Write to the person that annoyed you today!



  • mdailey93
    Ooh! I have a couple letters to write! Lots of things to get off my mind!

    Dear self,
    Please remember why you are doing this, stop getting late night snacks that consist of fast food and potato chips, just because your under your calorie count DOES NOT MEAN you are being healthy. I know it's hard because you don't have money to go grocery shopping, and there isn't a whole lot of food in the house, but YOU CAN make it work! You have before. You haven't made it this far to give up on what you want. Go ahead and enjoy the rest of your break, but don't go crazy! Love yourself, and forgive yourself, and at the same time remind yourself why you are doing this. Also, get to the ****ing gym. You skipped yesterday, and you know it will make you feel better.


    Dear AT&T,
    I know I am being cheap and ordering my new Iphone 3GS because it is free (and plenty of other people probably had the same idea), but I really really would like you to send my phone now. You know that when you make a phone as popular as the iphone free, you are going to have a high demand. So in the future please be prepared.

  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Thankfully, nothing to write at this moment other than BUMP!:smile:
  • JaneDoughSanAntonio
    Dear co-worker,

    Just because you hate your job and life in general, does not mean you need to spend hours a day whining at my desk. You're bumming me out and ruining my post holiday vacation buzz. I happen to like my job and my life so get lost and let me live in my utopia!

    Ha ha! This!
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    Dear Battlefield 3...I truely do hate you. I want my husband back!!!

    This is mine. Actually he's playing Skyrim right now, Battlefield 3 will be played next though. :grumble:

    yeah! how am i suppose to do jillian michaels shred? Skyrim is so boring to watch! Try taking a REAL walk in the woods for 6 hours. :grumble:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • freymd
    freymd Posts: 2
    Dear people of my school,
    I want to kill you all.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Dear Gangbanging Idiot 3 Houses Down,

    Thank you so much for the new atmosphere in our neighborhood. I can't tell you how we are all enjoying the nightly gunfire and drive-by shootings. Nothing quite like hitting the floor and crawling away from a window on a regular basis. Please go back where ever the Hell you came from and take your homies and rivals with you.

    Yes and please stop and get your drug dealing buddies out of my neighborhood on the way and go far far away hopefully you can find another planet to live on!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Dear Loose Skin,

    F U, you suk, if you weren't there I may have abs.



    P.S. You're an S.O.B
  • lizgreenhill
    Dear Husband,
    For starters, i know you love modern warefare 3 but i HATE it i can not stand to hear you play this darn game right now. Also, when i tell you i feel like i am having an anxiety attack and would like you to come lay with me that doesnt mean sit with me for a second and then go back to playing your retarded game, that means you drop what you are doing and be with your wife. I want to thank you for taking care of my son for the last week while i havent been home, but that doesnt mean you can throw it back in my face either. I have enough going on in my life i do not need you being an *kitten*.

    Your Wife
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Dear people of my school,
    I want to kill you all.

    Yikes, are you sure you wanna post that on a public forum. You might want to edit that.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Hmmm, no one to write to. LOL

    Same here! Got out of that one! Yes!!!!!!
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Dear Rude Beotch at my register.....
    Your in a Military Exchange on a Military Base. You WILL be asked for your ID when checking out. Maybe the reason you didn't hear me asking the customers ahead of you is because THEY ALREADY HAD THEIRS OUT. I don't care that your not buying alcohol... it's my job and I don't care if I piss ya off because for every Beotch like you, there are plenty of other (possibly even hot men in uniform) people that will come through my line and make my day better. So take that toilet paper you bought and shove it up your *kitten*.

    Dear Boss.....
    Please learn to schedule appropriately so that if I'm on a cash register I don't have to run over to do a Western Union at Customer Service because your *kitten* is too lazy to do it yourself while your RIGHT THERE!!!! Oh, wait, you don't actually KNOW HOW!!! I am so sick and tired of you telling ME how to do my job when you don't even know how to do it.

    a slightly perturbed employee
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Dear people of my school,
    I want to kill you all.

    Yikes, are you sure you wanna post that on a public forum. You might want to edit that.

    She is joking I am sure. Unless she actually follows through or names specific people she is fine people get frustrated that is what the post is for.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Dear people of my school,
    I want to kill you all.

    Yikes, are you sure you wanna post that on a public forum. You might want to edit that.

    She is joking I am sure. Unless she actually follows through or names specific people she is fine people get frustrated that is what the post is for.

    I realize she is, but things that were written can be totally miscontrued if anything ever happens.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    damn double post
  • mandi791
    mandi791 Posts: 27 Member
    Dear Coworker,
    yes, I do eat for the millionth time. yes i still do have 20 pounds to lose. No I am not anorexic! Stop asking daily!!!!

    THANK U!! Same here.
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    hey stupid coworker,
    for someone who spent 9+ years in college to work at a "place" instead of their own private office- you are retarded! (no offense to the truly retarded) how many times do you have to watch the how-to video while you are supposed to be doing the "real" procedure?
    I know you have been looking at the video for nearly 2 months, you made us watch it twice now and you still do not know what you are doing chairside. I can tell you exactly every step....even did so and you still questioned it and felt like you needed to watch the how-to video again...WTF WTF>>>WTFFFFFFF??????ARRRGGGGHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh........... how can you have a high paying professional position and be so stupid? again...how can you have a high paying position and be so stupid? again,,,how can u have a high paying professional position and be so stupid? that was special for you since you have the special need to repeat things multiple times in order to comprehend special instructions. hahahahahahaaa you are one pathetically sad individual.
    I really need a job that I can do my magic at. I love what I do. You know I am GOOOD at it. But , you drag me down. I build patients up, you show up and ruin it with your everything. I've tried.... tried... and tried... you can't do your part. You fail. We try again...you fail... What more is there? AAAAGGGGGHHHHhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa..........
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    Dear Selfish Co-workers,

    Thanks for faking injuries and illnesses the 2 weeks around Christmas & New Years Eve. You don't seem to care that some of us should have been off, but had to work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day to pick up your slack for you not being here. I know you think you are better than the rest of us, but do you really think we should welcome you back? Everyone knows you were faking it..it is such a joke. You think you screwed mgmt, but you actually screwed your fellow co-worker. Did you ever think of that? Probably not because you are so selfish. You really lost respect in your co-workers eyes. But I know you don't care. It is sad that we have to work with people like you.

    Your fellow co-worker
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Dear Mother of my foster children.
    STOP HAVING BABIES!!! You are 24 and have 5 babies & 5 baby daddies...none of which want anything to do with you. You can deny that 5th baby all you want, but we all know that is why you quit coming to visits with your 4 children because you wanted to hide the fact that you were pregnant with your 5th...same reason why you moved 3 hours north and went into hiding....why you will only 'appear' to court via phone conference...because you are trying to hold onto this one even though we all know it would be better for the baby if you put it up for adoption. Your parental rights will get stripped from you no matter how much you cry and bawl over the phone to the judge and try to point fingers at us. We are not trying to 'STEAL' your children.... we did not get into this to adopt children but when you get 2 beautiful children who's mom is a POS, you end up loving them and wanting to give them a good home. They have lived with us over 3 years (ages 4-9) and will tell you straight up that they want to be adopted by us.
    NO...I WILL NOT AGREE TO ALLOW YOU TO SEE THEM if you sign over your parental rights. Either way...it is happening. Don't you realize that you have done enough damage to these children and that my now 6 yr old only stopped pissing in the corner of his room, hitting EVERYONE everytime something didn't go his way AFTER he stopped seeing you. You are TOXIC to him because he so desperately wanted your attention, yet you only gave it to the oldest and youngest. He was too young to remember the abuse, being left strapped in his carseat in an empty apartment while the neighbors had to break in to feed and change him. He does not remember having to live in a car, move from place to place following men and drugs. The 9 yr old who does remember stated that he would probably be dead if still living with you. The 4 yr old was 5 months the last time that she lived with you. Luckily she does not have any real memories of you, but she does have 'issues' still from being neglected those 1st 5 months...for always being strapped in a carseat. She has attachment issues that will take YEARS to undo the damage.
    NO, I WILL NOT BREAK COURT ORDER to give them messages that you love them!! If you have a problem with it, take it up with the judge. It was decided in a court of law that it was in the best interest of the children to suspend ALL CONTACT with you for a reason!!!
    3/5 of your children's pre-adoptive mother.
  • Dear Husband,

    How is it that 6 nights a week you stay up to hang out at "work" (second job at the bowling alley") or to help your mom around HER house or to watch football but the one night I ask you to hang out with me a bit you fall asleep at 7 p.m.? Amazing how it works out that way, isn't it? By the way I'm not Tom Bodet - I won't leave the light on, I'm not just a motel for you to stop and crash in between everything you WANT to do and taking care of your home and kids aren't opitional.

    Okay, I'm more then just annoyed right now...