


  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I only have 2 cups a day at most with that being said, I'm not giving up my coffee i can burn those calories just takinv my shower....:drinker: heres to you figuring out your thing!!
  • annieemmons
    annieemmons Posts: 16 Member
    I like to drink my coffee w/unsweet almond milk and a splash of real vanilla.
    I know use almond milk in all of my baking to significantly decrease the calorie ammount w/o loosing flavor at 35 cal/cup, and I STILL get all the great calcium :D Wouldn't really eat it on my cereal, but it's great for baking, cream sauces, and a lovely creamy cup a joe!
  • Lorie66
    Lorie66 Posts: 66
    I drink mine black but if I used sweetner...I would use this real stuff and just limit the intake..real sugar is better for you than the fake crap and burns out of your system much faster.
  • Lorie66
    Lorie66 Posts: 66
    I drink mine black but if I used sweetner...I would use this real stuff and just limit the intake..real sugar is better for you than the fake crap and burns out of your system much faster.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)

    Your FIL is right to be worried about artificial sweeteners - they are among the prime suspects in a range of serious illnesses, including various cancers and neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons' Disease. My mother is a biomedical scientist and all artificial sweeteners were banned in our home, and she explained exactly why we shouldn't have them when we weren't with her either.

    Anecdotally, having consumed very little artificial sweetener in my lifetime, my system is less adjusted to it than many others' are, but having eliminated AS completely (which takes quite a lot of label-reading, as they pop up in all sorts of things!) I had a very worrying experience a few months ago, when I inadvertently drank a mixed drink made with artificially-sweetened lemonade. Within 15-20 minutes I experienced blurred sight in one eye, numbness in my hands, the shakes, dizziness and a blinding headache that took several hours to dissipate. Now, I can't be absolutely, 100% sure that this was caused by the artificial sweetener, but that was the only likely culprit - quite a sobering thought, if that's the effect a little can have on a body that is unaccustomed to them. For the suspiciously-minded among you, I should point out that I was visiting a family member, so I am entirely sure nothing was maliciously added to my drink!
  • CassieAtEatLoveFit
    CassieAtEatLoveFit Posts: 14 Member
    I use Coconut Milk Creamer (1/2 french vanilla flavored and 1/2 plain)
  • vertruknmlr
    vertruknmlr Posts: 2 Member
    Try flavored coffee.... they have wonderful flavors out there.. vanilla, hazelnut, chocolate silk, butterscotch etc.... once you got the flavor you won't need the flavor creamer... use skim milk and splenda. WALA! :) Hope that helps.
  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    I just found these little splenda packets which are flavoured! Hazelnut or vanilla. I find it gives just enough flavour to make it drinkable!! I dont add milk or cream. Its not as good but it will do!!!
  • I have friends with rock hard bodies that are serious fitness guru's and they drink coffee everyday with splenda
    I don't think taking that out will help, and def don't sub it with honey...that is high in cals
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Fast lane Celestial Seasoning black tea is my alternative to coffee. It has more caffine than coffee between coffee and an espresso and 0 calories. Coffee I have on treat days and then its usaully a low cal mocha or such.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I love flavored coffee, 2 tbs fat free half and half (20 cal) and Equal. That way I still get the flavor. I was using skim milk, but realised that I needed to use a lot to lighten it. Fat free half and half solved the prob!
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    OMG! I can't imagine not having my coffee.. I adjusted as well. I convinced my husband into buying a Keurig Machine, so that now I get the flavored k-cups. They come in all different flavors, You have to be careful in which ones you get but now I don't have to add creamer, just splenda. I also like the idea of adding cinamon. I'm going to have to try that one too.
    Good luck on your quest....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I use half & half but occasionally will buy a sugary coffee drink as a treat when I'm out... not often, just as a treat.
  • Bonanna1
    Bonanna1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have also been trying to cut out sugar in my morning joe. Couldn't stand the after taste of most. A friend clued me in to Xylitol.
    Problem solved. Expensive, but natural and way better than just tolerable.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I had to change the way I drink coffee, but I got used to it. 8 oz. Coffee brewed from grounds, 1 packet of splenda, and half a tablespoon of cream.
    That's 12 calories, 1 Carb, 1 fat, no sugar, and 8mg of sodium.

    Milk, no matter which percentage, has a higher concentration of natural sugar than table cream.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I buy flavored ground coffee...add splenda and the lowest cal/carb non dairy creamer I can find. I have cut back on the creamer. Did that gradually 1/2 tsp at a time.

    I will not give my coffee up and love my cinnamon, amaretto, and maple roasted pecan the most.

    I like the idea of using fat free half n half instead of my non dairy creamer.
  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    I love my Keurig, so i am not giving up coffee, I drink it with flavored creamer and truvia. I will keep those calories, Thank you :)
  • try stevia! the biggest loser backs it and you can buy it at wholefoods!
  • blueformula88
    blueformula88 Posts: 2 Member
    I basically live on coffee with Sweet n Low and flavored creamer. I hate the taste of coffee but it's a great appetite suppressant. This weekend I forgot to buy creamer but I had some fat free whipped cream in the fridge. I used that and it was AMAZING!! Added a little flavor and sweetness and I couldn't taste the coffee at all...worth a shot:)
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    You can have my coffee....when I'm dead! Somethings you just don't have to give and coffee are two!

    yep...^^. i would never give up coffee, sex, chocolate, or red wine.