


  • The only thing I changed in my coffee and I drink alot of it a day is I went down to light half and half cream and started using sugar twin instead of sugar
  • hollowdoll
    hollowdoll Posts: 16 Member
    Here's the progression of my coffee drinking over the years:

    based on 12 ounce cups...

    10 years ago: 3 packets of sugar and a huge pour of flavored creamer (this almost makes me gag thinking about it now)
    5 years ago: Just a huge pour of flavored creamer
    1 year ago: 2 packets of sugar and a huge pour of half & half
    Now: 1/2 tsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp. of half & half...but the trick here is that I new brew our coffee with cinnamon in it (put it in the filter before the grounds). Not only are there health benefits of the cinnamon, but it drastically cut down on the sugar and creamer I was putting in!

    definitely going to try the cinnamon trick... thanks :)
  • Tamber1969
    Tamber1969 Posts: 11 Member
    I like the Almond milk but find that it isn't "creamy" enough for my taste. What about Fat Free Half and Half and a drop of vanilla extract? I've tried the Stevia and think it is GROSSSSSS!!!! I like Splenda or Equal just fine.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I am making many changes with my eating habits and one of these includes my morning coffee. I like it with lots of Splenda and flavored creamer. I have not had any at all since Jan. 1st, but it's killing me! I am trying to stay low carb, low calories. Any suggestions on what are good alternatives to Splenda and flavored creamer? I can't drink it black. Blek! Thank you.

    I'm the same, I needs my morning coffee and can't stand it blek either :laugh:
    I use sugar free flavored creamer and use Pure Via for the sweetener. The sugar free is lower in calories than fat free.
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Curious as to why you chose the low carb/cal route, do you have a metabolic disorder limiting your carbs? If not you may find your diet a little easier to adhere to, if it wasn't too restrictive

    This! ^^

    What's wrong with Splenda? I say go with Splenda and low calorie flavored creamer.

    This and....this ;)
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Stevia instead of sugar?

    Some people can do it. I am not one. But it is sweet.

    I tried stevia, I couldn't stand the taste either.
    Nothing is wrong with Splenda( only a few carbs) Stevia smells wierd, its ok but I like either Equal or Splenda..yeah I know they cause cancer, so does evrything else. I use splenda and 2 tsp. of dry creamer- sometimes no sweetener-, but today I was like, I dont want extra calories so I had/am having it Black, its not bad, its a lot better for you too...Dont we eat things were not to fond of that tasted kinda different? Why not have your coffee Black or slowly go black...You dont have to give up coffee, its not bad for you , maybe if you put a bunch of sugar in it...
  • dawngrasso
    dawngrasso Posts: 35 Member
    try the sugar free/fat free International Delights or Coffee Mate creamers - remember everything in moderation - don't deprive yourself
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Not sure how many calories are in your creamer, but almond milk might be a good alternative.
  • Coffee's fine - people tell you it's a diuretic but studies I have seen measuring the impact say the effect is insignificant given the amount of water you consume when having a cup. It’s also shown to decrease risk of prostate cancer (not that you care). This isn't quoting cherry-picked studies from the industry, either. You can get to liking black by slowly reducing the amount of stuff over time. It's easier to frankly.
  • TheNaturalNanny
    TheNaturalNanny Posts: 27 Member
    I had cut myself down to just the flavored creamer and slowly backed off that so i wasnt over doing it. I kicked the coffee habit but untill I did I just made sure to compensate for the calories elsewhere. If yoru drinking multiple cups in a day, try cutting back on how many you drink. I was finallyl down to one cup for the longest time, enough for my morning fix and that was it.

    i also agree with someone who posted above about the cutting carbs etc... if there is no medical need to be that restrictive, then dont. Moderation and balance is the key, strict restrictions set you up for failure later.
  • mp13cat
    mp13cat Posts: 26 Member
    I'm pretty sure I would fall over dead if I gave up my coffee. I take it with a packet of Truvia and 1/4 cup of 2% milk. Yes the milk has calories, but I tell myself that the benefit of the calcium outweighs the con of the calories.
  • Cln294
    Cln294 Posts: 1 Member
    TheNaturalNan is right - switching to the flavored coffee can help you eliminate/lower the sugar and creamer, while still letting you love your coffee in the a.m. Just be careful with the flavorings - she's dead on with the cinnamon. The smell is heavenly, and it has a wonderful taste that isn't bitter in the least. Vanilla Nut Cream is also a great choice. Unless you like really strong coffee with a slight bite or bitterness, stay away from any chocolate or cocoa flavorings, as well as french vanilla.
  • Oh and when I was working out before work, I'd add a shot of espresso to my chocolate whey protien (made with 2% instead of water) because I was so full of fluids after a protien shake and coffee. It's mocha flavored awesomeness.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    I love my coffee-seems I drink more on the weekends tho. I use Stevia in the Raw, which I seem to like the best. I also tried Agave, but it was kind of a weird, funky taste--not for me. I am currently using half and half, but want to cut down on it myself. I have tried putting almond milk (vanilla flavored) in as well--very yummy.

    Also love the idea of putting cinnamon in the filter with the coffee--I am definitely going to try THAT! :)
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    I add a packet of Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate....only 25 calories!

    What a great idea! Love it!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I used to be a real half and half and real sugar girl, who weaned down to equal and no cream at all. That's fine for summer, but in the winter I like flavored creamers. I have a variety, and just measure and account for everything. The trouble comes when you consider it a free food or guest on the measure. :)
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs
  • ASallese
    ASallese Posts: 3 Member
    I use the General Foods International Chai Latte sugar Free flavoring in my coffee. its 2g carbs per tablespoon but has 30cal it really depends on what you are trying to cut down on. for a low carb diet spenda and a tablespoon or two of heavy cream.
  • what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)
  • Curious as to why you chose the low carb/cal route, do you have a metabolic disorder limiting your carbs? If not you may find your diet a little easier to adhere to, if it wasn't too restrictive

    No health issues of any kind. I have just found that a low carb/ low calorie lifestyle works better for me in terms of weight loss.