When is a pound lost and where does it go?



  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    Really? All this time I thought that white stuff was phlegm that came from moist cupcakes. Who knew that it was really chicken fat?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    Honey, I think that may be thrush :laugh:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    Really? All this time I thought that white stuff was phlegm that came from moist cupcakes. Who knew that it was really chicken fat?
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    Really? All this time I thought that white stuff was phlegm that came from moist cupcakes. Who knew that it was really chicken fat?
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
    :sick: :laugh:
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    Really? All this time I thought that white stuff was phlegm that came from moist cupcakes. Who knew that it was really chicken fat?
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.

    OMG, That's just GRIM LMAO :laugh:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
    It's more of an Egg Drop Soup.

  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Who cares where it went...I'm just glad it's gone...
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
    It's more of an Egg Drop Soup.


    Mmmm that's my favorite soup. But wait. What happens to the fat I eat from this soup?
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Who cares where it went...I'm just glad it's gone...

    I CARE!!! For goodness sake there is white chicken fat in my PEEE!!!!!
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    Hey, I pee white stuff all the time! :bigsmile: LOL ohhhh boy lol i almost keeled over laughing.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
    It's more of an Egg Drop Soup.

    Mmmm that's my favorite soup. But wait. What happens to the fat I eat from this soup?
    It comes back out, once you burn it. Some in your pee again, some as sweat.
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    pretty sure it's CO2 and water. you breathe out your fat once it's converted to a waste product.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Just FYI: Assuming you have a 3500 per week deficit, your 1 pound of fat doesn't disintegrate at exactly 7:05pm, on Tuesday of every week, for example. My body takes 10 days to 2 weeks to catch up to my calorie intake (either way). So I have to have a deficit for 10-14 days before I will lose a pound, and my excesses don't hit my butt and thighs for 1-2 weeks either. Or the scale.

    So patience and persistence pays off.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    ok... now that i have picked myself back up off of the floor... **wipes away tears**

    the question about burning calories IS a good one. and without getting too scientific (i'm a writer, Jim, not a science officer) i can break it down this way:

    when you start a fire in your fire pit, barbeque or fireplace, you stack in fuel. this fuel can be logs or charcoal. then you light the fire. the logs and charcoal burn - technically calories, funny but true - and break down into gases, smoke, ash and i'm sure a lot of other things that i was asleep in chem when they explained. the energy is used to make the fire burn, and anything that is NOT that energy, is broken down to waste.

    your body isn't that different. but it's your metabolic rate rather than a lighter that gets the fire going. you actually ARE expending heat energy - this is why your core temp goes up and you sweat and all the other stuff that happens when you're hot. Your body uses the stored energy by burning it. anything that is not needed to keep the fire going, is converted into waste - sweat, exhaled breath, poop and yeah, even some urine.

    i hope that worked for you.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    The original poster asked some interesting questions, and I like the way she thinks.

    A "heat engine" takes in heat and converts a portion of it into mechanical work. When nutrient molecules in the body are combined with oxygen ("burned"), that's an exothermic reaction; it produces heat. Muscle cells use that heat energy to do work. The whole human body can be usefully regarded as a heat engine.

    And yes, calories *are* energy, rigorously and exactly. A calorie is the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of a gram of water by a Celsius degree. (A nutritional calorie -- the sort we all talk about here -- is 1000 calories, as defined. It is also equal to 4186 joules, which is the work done by one newton of force over a parallel displacement of 4186 meters. A "typical" person weighs about 667 newtons, and can be lifted a little over six meters, straight up, by a nutritional calorie of mechanical work.)

    A pound is lost when a pound of stored nutrients in the body (hopefully, fat) has been converted to ... well, not just energy. If an entire pound of fat were all converted to energy (according to E = mc^2), a dieter would be like an atomic bomb. But, as another commenter pointed out, chemical bonds in the pound of fat are broken, some of it is oxidized, heat is produced by that reaction; most of the rest of the broken-down nutrient molecules become waste and are eliminated in the same way as any food waste. The energy required by your body is supplied by the food you eat; if you don't eat "enough," you're in a calorie-deficit situation, and some stored body fat is internally "eaten" as well. As the OP said, about 3500 cal of deficit is equivalent to a pound of fat; as for WHEN this happens: as soon as your body requires a single calorie more than you've eaten, 1/3500 of a pound gets burned. When your cumulative deficit reaches 3500 cal, a full pound will have been used. (For the elimination of the unburned waste, I suppose there's a time delay measured in hours.)

    But, in any case, that pound of fat didn't turn into nothing. A very small fraction of it is turned into heat and used by your muscles; the vast majority is turned into feces and urine, and returns to nature in the usual ways.

    People ask me from time to time how much weight I've lost. Of course, I tell them that "lost" is probably too strong a term. I pretty much know where all of it is. Most of it's at the grocery store; quite a bit is at Burger King and Taco Bell and so on. I could go pick it up at any time. So, it's not really lost; it's more like "misplaced." I hope to leave it that way.
    ok... now that i have picked myself back up off of the floor... **wipes away tears**

    the question about burning calories IS a good one. and without getting too scientific (i'm a writer, Jim, not a science officer) i can break it down this way:

    when you start a fire in your fire pit, barbeque or fireplace, you stack in fuel. this fuel can be logs or charcoal. then you light the fire. the logs and charcoal burn - technically calories, funny but true - and break down into gases, smoke, ash and i'm sure a lot of other things that i was asleep in chem when they explained. the energy is used to make the fire burn, and anything that is NOT that energy, is broken down to waste.

    your body isn't that different. but it's your metabolic rate rather than a lighter that gets the fire going. you actually ARE expending heat energy - this is why your core temp goes up and you sweat and all the other stuff that happens when you're hot. Your body uses the stored energy by burning it. anything that is not needed to keep the fire going, is converted into waste - sweat, exhaled breath, poop and yeah, even some urine.

    i hope that worked for you.

    These are fantastic responses, thank you!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Every time a pound is lost an angel gets their wings.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week.
    2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows best.

    This response is gold, like something from Yahoo answers
  • enshute
    When you burn fat, you break it down into ketones that you can use as energy. Those ketones are used pretty fast and they eventually will be turned into CO2 that you breath off or pee out has HCO3. That's how a pound of fat disappears :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Every time a pound is lost an angel gets their wings.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If you boil it, it can make a wonderful chicken soup.
    It's more of an Egg Drop Soup.

    Mmmm that's my favorite soup. But wait. What happens to the fat I eat from this soup?
    It comes back out, once you burn it. Some in your pee again, some as sweat.

    Now that's what I call recycling! Endless supply of egg drop soup!]