Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    i'll start tomorrow.
    i can only eat twigs and berries if i wanna lose weight.
    this cardio should cancel out my fast food.
    i just need to start working out again. (and not adjust their diet)
    i'm waiting to get motivated. (whaaaa?)
    i need the right amount of sleep before i can go to the gym.
  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    When I share my success with real life friends "You're so lucky!" .... what does luck have to do with it? I'm working my butt off for this!

    From my mom "I'm eating healthier than you, I'm getting SALAD, and you're getting MEAT"... Yes, you are getting salad covered in dressing, cheese, and croutons, with breadsticks on the side. Probably double the calories I'm getting, and my meals are so much more satisfying :)

    Forgot one more: My boyfriend's parents went on for about 10 minutes about how I ordered apples for the side instead of fries at a restaurant. Seriously, they kept coming back to the topic. "Why would you get apples?" "I didn't even know you could get apples" "Cmon just grab some nachos, it won't hurt, it tastes better than apples!" Apples are delicious. back off. :devil:
  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    A friend just recently told me that she thought I was getting a little bit obsessive because I got a heart rate monitor to see how many calories I burn during working out. This was after my husband made a comment that I log everything I eat into MFP and I mean EVERYTHING (in his best snide voice).

    Also when my husband is on his health kick and he wants my advice on what to eat but then complains that he doesn't like any of it and he isn't willing to try to get used to them.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Mum: "It's low fat oil!"
  • i'm waiting to get motivated. (whaaaa?)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    the number one most annoying thing i hate is.........."omg how did you lose so much weight??"..........I feel like saying back to them just to see their reaction "cocaine, heroin a little bit of speed and a whole lot of sex with strangers!" hahaha!!! or "I climbed the magic beanstalk where a pixie gave me a magical diet pill to make me skinny overnight" lol

    honestly some people just can't use their brains these days! lol!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Mum: "It's low fat oil!"

    Ok water just shot out of my nose after reading this one. Guess I shouldn't have taken a drink before I read that!
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    That's funny. The most annoying comment I get also comes from my mother, but its the completely opposite. All I hear is "Look at how skinny you are!". Just because I am not obese like all of my aunts, or have a huge stomach like my mother, doesn't mean I'm skinny. I have a good 30 pounds of FAT, and am a size 13. I don't think that qualifies for skinny at all. Hearing "you should eat more, look at how skinny you are getting".. when yous till have 30 pounds to go is sooooooooo annoying.

    that's EXACTLY me!! wow!
    But it is ourselves that we have to be happy with, healthy with and proud of. Just sayn'
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Mum: "It's low fat oil!"

  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    " i cant eat that im on a diet"- whatever i lost 50 lbs by still eating foods i love in moderation get over it
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i actually gotten asked one day by someone i havent seen in a long time if i was smoking meth or doing other drugs to get as skinny as i am today- like i cant lose weight the right way
  • Co-Worker:
    Oh, so is that piece of cake like your one bad thing for the day?
    No, no, this piece of cake is not your business. *eats happily*
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    "You're going to blow away with the wind." Uh, no. I'm still 20 pounds into the "overweight" category. You've just never seen me this small.
  • Female colleagues: Oh my gosh you look so sexy now. What diet pills have you taken?

    Mom & others: You're starting to look like an anorexic.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    "You're still a fatass. "

    " you eat healthy stuff, why are you so HUGE????"

    " no matter how much you diet you're still going to be ugly"

    And the list goes on.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    i actually gotten asked one day by someone i havent seen in a long time if i was smoking meth or doing other drugs to get as skinny as i am today

    My dad accused me of doing drugs a few years ago because I lost weight so fast. Its just pure ignorance.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member

    Mom & others: You're starting to look like an anorexic.

    This!!!! I so hate that one.
  • "You're still a fatass. "

    " you eat healthy stuff, why are you so HUGE????"

    " no matter how much you diet you're still going to be ugly"

    And the list goes on.

    Whoa! that's so mean. Those who told you that are just jealous & insecure about themselves that they want you to "join them". There's no such thing as an ugly person. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    my mom" enough is enough your too thin you dont need to watch it anymore and exercise everyday

    me: I am a healthy weight for my height and if I dont continue to watch it and exercise I will be right back where I started
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    Ignorance in general really bothers me. I don't only eat for the calories but the health benefits as well... so when I hear comments about how fattening avocado is, i wish ppl knew that the fats in avocado are great for you. That is just one example, but ppl that do not struggle with weight and haven't spent (countless) hours researching foods and their benefits just don't get it.

    Yes. One of my coworkers is (in my opionion) bordering on an eating disorder, yet she is always commenting on my "fattening" food choices. She eats for low-calorie-ness ONLY and I am sick, sick, sick of her uninformed comments. Rant over!