ANy other shorties (5'0" to 5'5") on MFP



  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 148 lbs. I am hoping to reach 130lbs by summer & have already lost 3 inches around my waist since starting this site. Add me if you'd like : )
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    5'5 is not short!

    Ditto! (Says the lady who is 5'4 and a half.)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I'm 5'4 and trying to get down to 120ish. i am medium build and am looking to be tone with lean muscle. I DO NOT want to be skinny!

    YAY we are about the same! I'm about 5'4" medium build. I have good muscle on me already and need to get rid of the fat.

    I'm about 145lb right now and going for 130 - (started at 151, hit 136, then due to injury, lost exercise and started eating <sad>)
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I'm 5'5" (But NOT short!! lol) I'm currently 134lbs, shooting for 120 for the summer.
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    Hey everyone! I'm new here :) I'm 5'1"....I fluctuate between 107-111 lbs and am happy to stay in that range. Looking to gain more lean muscle, and gain nutritional tips on here.
  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! Im 5ft exactly and looking to get to 140lbs by summer. Already lost 42 lbs and feel amazing!
  • 5'1" and working to get down to 115 at the most. Currently I'm 163 at my heaviest I was 180. Most of weight loss was due to depression after a miscarriage last June. I'm hoping to keep losing and prepare my body for the next blessing God wishes to bestow upon my husband and I.
  • im 5'2"...just started tracking on the 1st...anyone else having trouble eating all their calories? im at 1200 and still coming up short. obviously, i eat too many if im overweight why is tracking making me not eat enough???
  • Virgo09
    Virgo09 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'3, would LOVE to get to down to 115
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I am currently 163, down from 180. It's like pulling teeth! I"ll be 60 in April, and I'd really like to have 20 off by then. My ultimate goal is 130. I carry most of weight in my thighs hips and butt, and currently I am just trying to get more exercise in each week than I did the week before. I am going back to Planet Fitness Satruday and I'm going to sign up with a trainer who understands that I am totally out of condition at the moment. Hopefully by summer, I'll be feeling better!
  • MangoAmanda
    MangoAmanda Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, everyone here is actually below my goal weight. I was 125 lbs at 17yrs being a competitive gymnast & equestrian. When I got more active & started doing work outs in the gym, I was 135 lbs at my most healthiest & amazing shape. I am 5'5", 43 yrs old, and currently 194 lbs (my fault, chocolate, injury couldn't exercise - bad bad bad), and so far I've lost 4 lbs. My goal weight is 140 lbs. I am medium boned, and before you laugh at that, If you can wrap your index finger & thumb around your wrist & still have lots of room, fine boned... can they touch no problem? regular - is there a bit of a gap, medium, is there a large gap? large... growing up, I could just touch, small gap, even at my best. People were always surprised at how big my watch straps & bracelets are/were. I also gained a lot of weight due to the medication I was taking for neurological pain from my injury. I've weaned myself off that, and the "puffy-ness" is just not there anymore.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say to be careful of weight! Take your measurements & get your body fat count! That is a big consideration as well. A healthy individual needs anywhere from 17 - 26% (depending on age). Also, muscle weighs more than fat. If you are lifting weights & toning, your toned muscles will take up less space (lean, tight & toned), but will weigh more.

    You know yourself best, and I wish you all the luck. I've just seen it too many times people trying to get to a weight they were when they were 17yrs old, and most of the time, that will not happen, esp if you never exercised before.

    Best wishes to you all!
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5'1" and would be happy to see 125. I'm currently at 137. It's also a age and life thing....I'm just a few years short of 40 and I have 3 kids...I will NEVER weight under's just not realistic for me.
  • Hi everyone. I am 5'3'' and currently 210. I weighed 245 when I started in August. I would love to be 170 by summer. My goal weight is 140 which is the heavier side of my BMI.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    All the shorties in the house go woot woot! :happy:

    I'm 4'11" and very rarely meet anyone shorter than me unless they're an actual dwarf/little person. I'm at 138 down from 157 at my heaviest.. want to get down in the 120s again and I'm getting there. :bigsmile:

    I've set my daily calories to 750 which I lose weight if I stick with that, if I get closer to 1000 calories in a day I only maintain.
    that is why i almost never fead the shorties tread. This is barely enought calories for my cat. How about not messing with your metabolism? I am 4'11" and i usually eat between 1500 and 1700 calories a day. Right now i am doing 1300 to undo some of the holydays weight gain lol. Eating too little is the best way to lose muscle mass
    Kind of shocked at the reply to my post above where I say that at 4'11" tall I've found from using MFP that if I keep between 750 to 1000 calories max I don't gain. Over 1000 calories a day and I do begin to gain. I've learned what works for my body that way.

    OMG if I ate 1500 to 1700 calories a day I'd be HUGE, a serious beach ball. Been there, done that, don't need to do it anymore. If this person is the same height as me at *that* many calories they must be much bigger boned, I have a very small frame.

    I've seen people react strongly before to how low my calories are but I'm super healthy, I exercise every day, have plenty of energy, I have never had an eating disorder, I eat great, lots of fresh locally grown veggies and home cooked food. I've never been more than 40 lbs overweight and that's only happened a couple of times in my life for fairly brief periods and every time I was heavy and gaining it was at a time when I was consuming 1200 to 1500 calories in a day.

    So personally I think it's kind of rude for someone to judge me on what works for my body. If it doesn't work for you fine, but to say I don't eat enough for a cat is ridiculous, I eat PLENTY!
  • Adventurehuntress
    Adventurehuntress Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5'4 136 pounds. I am trying to loose 16 pounds to weight a total of 120lbs by early May 2012! Best of luck to all of you!
  • kupc4k3
    kupc4k3 Posts: 12
    I'm 4'9" looking to be around 95-98. Currently 104. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'm sure you all know every pound shows more since I'm shorter.
  • christi2286
    christi2286 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone I'm 5 on the dot I started three months ago at 189 when my friend mentioned mfp weeks later and we joined the gym and I joined at 183 . I gained my weight after my second child this is the heaviest I've been and can't really complain cuz I've always gone up and down ...what I have done is hit the gym drink lots of water but when I want juice I have it just half a cup and if I'm still thirsty drink water just to kill the craving ...I also eat what I want but in portions and i try to avoid fast food and make dinner more often ..I've added vegetable to my meals and well I've always been addicted to fruits especially mangos and pineapples lol ....I currently weigh 160 and was hoping to hit 135 for my birthday next month on Feb .2012 but after Feb id like to see how I feel with that weight and tone and if I feel my frame size needs to loose more I will ..and nice to meet others my height cuz we all know being short is not easy and the shorter u,are and bigger the worse u,look
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I'm 5'2", at my heaviest now at 160 and would like to get back to my 115 old self in the next 12 months or so. But more importantly, I want to do it right--when I was a size 2, my metabolism was shot, I was starving myself and still had fat--a walking proof of bad diet habits. Of course the minute I ate anything, I'd balloon up...young & stupid. I'm a lot healthier now and more fit.

    My ultimate goal is to reduce my body fat % and be strong and ripped! (abs & "kelly rippa" arms)

    I'm new here so please feel free to add me:)
  • dmcatlady
    dmcatlady Posts: 65 Member
    I'm another one at 5'2" and at my I was thrilled that the scale ready 156.5 instead of the 157/158 it has been in the last week or so. I've got three kiddos at home as well and will be turning 40 in jus a few weeks. My short-term goal is to get back under 150 by March and by summer I'd like to be closer to 140 and even under, since I haven't been under 140 in about 8 years. After baby #2 I was down in the 130s and was quite happy there...I don't think I'll ever see the under-110 I was back in college and that's okay. Feel free to add me!
  • I’m 5’0. Before I started dieting, I was 126lbs. I am currently 110lbs – was 106-107 before Xmas though and hope to be back to that by the end of January. My original target was lower, but when I got to 106-7 I decided that it was my ideal weight. It took me about a year and a half to lose the weight (i gained half of it back once). But be determined and you'll get there much faster.

    Good luck to every shortie losing weight!!