Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    Dear rude lady at work today,

    I am not going to break privacy policies to do want you want me to do and get fired. So sorry for just doing my job and "screwing the rest of the world over"
    Have a nice day ***** :)
    You must work for Comcast
    Nope I work at a bank and refused to cash a check that wasn't even made out to her
  • trout78
    trout78 Posts: 102
    If it takes me longer to finish a task because I keep getting interupted with other important things, get over it! At least I am willing to finish the task instead of handing it off to someone else! You would think that is a desirable quality in someone, not a bad one!
  • trout78
    trout78 Posts: 102
    If it takes me longer to finish a task because I keep getting interupted with other important things, get over it! At least I am willing to finish the task instead of handing it off to someone else! You would think that is a desirable quality in someone, not a bad one!
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    Dear Practically Everyone who Walks Into My Bank,

    I appreciate your business, more than you know. But if you're not on the person's account, don't ask for the person's account info! It's not yours! And when I tell you I can't give it to you, don't give me **** about it! And while you're at it, yes you do need to fill out a DEPOSIT SLIP to make a DEPOSIT. Fully. In its entirety. Yes, that means your full name. And address. And amount you're depositing. No, you can't abbreviate your city name- don't be lazy! And business owners, for Heaven's Sake, don't wait until Friday and deposit 80 frikin' bags into our night drop! We have **** to do in the morning, people, and especially after the weekend. Be considerate!!!


    Your Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    Dear Teller,

    I hand you money, my atm card and my id, you do the rest. That's your job and partially the reason why your bank charges such
    exorbitant fees.

    Thank you.
    Actually its not the tellers job. The customer really needs to fill our their own deposit slip(especially when dealing with cash) for their protection and the tellers. So they can't come back and say, I gave you this much and you only deposited this much or you put it in the wrong account and now I have overdraft fees etc.... Customers need to be responsible for their own money. Although I don't know why a deposit slip would require the customer to write out their address on it.....
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Dear F*cker who was tail-gating me in your lifted truck with the balls hanging from the back,

    I was already going 10 over the speed limit, in the middle lane. If it is not fast enough for you- go the hell around me.


    annoyed sun bear
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    double post <3
  • Dear ex husband/my daughters father,

    Get a job and help pay for at least a portion of your child's extracurricular activities. If you have the money to go see your new girlfriend in another town and take her and her kid out, then I really think that you could afford to fork out a few bucks to take care of your own child. Last I check, dance class, clothes, books, piano lessons, and pottery class wasn't free! Man up and get a job like the rest of us.

    And you wonder why I divorced you.

  • Dear spoiled brat,

    Stop being being such a whinning baby. If you are not satisfied with your life do something about it.
  • coll14
    coll14 Posts: 2
    Dear u know who you are..........when I told you about my plans to lose the weight...you scoffed at me...and told me I could not lose 30 pounds by May..................I lost my cool...and ate.......but I am not going to do it again!! I am only hurting me and proving you right....so oh nay nay.........we'll see who is right!!!!
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Dear 9th graders....

    If you are in my 8th period class, please decide to skip tomorrow! The end :)


    Teacher who already misses her vacay!
  • Dear Dogs,

    Please stop looking at me with those sad eyes. I will not share my food with you when I am counting every calorie.


    Lol I do this with people!!!! If they ask for a bite of something I am thinking to myself 'But I already counted those calories!'
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Dear Elderly Lady that Works Across the Hall:

    Stop undressing me with your eyes.


    Awww, let her have her thrills. :laugh:
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Dear Big *kitten*:

    Ok I know I begged and pleaded to have you and for you to be mine.. but I think its time we say goodbye.. I mean.. well.. this just isnt working out.. I look in the mirror I see you.. I cant even get dressed without you getting in the way.. and heck those cute jeans you just ruin them for me because dang it you just dont fit.in ...you are just a stalker gone bad... every time I turn around YOU are there.... I know break ups can be hard and Im sorry but I really would like to have me back.. I kinda lost myself when you showed up.. and well.. I dont want to be tied down anymore.....no sweet good byes Just go!


    wanna be buttless
  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    Dear Fellow Citizens on the Road,

    YIELD does NOT mean the same thing as STOP! Let's take a look.

    Exhibit One: YIELD
    Exhibit Two: STOP

    See? Very different.

    So please, PLEASE stop stopping at yield signs when there is obviously no one coming for miles!! Slow down and then PROCEED, for the love of all things holy, before I lose my front bumper!


    Your Fellow Driver :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    People stupid enough to annoy me get more than a letter...lol

    sir, you are pretty damn funny!! This is about the 4th thread I have read your comments on and they always make me laugh.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    To whomever sext me TWICE last weekend ... wrong number. Seriously, dude.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Dear stupid boy that I am in love with,
    I am too good for you. By the time you realize your new gf is a b*tch, I will be way out of your league and you will be left drooling while I am with someone 10x hotter, smarter, and wealthier.

    Wow, I feel better.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    double post
  • dear coworker,
    I realize we have it tough. we have a pretty good chance of getting beat up every shift we work, and our company sucks(we work with autistic kids). but really, showing up 15 minutes late for your shift? without calling? or apologizing once you got there? You know that I'm legally bound to stay behind and maintain the right staff ratio, right? no matter how much you can't stand my company, all you're saying is that your time is more important than mine.
    seems like a disproportionate response?
    4th time in a row.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Dear Practically Everyone who Walks Into My Bank,

    I appreciate your business, more than you know. But if you're not on the person's account, don't ask for the person's account info! It's not yours! And when I tell you I can't give it to you, don't give me **** about it! And while you're at it, yes you do need to fill out a DEPOSIT SLIP to make a DEPOSIT. Fully. In its entirety. Yes, that means your full name. And address. And amount you're depositing. No, you can't abbreviate your city name- don't be lazy! And business owners, for Heaven's Sake, don't wait until Friday and deposit 80 frikin' bags into our night drop! We have **** to do in the morning, people, and especially after the weekend. Be considerate!!!


    Your Friendly Neighborhood Teller

    Dear Teller,

    I hand you money, my atm card and my id, you do the rest. That's your job and partially the reason why your bank charges such
    exorbitant fees.

    Thank you.
    Actually its not the tellers job. The customer really needs to fill our their own deposit slip(especially when dealing with cash) for their protection and the tellers. So they can't come back and say, I gave you this much and you only deposited this much or you put it in the wrong account and now I have overdraft fees etc.... Customers need to be responsible for their own money. Although I don't know why a deposit slip would require the customer to write out their address on it.....

    at my bank we are required to have at least a city and state, maybe not a full address... but it is because we are so large that if your name is bobby johnson, chances are that there are 5000 others of u in the same state.

    i personally get tired of filling out slips ALL day so i just dont. mayeb a few, but seriously,,, for EVERYONE>?? and making the line wait? and then getting graded on wait time and secret shops... so meanwhile im pissing off the people waiting cuz someone cant fill out a slip at the deposit table.

    then when they have 5 accts and say "just put it in my acct" and i pick the one that comes up first (primary) of course its wrong and they bounce checks and then its my fault too for filling it out with the wrong acct and i get bitc*d out for doing it wrong, all because it "my job"

    the BANK charges the fees, not me and my small salary.

    if you can WRITE, do it.