Looking for Turbo Fire Buddies

Hello! I am a 38/F mom of 1 who just joined Beach Body and started Turbo Fire on 12/26. My BB coach is a dear friend from 6th grade who recently changed his health and lifestyle this last year. He invited me to a challenge that begins on 1/9, but I wanted to get moving as soon as I got it. I also do 1/2 scoop of Shakeology a day. I am out of shape and trying to stay motivated to keep doing the TF workouts. Would love some TF buddies to connect with!


  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey I am starting turbo fire around the 7th of jan. I am doing some of the videos now but I'm going out of town this week so I decided to start on the 7th. I also rearranged a few of the videos to facilitate my running schedule but I would love to get some motivation from others doing the program. Will there be a group?
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i have been doing turbo fire since aug. i love it, add me
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    My coach is will be hosting a private group page on FB, but I really like MFP (Fitness Pal) and I can use all the motivation I can get! So welcome! Let's do this! :)

    I am struggling with the workout, but it's only the first week. I do the lower impact in some sections, but am looking forward to when I will be able to complete them all at a higher intensity. I really love the calorie tracking on here too, although it is a huge adjustment to my diet and eating habits. That's a GOOD thing, but I need to make sure and get enough calories throughout the day without going over.

    Is anyone also doing Shakeology? Is anyone else using a heart rate monitor or body bugg?
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I definitely have a hard time with some of the moves but I am learning pretty quickly. I use a hrm and I've found that turbo fire gives pretty good burn in comparison to other workouts, and it's fun so I love it. My favorite is the hiit ones. They are short and burn a lot of calories!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    I think I am going to get the FT4 HRM this next week. My challenge starts on 1/9, but I leave for a conference and then cruise on 1/11 (I'll be gone for 9-10 days) so I think that will help me stay on track. Not sure I will pack my DVDs, but I am packing my gym clothes and will be going! I am traveling with a couple gals who are new runners and have lost 76-100 lbs over this past year, so they will drag me out of my room to work out! I am not a runner...I used to run XCountry in school, but never really enjoyed it, but I can power walk!

    I went shopping with a friend yesterday (She's a size 6) and I hate it when I walk into a store and the "XL" is a size 12. Goodness...it sucks! But, I am looking forward to being able to get in shape, change my habits and shop off the racks!

    Happy New Year everyone! I am glad you're here and I look forward to our journey!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I am doing Week one, almost ready for Week two. I should preface that my saying that I started with the Prep schedule and ended up doing that longer than the nine weeks. Before I got Turbo Fire I did Zumba DVDs and KettleWorx for a year. I like many parts of TF, but I do miss Zumba and KW. I am going to have to come up with a good hybrid schedule once I'm done with the 12 weeks of TF.

    Add me if you would like - congrats on making good changes in your fitness!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Welcome everyone - thanks for being here!! I am happy to find TF addicts like me! (And I do add in elliptical, Zumba, bike riding with my family, outdoor walks and hikes etc.)

    No shakeology peeps though?
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    No I don't do the shakeology thing, even when I did insanity. I'm always a little weary of that sort if thing..my body will always tell me what I need...if I need to ear more calories or protein, so I find I do just fine. How do you like it? what does it do for you?
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    I am leery too, but I do like it. It does curb cravings and I don't feel sluggish or constipated like others. Sorry for the TMI! I don't drink the full amt or drink it every day, but I do like it for on the go when I don't have time for a reg healthy meal.
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    For the most part, I am pretty good at eating well on the go so I don't think the drink is right for me, but I'm sure it works for many other people. Just for fun I did the tf hiit 15 workout today and I loved it like always. 142 calories burned in 15 mins (which is actually really good for me since I am already in decent shape).
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I'll be starting February 1st since I'll be finishing up ChaLean Extreme right before then. I am so excited for you!

  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    hey ladies, just so you know, there are already groups for turbo fire that discuss the same topics you are! under the community tab, click groups and you can search there for like minded people :) (or at least like minded exercisers)
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Thanks for the tip - I had figured there were probably existing TF groups. I just wanted to start a new one with newbies. :)

    I am sore from EZ55 yesterday (I overdid the squats) and am a tad slow from NYE so I will likely do some cardio on the elliptical. My little man is sick today too, so we're just laying low. Back on it tomorrow though! My new workout area is all set up!

    Happy New Year!
  • TinaAK
    TinaAK Posts: 18 Member
    I ordered Turbo Fire and it should be here tomorrow!!!
    I'm so excited to start. I have done Turbo Jam and found that I really like the kickboxing!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Welcome Tina! I am enjoying TF and feeling and sleeping better each day!

    My only "issue" right now is that I've gained weight since last week. I lost 2 lbs a few days in and then have gained around 4. Thinking it might be some water weight??? I have stayed below my calories and have been working out...we'll see what the next few days brings. In the meantime, I did TF Core 20 today and a small elliptical workout. I have tons of housework to do, so that will burn more calories as well. :)
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Whew! Scale looks better today! That will teach me from getting on it every day. I do know better. :blushing:
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    I just started Turbo Fire today! I followed the schedule and did the TF30 and Stretch 10. I'd love to join this group!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    WTG Lanna! What did you think? I am on week 2 and I really like it!
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    I really like it! I've only done the 1st day though...I've done it twice now. I'm sort of scared to move on. :P
  • I am doing the Prep schedule on week 5 right now but slacked during the holidays.