WHY keep your food diary hidden?



  • jsteffen80
    Mine is open to the world. It's pretty boring. I figure if people want to look at my diary it's either out of boredom or to get ideas.

    If someone gives me unsolicited advice on my nutrition I'll do the same here as I do whenever I get unsolicited advice in the real world... tell them exactly where they can shove it.
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    This might be a hard concept for some people, but it is called a food DIARY for a reason. People have a right to do what they want to do with it. Right now, the only person who has access to my diary is my SO.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Because I do not wish for the whole internet to see that I ate ribs for lunch. I want to have the right to complain about my muffin top without people judging my poor will.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I try to keep mine private (sometime it's resets but anyway). I am very honest with my dairy - the good, bad and ugly. I make the best choices for me. I have seen alot of arguements on here about healthy choices, what is and what is not. There are alot of diets and different choice to go with. Not all low fat, or low calorie foods are healthy but people loose weight on them. I just rather not have to justify my choices.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    I think I've been scared of people judging me. Like, even if I am within the right limits of calories ~ will they judge me for not eating the right sort of food etc.

    ^This! I finally opened mine up but I was afraid at first that people were going to judge me because I didn't eat as "healthy" as they think I should.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm just curious.....I understand if you want your page to be private. However, why keep your food diary private???? Do you do this....if so what's your reasoning? I personally think by making it viewable to friends that it hold you accountable. ;)

    Mine is viewable only by friends...................The friends I have on my list eat and live similarly to me so they can see what I am eating, etc.

    Anyone else I don't want them to be a part of my personal life.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    haha it's funny how people get so offended, wonder what they are hiding or who they're trying to kid. You can lie to the world but not to yourself.

    Maybe they aren't lying to anyone, and they just find it creepy that random strangers pore over their food choices...
  • littlequinns
    littlequinns Posts: 12 Member
    I like to leave mine open, and I like when others have theirs open because when i notice someone is doing really well at losing it is nice to see what they eat and what is working for them, and I hope I will be able to help others in the same way;-)
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm just curious.....I understand if you want your page to be private. However, why keep your food diary private???? Do you do this....if so what's your reasoning? I personally think by making it viewable to friends that it hold you accountable. ;)

    I didn't join MFP to be held accountable by other people. I joined because the food diary had a reasonably large database, as compared to Spark, and made it easy to journal my food. I don't feel the need to get other people's opinions on what I'm eating at this time. If I ever do, I will most likely take it to a nutritionist or my doctor. Not a bunch of strangers on the internet. :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Ditto for me. I found when it was public, I was more likely to leave out the little things in order to not look bad. Because my food diary is private, I can be as honest as I need to be. That = more accurate logging, better results.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Cause if she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend, it's none of yo business?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm just curious.....I understand if you want your page to be private. However, why keep your food diary private???? Do you do this....if so what's your reasoning? I personally think by making it viewable to friends that it hold you accountable. ;)

    How about, its up to the MFP user to determine how they want their information made available?

    No one has to have their food diary available - its their choice.

    The people on my friends list know that in friending me, its NOT a free ticket to judge anything they see or find on my profile. In fact, they all enjoy seeing the meal ideas I create where I am a chef and often send questions asking "hey, what would you do with this?"

    I dont have to answer to them as I only answer to three doctors who are overseeing my care.

    Unfortunately there are a handful of real JERKS on MFP who think its ok to be the food-log police. Because I have run into many of them, I had to get pretty blunt and blatantly honest with the things I never want to put up with again.

    Im using MFP under doctor's advice. And that is all that truly matters. Ive dropped 68 pounds in the last six months and thats doing it on my own with the real medical professionals...
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    i didn't have time to read all the pages, i'm at work, but wanted to post because this is a question i've gone round and round with. Not because i wonder, but because my Mom who is on here also, and I, have very different viewpoints about it and had an interesting discussion, so I will share the basics of it.
    When my diary was public (it is now, but i've gone off and on), sometimes my mom would comment on something...tell me in an encouraging way that i should have eaten more veggies, or give me advice on eating.... and other mfp friends would cheer me on (even if I’d had a big mac but stayed under calories LOL), etc.
    I ended up having a convo with my mom because honestly, I felt a bit nose out of joint that she would “advise” me without being asked to give her advice! It made me not want to be public because if i didn’t have a perfect day, people would be looking and analyzing and commenting....which leads to me feeling worse, not better, about myself and my efforts even when the criticism was constructive. I felt that I was fine with people looking and the supportive comments were great, whether I ate a big mac or not, but that I didn’t expect advice or criticism unless I had specifically asked for it…that seemed strange to me.
    What was interesting is that when we talked about it, i found that my mom and I thought very differently about diaries….about how they were useful and what we were "supposed" to do to be supportive of our mfp friends, etc. When we joined up, we naturally came to a conclusion about what diaries meant for us, and we proceeded accordingly (never knowing there were so many ideas, opinions or convos about it!).
    My mom said that she felt a duty (not in a negative way) to review people's diary when they showed up as completed and she and was very loyal to her mfp friends in doing so, making sure to comment in some way, offer advice, give support etc. She felt this is why people had their diary open; that they wanted all their friends to look at it every day and offer helpful comments and/or support. It seemed very obvious to her that diaries were intended for that.
    On the other hand, I considered diaries my own private tool. To help teach myself how my calories add up based on different food combos, how my nutrition is affected, etc....mostly, I found diaries helpful to me because when I’d see someone with success, I could look at their food intake and garner some tips and tricks, learn what worked for them, etc. When one of my mfp friends completes for the day, if i'm able I take a look and give a supportive comment, but I never thought that I “should” or that people who had friended me “wanted me to”. Of course when someone posted a thread asking for advice, I did expect them to have an open diary…but otherwise, I just didn’t think much about whether diaries were open or closed.
    So basically what I'm saying (in an oh so long winded fashion!) is that it wasn't really about whether i wanted to be accountable, etc. or whether my mom felt it was a "duty" (she doesn't, it's a pleasure, but for lack of a better word), but more about how we each perceived diaries individually. After all, there were no official instructions about how to use MFP; you sign up, explore, and move forward in the way that seems right to you! Eventually you learn how other people use the features and you find the methods of using MFP that really work with your personality/desires/habits/goals and you have success.
    That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ with it!! LOL
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    haha it's funny how people get so offended, wonder what they are hiding or who they're trying to kid. You can lie to the world but not to yourself.

    Mine is usually open. It has been closed for two weesk as i had dental surgury and am eating restricted (which changes by day) on what i can have. No i do not care to explain....

    ...i really do not mean to pick on this particular person, but really? some of you need to grow up....some people have issues you have been fortunate not to encounter - yet.
  • Amber4182
    Amber4182 Posts: 5 Member
    I have mine set to friends only because, I don't want the world in my business. Havingit set this way means I track everything. If it is public I get self conscious. Tracking is knowing what I put in my mouth so I am not eating mindlessly.
  • chicklidell
    Mine is private. I eat extremely clean, and already with family and friends, they tell me I should add fruit...or veggies I don't eat, they simply do not understand the diet of a bodybuilder, it is much different from the average person who ets to stay healthy or to cut a few calories here or there. I don't want to explain it over and over again. I don't have an issue with my weight, I use the site to track, so I figured why do I need to justify my eating to anyone? Just the way I feel....and I actually won't look at any of my friends diaries that are public unless they ask me too, I almost feel like i'm invading their privacy....just me? I dunno.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Mine is private. I eat extremely clean, and already with family and friends, they tell me I should add fruit...or veggies I don't eat, they simply do not understand the diet of a bodybuilder, it is much different from the average person who ets to stay healthy or to cut a few calories here or there. I don't want to explain it over and over again. I don't have an issue with my weight, I use the site to track, so I figured why do I need to justify my eating to anyone? Just the way I feel....and I actually won't look at any of my friends diaries that are public unless they ask me too, I almost feel like i'm invading their privacy....just me? I dunno.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I like reading people's food diaries sometimes because it can be a neat way of coming up with new ideas. I tend to get stuck in ruts, eating the same things all the time. It an also be handy if, for example, you're interested in eating less gluten but don't know where to start. If you have a friend who is eating a gluten-free diet, looking at their diary can be a great way of figuring out what sorts of foods they're able to eat. I will, quite often, look at someone's diary if they've chosen to make it public for this reason. I would never THINK about commenting on their diet or offering unsolicited advice, though.

    On the other hand, I keep my diary private because I have low self esteem and am less likely to be honest when logging if I feel that people might be watching what I log. Having a private diary means I don't have to hide when I fudge up.

    I guess my point is that I understand both sides, and I don't think there's one right or wrong answer. People should just do what's right for them and worry about their own journey, instead of worrying about what others are/aren't doing.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Mine is open to friends only. My friends know my issues-- that I have lupus and am sick a lot, that I just had my wisdom teeth out, etc. I don't like the idea of strangers who don't know what's going on with me giving unsolicited advice based on nothing but my diary. Plus I've found that there are lots of ideas of what makes a good diary and I was getting so much conflicting info that I made it private for awhile, and then later opened it up to friends to keep myself accountable. Personally I find that I'm much more likely to be honest if I'm not worried about someone jumping on me about too many carbs or too much processed food or whatever. I do the best I can, my friends hold me accountable, and that's good enough for me.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I just don't think it's anybody's business. I have noticed there are some very judgemental people on this website and I am just not interested in their opinion of my food intake. The diary is my accountability and I don't need the judgement.