Girls over 200 pounds...



  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    :happy: Hi there, was 243 at my heaviest, now at 220. Long way to go, but hitting it slowly but surely.

    There's also a group for us in the 200s:

    Good luck on your journey!
  • jkp2012
    jkp2012 Posts: 14 Member
    My current (and starting weight) is 233. I've only been using MFP for a few days so I'm not planning on weighing in until next week. My goal is to get to 180 before 1/1/13 and I'd really like to be down to 150. At 5ft2, my "ideal" weight should be around 130-135 which I don't even want to focus on right now!

    Anyone can feel free to add me! I'm on daily, I track my food and workouts. I try to use MFP as much as I use Facebook! :p
  • :happy: My highest was 240 and right now down to 208ish. Feel free to friend me!! :smile:
  • i started this week at 234, any of you girls feel free to add me
  • I am currently 232. I have lost 6 pounds since January 1st! I am also a full time student and work full time at an assisted living facility. Working full time and going to school full time is challenging enough, but when you are trying to lose weight and start working out it gets difficult so I am here to get motivation and hopefully to stay on track!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I'm 248-ish? (not weighing this month!) right now...started at 368 (*GASP* *sob*). Right now I just want to get back down to 165-170 - it was the last time I even felt like I didn't loathe myself. =/
    I welcome any adds. ;)
  • at my heaviest i was 249+lbs..about 18stone..last year i got to 14st 11lb(ish) but somehow put 2stone at present i am 235.and starting FRESH ...AGAIN! .from your post (please dont take this the wrong way) but you done a 5min jog..way to go..i really wanna jog..but im scared i'll wobble so much i cant..embrassed incase i fall..lots of emtions but i wanna try..!! so well done! keep up the good work..x i'm glad to hear from a 200+ who's jogging.. :smile:
  • My highest was 265 and my last weigh-in was 215 :]
    i'm 5'7" and ready to lose MOOOORRREE!!

    Feel free to add me :]
  • kristal_1973
    kristal_1973 Posts: 33 Member
    My highest, and current, weight is 231. Today is my first day on myfitnesspal. I wish I would of come across this sooner! Feel free to friend me. I haven't quite gotten that far in figuring this all out yet :smile:
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    My highest weight was 314. I was 302 when i joned MFP last February. As of today, I have lost 81 pounds. My first major goal is to lose 100 pounds...then hit Onederland... 180 after that. I'm employed as a first grade teacher who also works parttime as a bartender. At first it was hard juggling all of it along with working out and making healthy choices. One year later, it still is a struggle at times, but for the most part it's easier. Success comes in baby me. I've hit two plateaus along the way and felt like throwing the towel in. Thank God I never did or I wouldn't be where I am today...

    .All of you are welcome to add me as a friend if you feel like I can be a source of motivation for you.
  • klopiccolo1
    klopiccolo1 Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, Im not new but I can offer my support. :smile:
    I have been here since July 2011. My starting weight was 254 as of yesterday I am at 204. I am 5'8" and my goal weight is 145 but I will take it day by day as I get closer to see where I am comfortable. Feel free to add me for support.
  • trishka48
    trishka48 Posts: 51 Member
    My highest was 225 and I am now at 206... I would be happy to be anyone's buddy :)
  • xjeanie
    xjeanie Posts: 69
    I started (that I know of, I had avoided scales for years) MFP at 296lbs. I saw how close I was to 300lbs and said NO! I'm 5'5, so it just wasn't happening! I'm down 27lbs now. I have a membership to Powerhouse Fitness. Best $33 a month I've ever spent...I feel GREAT. Totally add me =] 135lbs here I come!
  • Im 242. I started at 251.
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    Started at 281. Currently 248. Getting so close to 300 was a turning point for me for sure. I also have a membership at Planet Fitness (in Idaho) and I love it there! Anyone feel free to add me!
  • sncmaddie
    sncmaddie Posts: 37 Member
    My highest was 260 at Christmas. I'm down 14 pounds since then. Good luck to everyone out there! I'm glad to know I'm not alone!:happy:
  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    I was 260 when I started and about 255 now.
    Fell free to add me !
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    starting 287 would like to be 160! but If i could fit in a 12 or 14 right now would be awesome! feel free to add me :) good luck on your weight loss journey
  • mrsfortune
    mrsfortune Posts: 82 Member
    Hi! My highest was 310, I started MFP at 303 after a BP scare and being placed on meds at the very end of October I am currently stuck at 290....but I am doing it!
  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    ok...I wanna say I'm sorry the person that just sent me a friend request I hit the wrong button!!! Please send me another =)