Girls over 200 pounds...



  • sajai
    sajai Posts: 3 Member
    I'm well over 300, so disgusting but I'm working on it. Over the course of 2 weeks it's seems no matter what I eat (counting my calories), drink (nothing but lemon water 4-6 cups a day) and working out (at least 1 time a day for 4 days) I'm not really loosing anything. It's a little frustrating but I know if I keep at it something is bound to give in. I do feel that my energy is slowly going up and I'm able to move around a little more. I too have a full time job and am going to school, on top of watching my 2 year old son. So fitting in exercise is a bit of a challenge at times, but I always make sure to get at least 20 minutes in on days that I am extremely busy. Congraduations to all you ladies for achieving weight loss and reaching your goals. GREAT JOB TO EVERYONE! I'm sure one day I will get there too :D

    don't fret! there were plenty weeks where you ate more than usual and stayed roughly the same weight. you didn't put it on it a day, it's not going to come off in a day!
  • KeegansMomma
    When I started my journey the end of October, I was 269 pounds. Totally disgusted with myself that I was so big. I have since lost 9.8 pounds. And keep chugging along.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :) We can get little together. ^_^
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I started MFP in March and was 254.
    I am down 46 lbs but still have a ways to go.

    Friend me if you are willing to encourage and participate and do this the right way.

  • bradynsmom
    bradynsmom Posts: 23 Member
    I am 233 and 5'2", I work full time and have a 4 year old. I would love to be in a group of people that are in the same place as me. If anyone would like to be friends feel free to add me I am willing to support as much as I need supported.
  • ladymoonlite
    ladymoonlite Posts: 273 Member
    im 223!...and i go to planet fitness as well!!...i was down to 198 but then i slacked and gained it all back...ive never tried weight watchers though!!! considering it...

    feel free to add me :)
    and best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • NickyCat101
    The highest I got was 252. That was the last straw for me and now I weight 224. =) I am just itching to be 220 and then 200.

    For ladies who are having trouble losing weight, try glycemic index/5 meals a day. I do a combination of Insulin Resistance (uses glycemic index) and 5 meals a day. It helps me burn fat along with exercise. :)
  • KBrushing
    KBrushing Posts: 10 Member
    There was a time when I thought 200 was fat and now I am at 220 wishing for 200! You are not alone by any stretch. Take it one day at a time and stay positive.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm at 277 and hoping to get down to 170. Eek! Can't believe it got this far, but nothing will change if all I do is complain about it. :-) I think I finally figured that out!
    Anyway, you are not alone and you CAN do it! Feel free to add me, also. I just started yesterday, so have a long road ahead!
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I'm not much into the 200s, weighing in at 206. My highest was 222 several years ago. I got down to the 170s but it started creeping back on...until here I am.

    I have been having a very hard time getting my weight out of the 200s: I've been at it since October with little success (I even went up 4 lbs!). So I am trying a revamp of my calorie intake by going down to 1200-1250 calories, and I'm working in more activity--I'm finding that I'm not meant to be a runner but I enjoy walking so I'll do that, just more often.

    So far I lost those 4 lbs I gained, bringing me back to a net weight loss of 0 :/ But I will not give up!
    BMARYLYNN Posts: 46 Member
    I'm an over 200 at 5'4" girl....I started MFP in Oct.2011 at 305 :sad: my heaviest ever weight...everyone has told me to do weight watchers but I don't have funds for that so I found this sight & its worked well for me so far ..I',m down 32.4lbs...I have a long way to go but looking forward to the journey...I have more energy now...I'm down a size & my clothes fit better. Feel free to send me a friend request. Wish you & others the best of luck on their weightloss journey:happy:
  • cleverbunny
    I'm at 275 right now. Last few years I'd lost about 75 pounds but gained it back during my pregnancy (oh those terrible hormones making every doughnut seem like a good idea!) Anyway- I'd like to lose at least 100 pounds. Right now I'm following an elimination diet (no wheat, corn, dairy, soy or nightshades) to kind of re-start and to make sure I'm healthy for breastfeeding my little one and in good shape for when I have to eventually chase her around! :)
    I feel like I'm starting ALL over again- which is kind of a bummer, but I'm also glad that I have a lot of knowledge under my belt about what works and doesn't work for me.
    I just started Zumba and added some yoga to help with my back- I'd love to have more friends on this thing- anyone can add me if they'd like to!
  • SandyMilton
    Hi! My highest (officially) was 262.8 back in April 2010, and as of the end of September 2010 saw ONEDERLAND. Unfortunately it was short lived. What apparently started as my thyroid going out of whack (I didn't know it at the time), was the beginning of my downward spiral. I started gaining and gaining. Instead of just going to my doc, I kept trying weight loss programs, and on and off just plain got frustrated and gave up. Sadly one of my recent doctors visits (in the afternoon so I know the weight is different), I actually saw a 263.something and just wanted to cry.

    I did manage to get my thyroid roped in, and will definitely have to really watch out for unexplained gains and not wait before I see the endo. My actual "low" was when I had to get out those pair of pants I put away to remind me of my highest weight. I had to get them out... to wear. Those were the only pants I had that now fit. Just before Christmas I picked up another pair from the store and was back to being simply frustrated with the availability of inexpensive plus sized clothes that did NOT look like something my grandmother would wear.

    I made up my mind it was time - started trying to figure out how I was going to do this and decided on no specific diet, simply a calorie goal, lower carbs, higher protein and healthy fats. I didn't want to have to worry about fixing dinner for the fam, and having to make myself something different. I needed to figure out just how to adapt.

    Anyhow - here I am, since I was so close to the new year I figured why not. First weight in was New Years day!

    Please add me - any of you - we're all in the same boat I'd love to have you as friends :)
  • KBrushing
    KBrushing Posts: 10 Member
    Weight Watchers really works and it is the best I have ever tried. The best part is that it is not a deprivation diet so you just have to keep up with what you are putting in your mouth, i.e. journaling - which is why MFP is the best tool ever!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Im 6ft and 260lbs and would like to lose a out 85lbs. If anyone wants to add me feel free
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone. I started out at 305, 300 was pretty much my breaking point. Now I'm down to 283 as of today and I'm ready to get back on track! Looking around the message boards I noticed most members I came across are under 200. It might be just a coincidence but are there any girls like me out there?

    Anyway, I've been home sick the past four days and just couldn't take it anymore. So I got up off my bum, put on sneakers, and jogged for the first time in my life. Soooo I lasted 5 whole minutes with much effort and walked another 15. It was just about agonizing but I did it!

    I'm in school full time and i work on a brain injury unit at a hospital nearby. I have a gym membership to Planet Fitness and I'm going to start going 3-5 times a week like I did during the summer. I'm starting Weight Watchers either this week or next.

    Anybody starting out on the same page? I could use a weight loss buddy :)

    I am right now at 255. I am 5'3. I have had many health issues over the past 2 years and the meds have helped me gain. I have tried many times to loss the pounds and keep them off. This is my last time trying. If I cant do it this time around I will then have weight loss surgery. I dont want the surgery due to having Lupus and clotting issues. I also have ITP. This means I have a low platelet count. I have alot riding on me to keep this weight off. If you would like you may add me as a friend.
  • hjjohnson08
    hjjohnson08 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm right there with Ya'll! Starting at 293. My highest weight ever. Did WW 10 years ago and lost 75 lbs, but gained it all back and then some unfortunately. Feel free to add me everyone....I need all the help and support I can get! Thanks.
  • sexylisa79
    Yes we arw out here. I am at 246,and I am back at it again. I want to be 135 again. I used to be so small and I just want to feel good about my self again.
    Just stay with it we all know that it is the hardest thing to do( lose it and keep it off)
  • RunningAggie
    I was 251 (my highest in January 2001). I've gone up and down some - did get to 200 in 2008 and immediately got pregnant. Once again I gained 40lbs with the baby. I'm trying to not focus on the numbers but how active and happy I am. With exception of the time I got down to 200 I've been 230-240 since 1999 (my first child was born). I'm currently at 234. I did my first sprint triathlon and half marathon last year and am looking forward to getting back into training. I've taken the last couple of months off. Would love to have support of other ladies who know what it's like to be in my shoes...

    I'm in school now working on my PhD and am 36 years old. I have two wonderful boys (2 and 12). I'm still getting used to Canada (moved here from Texas 2.5 years ago). It's lonely - we moved away from our family and now my husband is traveling again.
  • Gshepmix83
    Gshepmix83 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I'm Tina!

    My heaviest I start and plan on never ever going back to that weight was 251. I am currently at 234 (just weighed myself this morning) and planning on dropping to 150 by this summer. Feel free to add me :)
  • newzj2012
    My highest weight was 250lbs just after the birth of my little girl. That was almost two years, can't call it baby fat anymore. Started this website at 248lbs, and currently 235lb. Looking to change my life style. Friends for support are welcome!