Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • Heidi_Edgi
    Heidi_Edgi Posts: 65 Member
    Hahaha I hate when that happens
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    Dear Coworkers,

    Just because you have no self control is unhappy and just freakin miserable with your life dont bring that crap around me! I'm so sick of you *****ing all day long crying about having no man, no money and cant lose weight. Get off you *kitten* and do something about it otherwise leave me the hell alone.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Dear dog of mine,

    Although I love you, you really let me down today when I stepped out of the shower only to step right in your fresh new pile of dog poopoo. I basically just turned the water bag on and washed all over again. Sad.
  • Fertigolbitties
    Dear Landlord,

    Did you seriously not pay the water bill for months and now my water is cut off? You dont even live here.. Did you know that the water place isnt even open tomorrow? I hope you dont mind my using your house with water to shower! If you wernt on of my friends I would have moved along time ago!
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    Dear Lazy Shopper,
    I really appreciate the way you ALWAYS unload the shopping cart and LEAVE IT RIGHT WHERE YOU UNLOADED IT! Because of your selfishness everyone else must get out and move it so that they can park there. This is especially fun if its raining! There is also the probability that it may roll down the hill and dent someones elses brand new car that they worked so very hard to purchase. But you do not care at all. If someones cart rolled into your junker you would never know it because of the way you treat not only other peoples belongings but yours as well. You are such a selfish person that you cannot walk the 100 feet to the shopping cart corral and leave your cart where it is supposed to be left. Just imagine if EVERYONE left their cart where they unloaded it, then YOU would not have a place to park your piece of crap auto. The whole world does NOT revolve around you! The walk would really do you some good and may help eleviate the mega calories from the super size bags of potato chips, the cases of full calorie cokes and the sacks of candy bars you purchased with the food stamps obtained from the taxpayers. The only thing that is more pathetic than yourself is the way you justify this action by claiming you are helping the store provide work for some kid. Guess what...he or she would have this job without your stupidity.

    I despise this - ultimate all about me laziness!!!

    Love it. My husband will actually shout at people at the grocery store parking lot "Excuse me, Does that go THERE?". I can't decide between dying of laughter or embarrassment. The only good thing is, he has a 100% success rate of getting the person to take their cart to the designated return corral.
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    Dear food-pushers (family *cough* mom, friends, acquaintances/co-workers),

    STOP pushing food on me. I know, some of you care, some are just being "polite."

    But no, means no, means f*cking NO! I don't get why you have to keep pushing, and shoving it in my face, or teasing me with it when I've said it a hundred times. And quit acting all offended. For whatever reason given, I've made my decision, so RESPECT it, dammit!


    Quietly Seething:grumble:
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Dear Jason,

    You may be my boyfriend of 3 years but you are not irreplaceable! Waving chocolate biscuits under my nose, literally, when I say I don't want one and then say I am not allowed it anyway. Or telling me I need to consider portion control when what I ate was a fish cake with salad and a pear and banana is by no means a help. It just makes me wanna punch you in the nose!

    Love ya!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Dear co-worker who can't get over it:

    It's not my fault that your son is a drug addict. It's also not my fault he got arrested and put in jail for it. And it's not my fault no one will hire him for it. I will not jepordize my job for your punk @$$ son. We have company polices and I won't break them for you no matter how much up in my business you get. He's a grown man and you are a grown @$$ woman! Get over it or quit and go to another compnay because here's a wake up call: NO ONE LIKES YOU HERE! You refuse to solve something as simple as putting paper in the printer. You just stand there and wait for someone to walk by, tell someone it's out, then walk away. Seriously? What if you run out of food at home? Wait outside and tell your neighbor? Think they will buy you your groceries? You would be the first to be eaten in a zombie apocalypse because you can't do a damn thing for yourself.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Dear Lazy Shopper,
    I really appreciate the way you ALWAYS unload the shopping cart and LEAVE IT RIGHT WHERE YOU UNLOADED IT! Because of your selfishness everyone else must get out and move it so that they can park there. This is especially fun if its raining! There is also the probability that it may roll down the hill and dent someones elses brand new car that they worked so very hard to purchase. But you do not care at all. If someones cart rolled into your junker you would never know it because of the way you treat not only other peoples belongings but yours as well. You are such a selfish person that you cannot walk the 100 feet to the shopping cart corral and leave your cart where it is supposed to be left. Just imagine if EVERYONE left their cart where they unloaded it, then YOU would not have a place to park your piece of crap auto. The whole world does NOT revolve around you! The walk would really do you some good and may help eleviate the mega calories from the super size bags of potato chips, the cases of full calorie cokes and the sacks of candy bars you purchased with the food stamps obtained from the taxpayers. The only thing that is more pathetic than yourself is the way you justify this action by claiming you are helping the store provide work for some kid. Guess what...he or she would have this job without your stupidity.

  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Dear food-pushers (family *cough* mom, friends, acquaintances/co-workers),

    STOP pushing food on me. I know, some of you care, some are just being "polite."

    But no, means no, means f*cking NO! I don't get why you have to keep pushing, and shoving it in my face, or teasing me with it when I've said it a hundred times. And quit acting all offended. For whatever reason given, I've made my decision, so RESPECT it, dammit!


    Quietly Seething:grumble:

    I would say that I am not "annoyed" by similar people in my work environment, but yeah, this happens all the damn time. It's as if they are trying reverse psychology and trying to get themsleves to put it down...I am unsure about their motives...?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Dear toxic co-worker,

    You are a ***** and a dumb one at that. In the 8 years I have been here you continually pick fights and have issues with your fellow co-workers. You bend the rules till they break, coming in late, leaving early, claiming to make up the time when you never do. You are quite possibly the worst receptionist on the face of the earth. You continually through out the day wander from the front desk, put the phone on back ring for the whole office to answer while you F off. One time you were literally on a personal call at the front desk for 3 hours..yep 3 hours no exaggeration. And how about video chatting or getting dozens of texts messages a day with out your phone on silent....I just love hearing the ddding ddding go off every 3 minutes. And let's talk about your habit of spraying perfume at the front desk even though you have been told NUMEROUS times it bothers your co-workers. Here's a good one......one time you got to work at 9 (you're supposed to start at 8:30) and gave notice that you work leaving for a 9 day vacation at noon. Seriously...I'm not making this s**t up. This person truly does exist. Through the 8 years there have been many drama's, car stolen.....twice, child abduction, brain tumor, jury duty...without any proof of having shown up at court..too many things to mention. Undoubtably the worst employee!!!!!!!

    On a side note - management sucks for allowing this to go on.

    Thanks for letting me rant! I feel better now!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Dear toxic co-worker,

    You are a ***** and a dumb one at that. In the 8 years I have been here you continually pick fights and have issues with your fellow co-workers. You bend the rules till they break, coming in late, leaving early, claiming to make up the time when you never do. You are quite possibly the worst receptionist on the face of the earth. You continually through out the day wander from the front desk, put the phone on back ring for the whole office to answer while you F off. One time you were literally on a personal call at the front desk for 3 hours..yep 3 hours no exaggeration. And how about video chatting or getting dozens of texts messages a day with out your phone on silent....I just love hearing the ddding ddding go off every 3 minutes. And let's talk about your habit of spraying perfume at the front desk even though you have been told NUMEROUS times it bothers your co-workers. Here's a good one......one time you got to work at 9 (you're supposed to start at 8:30) and gave notice that you work leaving for a 9 day vacation at noon. Seriously...I'm not making this s**t up. This person truly does exist. Through the 8 years there have been many drama's, car stolen.....twice, child abduction, brain tumor, jury duty...without any proof of having shown up at court..too many things to mention. Undoubtably the worst employee!!!!!!!

    On a side note - management sucks for allowing this to go on.

    Thanks for letting me rant! I feel better now!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Dear occasional colleague,

    It's so thoughtful of you to take the time to be unhelpful, lazy & incompetent, and not bother with excuses or to hide it from your co-workers or even your own boss, just to make me look absolutely awesome in comparison. :flowerforyou:

    Your generosity in this regard is overwhelming, especially as there are job cuts on the way, but really there's no need, you can stop now.

    Thanks :smile:
  • eyesontheprize13
    That is horrible!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Dear Coworker,
    yes, I do eat for the millionth time. yes i still do have 20 pounds to lose. No I am not anorexic! Stop asking daily!!!!

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    OMG I needed this today.....

    Dear Darling (super skinny) Little SIster,

    I understand you are younger than me and more immature but please please stop hitting on every man that approaches us. How many do you want to juggle anyways? That guy last night wasnt even your type and you had his hopes completely up. Thats mean. Don't look at me and roll your eyes when you drew the guy out of a conversation with me just because you current flame didn't come out with us. I love you to death but this behavior makes me want to B!^(# slap you on behalf of men everywhere.

    Love you big sister.

    Dear Single men of South Florida,

    Yes my sister is single. No shes not intrested in you. You are only playing into her ego. Please stop she is hard enough to live with. And yes I am in the corner laughing at you because I know my sister and even though she gave you her number she is NOT going to go out with you

    Signed concerned and amused older sister.

    Oh horrible dried up miserable co-worker

    I understand you life sucks. I understand some man played you wrong and ruined your life. But you know what he didn't ruin mine. Will you please stop spilling your negativity all over the workplace. Your Toxic and we hate you. When you go on vacation we actually have little parties to celebrate.Please do us a favor and move back to Chicago if they will take you back. We will even help you pack,

    Signed about ready to stick my foot up your @$$
  • TimeToDoMe87
    dear Lady that lives below me,
    Stop making your nasty fish, and pig feet because its stinking up my laundry room..
    K Thanks.

  • love2cee
    Dear Vaugn -

    I am so disappointed in you. I cannot believe that you thought boxing on the school yard with a whole bunch of your "friends" hootin and hollerin for you. I know i taught you better.

    Then to have a friend of yours post it on YouTube. Yea, you really suck today to me.

  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Dear husband,

    Avoiding me and the kids for your stupid game is going to cause me to get pissed off, and you know what that's like. Last week before you got that game, you were all over me and showed me all kind of attention so much that I felt like a teenager again, I feel like you are cheating on me with Starwars. Me and Starwars are about to fight, just saying!


    Bahahaha!!!! My fiance is obsessed with that game too.