Your Thought On Age Difference?



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I think woman should marrie younger men. That way when they are old there wouldn't be so many widows because men die younger.

    Seriously, I don't think any teen should be dating.
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    the international dating rules state that in order to find one's lowest age possible for a morrally correct mate, that you take your age and divide by 2 then add 7 (always round down in cases of not whole divisions) so basically a 31 yr old should not be dating an individual less than 22 a 40 yr old can date a 27yr old and a 20 yr old could date a 17 yr old and so on........
  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    My husband is 16 years older than I am. He just turn 45, I'm going on 30. He has 2 kids that are closer to my age than he is but we've been married for almost 8 years and its been wonderful. I wouldn't change it for the world.
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    I am 19 and dating a 30 year old and I really don't care. I think he is wonderful, and since I definitely don't act like a 19 year old, and he acts way younger than a 30 year old, it works. That said, if it isn't the right situation, it can be weird.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Well, I've always been into older men, I guess because I was very mature at a young age (and I mean mentally AND physically). My mom says all the time that I am an "Old Soul". Got my partying out really young. I'm married to a man 19 years older than me. We've been together for 6 years and married for 2. We have a son, grown up jobs, a nice house and so much love for each other. I definitely think it depends on individual circumstances and if one party is under age then it's a big no no....period. But if everyone is old enough, and it works for them and makes them happy, then no one else has any room to judge. Live and let live I suppose :smile:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    the international dating rules state that in order to find one's lowest age possible for a morrally correct mate, that you take your age and divide by 2 then add 7 (always round down in cases of not whole divisions) so basically a 31 yr old should not be dating an individual less than 22 a 40 yr old can date a 27yr old and a 20 yr old could date a 17 yr old and so on........

    There's a "morally correct" age difference???
  • Rubyinthesand2012
    When i was a teenager 16/17/18 i dated a few older guys the eldest being 32 when i was 17...he would pick me up from school in his flash car which i thought was cool.
    as i got older i dated people more my own age.

    At 27 i met a guy who i thought was 25 it never cam up in conversation i just assumed, i fell head over heels we moved in together within a few months and were married in less than a was only when we were filling in details for the wedding bands i saw his date of birth...he was 9 years younger than me...i nearly called the wedding off but he tallked me round saying age was just a number.....we divorced after 18mths
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    If it's legal, who cares?
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I really don't care who he dates. He isn't a figure in my daughters life so I am not worried about it. But I am really curious how often this happens. If I was 17 I wouldnt look twice at dude who was over 30 and had a kid.
    Clearly it does bother you or you wouldn't have posted the question in the first place.

    But that's ok... after all he is your daughter's father and whether or not he has any direct influence in her life at the moment, you're bound to have concerns and that's only natural as a mother.

    I can play devil's advocate here: on the one level it depends on the maturity of either party. Is the 18yr old mature for her age? Or is your ex a manboy who's never grown up. (just cos he's fathered children doesn't necessarily make him a responsible adult)

    On the other hand, is it just dating or are they having sex? What seems ikky and gross to one, is perfectly ok to another. At 18 she may be sexually mature and know what she wants and may not be the innocent party. As long as she's practising safe sex and having regular health checks then it's her business and nobody else's.

    Some young women look older and some older men look younger; so the age difference is not so obvious!

    Anyhow, I don't know either party so I can't make a judgement call. Age is only a number although there are other considerations to be made such as whether or not the older party is in a position of authority (teacher, cop etc)

    I know that personally I wouldn't go for anyone younger than me but when I was younger I fancied men who were much older than me (and still do... my husband is 7yrs my senior and joke that I'd never leave him for a younger man, but if Sean Connery were on the market... well that's another story :laugh:)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When i was a teenager 16/17/18 i dated a few older guys the eldest being 32 when i was 17...he would pick me up from school in his flash car which i thought was cool.
    as i got older i dated people more my own age.

    At 27 i met a guy who i thought was 25 it never cam up in conversation i just assumed, i fell head over heels we moved in together within a few months and were married in less than a was only when we were filling in details for the wedding bands i saw his date of birth...he was 9 years younger than me...i nearly called the wedding off but he tallked me round saying age was just a number.....we divorced after 18mths

    You agreed to marry a man when you didn't even know how old he was?
  • Bubdog1
    Bubdog1 Posts: 72
    Okay, So my daughters father who is 31 is now dating his second teenager. His first one was last year and she was 17 he was 30 at the time. Now at 31 he is dating an 18yr old. I have said nothing to him, but I find it a wee bit odd that a man of his age cant find someone his own age.

    But on the same hand my cousin is 26 and dating a man who is 58.

    Again I find this odd, but now curious....whats the youngest/oldest person you've dated and how did that work out?
    It's not odd.
    Teenage girls of legal age are hot. That's when you ladies look the best you'll ever look.
    At some point it becomes creepy though.

    If a teen girl came on to me at age 47, my first reaction would be "what is wrong with this girl"?
    But age 31? No problem if he can draw them in.

    "Teenage girls of legal age are hot. That's when you ladies look the best you'll ever look."

    Seriously? So, women age 18 and 19 are hot and then it's all downhill from there? What a slap to adult women.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    statutory. that is all.

    ^^^ this.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I think it totally depends on the people involved. At 17-21, my sister had two relationships with guys that were 15 years older than her (not at the same time!). The trouble is, they had a lot of influence over her, what she did, and how she acted, and she wasn't mature enough at the time to not be led by that. As a result, she did a lot of things she regrets doing.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    My husband is almost 13 years older than me, we've been together 6 years, we have 2 boys and we get along great. I don't think age matters so much as long as it's legal. (A 31yr old with a 17yr old isn't where I'm from.) I'm very mature for my age and guys my age for the most part were just too childish. Before we got together my husband had never been married, had no children and he knew what he wanted in life and was willing to work hard to get what he wanted
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Do age differences bother me? Not at all. Do I think it depends on the couple and the situation? Absolutely.

    But when her idea of a date is to ask you to prom- that's a problem.

    I was in college at 18... hopefully she is too.
  • swnixon
    swnixon Posts: 14 Member
    As a father to a teenage girl - amen to that TheRoadDog!!!!!!!!
  • maysflower
    I dated a man 20 years older than me, and it was pretty much just a physical relationship. Older men have way more experience than the younger guys. That time was fun, but I ended up marrying the love of my life who is only 2 years older than me.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I can understand when people date those who are younger or older. It happens. But he is 31 and shouldn't be dating someone who is 17. It seems to me that he really does not care to know about the person except which sexual position can I flip her around in.
    Im not saint myself.....when I was 15-16 I was with a 29 year old woman. But to her defense...I lied about my age and it helped that I looked older.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    My parents are 10 years apart and I see no problem with it. Personally I feel it really depends on the situation and the personalities involved ( assuming legal age and whatnot). My sister and I are 12 years apart (she's older) and I don't think I could date someone her age.

    I feel like when you're younger a few years is a much bigger difference than it is as you grow older and mature. I had a friend who was about to graduate college dating someone who was about to graduate high school and it just didn't work. She might have been mature for her age (which I disagree with but whatever) but that didn't make up for the fact that he'd been out of that high school environment for four years and she hadn't experienced being out of that environment at all.

    Like I said, it depends.
  • FaithHopeTrust
    FaithHopeTrust Posts: 105 Member
    The fact the 18 year old doesn't see a problem with dating a man that age.. is just weird.
    I don't have any friends who would date someone over 26/27.. and my friends are all 17/19.. ><