant trust tht person. with that being said he makes me happy! we may not get to c eachother as often as we wud like but we know itll get better :) yes its hard but if someones worth it then u trust em and be with them any way :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Its rough. I met my fiance on this site....but you have to put trust in that person and that person has to trust you.

    Communication is KEY. And tou have to have a plan to not be long distance anymore.

    I also think if you dismiss it, you are limiting yourself from finding "the one". How the heck did I know my one was 11.5 hours away. If it wasnt for the internet I probably would have never found her
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Meeting people online, tt cant be any worse than the people I meet in person. Ive met alot of good women and some bad ones. I quit looking for women in bars well because lets just say ive learned that you cant shake a *kitten* tree and expect an angel to fall out. I dont care how I meet good woman as long I meet them. Online is perfect for career and business professionals who dont have the time to get out and put themselves out there.

    Online is alittle harder for us guys because of the amount of shirtless guys posing in the mirror constantly messaging women with penis pics. Guys? Ive never heard a woman say that works. Your penis is not a worm on a hook trying to catch a catfish. I have alot of female friends on pof, the stories they tell. The women get discouraged and delete their accounts. We ave to catch them as soon as they create one. Ive had alot of luck on Match. I met my last girlfriend on Match and she was a good catch. Pof is the worst. My favorite is Meetup and surprisingly, this site, ive met some really good people.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I do not think I would go to an internet dating site as match.com or the like to meet somebody. I just doubt that many of those profiles are truthful. People can represent themselves as they want and invent a double life.
    About the whole double life thing, EXACTLY THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! :) At least your man was only an hour away which is great, not in another country.

    SAME issue here. I have had two boyfriends pull the double life BS on me now. One guy when I moved away and the other was just a jerk and turned out to be making match.com profiles, etc. I do not trust online dating and I take anything said online by anyone with a grain of salt after them!
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    I met my husband over 10 yrs ago on an internet dating site, we will have our 8th wedding anniversary in April this year :-) we have 2 great kids and are doing MFP together right now :-) we are very happy and hope to have a long life together :-) so for me (and I was skeptical at the time if internet dating would work for me!) it was a very successful way to meet someone!
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I don't internet date. Meeting men is easy, first dates are so fun and weeding out the bad is easy.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I quit looking for women in bars well because lets just say ive learned that you cant shake a *kitten* tree and expect an angel to fall out.
    Online is alittle harder for us guys because of the amount of shirtless guys posing in the mirror constantly messaging women with penis pics. Guys? Ive never heard a woman say that works. Your penis is not a worm on a hook trying to catch a catfish.

    HAHAHA! This made me laugh so hard!
  • NikkiWork
    NikkiWork Posts: 24 Member
    Well I met my husband online Feb 26,2002 (yahoo chat) wasn't looking for anyone, just chatting & he just happened to catch my interest! Did I mention he lived in TX & I lived in WI, yep 19-20 hr drive so it wasn't easy! We met in person Jan 1, 2003 he flew to me, with many visits we decided that it was time one of us needed to move, it was me! June 14, 2004 I moved to TX! We married Feb 26, 2005 (exactly 3 yrs after we met) we'll be married 7 years this year and together 10...I don't think its for everyone and it can be dangerous but it worked for us!
  • NikkiWork
    NikkiWork Posts: 24 Member
    Well I met my husband online Feb 26,2002 (yahoo chat) wasn't looking for anyone, just chatting & he just happened to catch my interest! Did I mention he lived in TX & I lived in WI, yep 19-20 hr drive so it wasn't easy! We met in person Jan 1, 2003 he flew to me, with many visits we decided that it was time one of us needed to move, it was me! June 14, 2004 I moved to TX! We married Feb 26, 2005 (exactly 3 yrs after we met) we'll be married 7 years this year and together 10...I don't think its for everyone and it can be dangerous but it worked for us!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I do not think I would go to an internet dating site as match.com or the like to meet somebody. I just doubt that many of those profiles are truthful. People can represent themselves as they want and invent a double life.
    About the whole double life thing, EXACTLY THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! :) At least your man was only an hour away which is great, not in another country.

    SAME issue here. I have had two boyfriends pull the double life BS on me now. One guy when I moved away and the other was just a jerk and turned out to be making match.com profiles, etc. I do not trust online dating and I take anything said online by anyone with a grain of salt after them!

    Everyone should do their due diligence checking people out (background checks) etc whether you meet IRL or online - no difference. They are a stranger to you when you 1st meet. For every BS story made up online I could probably show you someone IRL who makes up BS too. One of my best friends married the biggest BSer ever, found in real life. You can meet winners and losers both ways.... be cautious.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    you cant shake a *kitten* tree and expect an angel to fall out.

    HA - love it
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I believe in Internet dating, its just another way of meeting people. people can just has well lie face to face. Your on MPF your forming a relationship on here, it might not be dating but its still a relationship, and who no one might meet their husband or wife on this very site.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    No offense taken... I met my hubby online... But I do agree, you have to be VERY careful. I believe I was blessed. I got me a good one. We've been happily married over 10 years!!! :wink:
  • Internet Dating is so broad now..i mean..there is...Date matching sites...you chat it up get to know the person thenn go on a first date. ..Then there is catching someone in a chat room and and instant messaging everyday for months until you decide u wanna take it further and skype and have phone conversations....then finally you meet up....i think as long as your honest with yourself and the other person internet dating can work out just fine...you just be just as cautious as you would if u met a person in walmart....lol i mean...people are always like You dont knwo this person and blah blah blah..but ...these days you cant just date within ur group of friend to be safee. You dont know the person you meet while ur out either..and just cuz you see them in rl doesnt mean they arent a dang Serial killer. <<biggest excuse people give for not meeting someone online
  • I'm on board with most of the people on here. I think that online dating is no different than actual dating. There are liars, cheaters, total creepers in any avenue you take. Just trust your instincts and do your research. I have met a lot of really great people online and I've also met a lot of people that need a high five in the face with a chair. Every situation is what you make it.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    I do not think I would go to an internet dating site as match.com or the like to meet somebody. I just doubt that many of those profiles are truthful. People can represent themselves as they want and invent a double life.
    About the whole double life thing, EXACTLY THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! :) At least your man was only an hour away which is great, not in another country.

    Well.. I first met the one that will turn out to be my husband in his home country, England... . I had been living there for a while while learning English and working, so I met him the summer before I went back to Spain. I barely talked to him. He was just the very handsome and fit man I had ever seen, with such a cute smile, that I thought I wouldn't mind marrying (I had very clear I wanted to remain single all my life until I saw him, never seen a guy before and thought of him as marriage potential)... however I didn't get to date him or anything, he was just a friend of a friend, we crossed a couple of words, a couple of pics, and that was it. I didn't even know by then he was married, and had two daughters!!.

    I am Spanish, and I went back to Spain, ended up having a boyfriend, going back to England, going to my English friend's wedding (the one that introduced us) and completely forgot about this "potential hubby" guy. Until 5 years later... one happy day of his birthday, he found me on Facebook... and told me he was a friend of my friend, and if I remembered him. I was in shock! so I replied... and he replied, and I replied back.. and we ended dating 3 months later, as I had in my plans already going back to live in London, an hour away from where he lived, so well, it was somewhat still feasible. But until I saw him in real life, I had no idea whether I would still like him phisically, and in fact, on our first date, I doubted at first... but accidentally we kissed, with those Spanish two kisses we were meant to give us, and it ended in one short kiss in the mouth, and a second one, to sort of improve the accidental one... but yeah... 4 years and 3 days after he found me online... we are married for a year and 3 months.. and already have a baby of 6 months!:D

    But don't forget.. there has been 3 months of online-dating, somehow. :D And even more, as I went to England, lived with him for some months, and had to go back to Spain for 9 months to finish my Degree, so most of that time has been online dating. :D
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Online dating is the new singles bar to meet at. lol I met my husband of 4 years in March on Yahoo 360. (before they shut it down.) Its harder to date someone long distance since you don't see them every day like someone local, but the wait was so worth it!

    People can lie to your face in person just as easily as they can long distance. I found though, that through talking to John daily, and talking to his friends, I really got to know who he was. I even emailed his ex and we had long talks too which helped me to get to know the real him.

    No need to be afraid to date online if your careful and take your time getting to know the person. Its not for everyone though and if your not comfortable doing it, than don't. Always stick to what makes you feel safe! :)
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I married my High School Sweetheart but would have been open to online dating or meeting someone on match.com (or similar site) if we weren't married. I have several friends in long term relationships from meeting online and then dating in person. They are super cute, well matched couples.
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in nachande's boat as well. My wife and I meet on "Plenty of Fish" in 2008 and we now have been together for 3 plus years and married 2... we have a beautiful 2 yr old daughter and a 2 month old son. I think the most benificial thing I found in looking for a partner on the internet was the ability to get past only looks and find someone who truly had those passions and desires that I was looking for as well as a beauty... just look her up "mommyj2009". We both are on here as she tries to loss some of that baby fat and we support each other in our daily eating habits. We want to establish good eating habits for our children.

    We both love soccer and that was a great bond for us... I mean come on, which is creepier... meeting the women of my dreams online or a 30-something guy hanging around womens soccer games trying to pick one of them up after a match.... I mean when I met my wife, just her and one other lady was single on the team. :)

    I say try the traditional way... and try the internet way and just get out there and mingle. When I was young early 20's in Hawaii... of course the night life was the way to go... but as you age and mature, and realize what you are really looking for.... sometimes it helps to narrow down the search.

    Best of luck in your search.
  • Well, I'm career focused so I've been off the dating scene for some time now, haha.

    With that being said, I don't think that internet dating is a "bad" thing. Yes, people can invent double lives, but guess what? They can do the EXACT same thing in person.

    I have a friend who dated a guy she met in person. This guy had told her that he was an engineer, 23 (he did look young) and lived in the city. They dated for about a month, but she started to feel iffy about him, because he never wanted to meet at his place, but had exempt that before, simply because she thought he was being a white knight picking her up for dates. Long story short, she ended up getting a knock at the door and lo and behold it's the guys wife! That's right, this guy was actually 36, worked in the city, but lived in the out skirts and he works as a plumber.

    With online dating, because you're lacking the physical interactions, you're geared on the emotional. Which for some proves a stronger than the average couple.

    About the trust. Relationships are all about trust. If you don't trust your spouse then why be with them? Sure, they may cheat on you, but they can do the same in real life (and of course this is a supported fact) and not everyone's a cheater.

    Bottom line, I wouldn't shut down a relationship option simply because it's online. You can meet with people and you should if you're together and if you're happy together then all the power to you.