anyone else wanna lose over 50 lbs

I want to get down to my weight that I was in high school! It's going to be hard as fork but I want this to get done! who is with me?? add me! let's do this together


  • pettyy5
    pettyy5 Posts: 17
    already friends with you! but yes i'm up for losing 50 lbs!
  • You can both add me, i'm in :)
  • I would like to lose at least 60 pounds within this year. I would be healthier and feel better as well. Any pointers?
  • n131
    n131 Posts: 2

    I'm new here too and want to lose 60lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • teepuppylove
    teepuppylove Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in! My overall goal is 120lbs and it would be great to have buddies that are in for more than just 10 pounds! Add me : )
  • Add me! I would like to lose 60lbs
  • xmandadollx
    xmandadollx Posts: 69 Member
    My goal is 50-70 pounds. I just started this week and I am ready to do the work!
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    I started at 216, I am now 190.

    goal #1 - be happy to be 179, no longer obese (loosing 37 lbs)
    goal #2 - be exited to hit 149, no longer over weight (loosing 67 lbs)
    goal #3 - over the top excited, not sure it's possible 130, mid healthy range, high school/pre 5 kids weight (loosing 86 lbs)
  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    I want to lose 55 pounds. I know what needs to be done...its just doing it. I'm ready but could use the support. Count me in!
  • I had major back surgery two and a half years ago and just had my first baby...I have over 80 pounds to loose! Totally need support!! Count me in!
  • Kerri81
    Kerri81 Posts: 152 Member
    I am looking to lose 60 lbs this year. And KEEP IT OFF!! You can add me!
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    hi I need to loose at least 100 1bs to feel healthy again. you can add me.
  • luv2Bsilly
    luv2Bsilly Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I just joined today and need to lose 75 lbs, add me as a friend please. :happy:
  • gianessa
    gianessa Posts: 23 Member
    Add me if I didn't add you already! Also, my food diary is visible to friends.. if you're up for it, make yours too- I love looking at what everyone else eats! I need ideas!!!!
  • gianessa
    gianessa Posts: 23 Member
    Add me if I didn't add you already! Also, my food diary is visible to friends.. if you're up for it, make yours too- I love looking at what everyone else eats! I need ideas!!!!
  • breez83
    breez83 Posts: 5 Member
    I want to lose 70lbs... my current mini goal is to get back to 180 which is 31lbs lighter than I currently am
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Hi my goal for now is 60 lbs, when I reach that I am going to set a new goal, probably another 20 lbs after that lol, I would love to be back at 150lbs!!!! Please feel free to add me, I have an open diary and really would love some motivation and extra support thanks!
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    Need to loose 100! Looking forward to it!
  • GossInABox
    GossInABox Posts: 58 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm kind of new here too. Been on for maybe two months now, and trying to lose around 70 lbs. I'll friend you! :)
  • I need to lose 80 I'm in!! anyone can add me!!