Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • br04416
    br04416 Posts: 35 Member
    "oh on a diet again, well see how long this one lasts"
    "You need to reward yourself with that cake, you have been doing so good"

    THOSE two comments drive me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    Mine is.... "you are skinny, you shouldnt have to watch what you eat".

    Do people really think skinny people can eat everything and stay that way? I have a healthy body because I watch what I eat and exercise.

    ^This. And yes, I do think that they think that. Some don't see that one of the reasons they are overweight is simply by what they are eating.

    Or "you need to gain weight, you are too skinny." When I have an issue with my belly resembling a mini muffin top over my jeans, I consider that too much flab and want to do something about it NOW. My weight is at a healthy number, but the flab from eating bad food is not. I wish it wasn't rude to reply with "well now I see why you look like you do"
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Not sure if it related to this thread but I get annoyed when women who are a size 0 (very, im mean very skinny) and always talk about how fat they are and need to lose weight. I think most do it for attention. Stop it or you will look like a female version of achmed the dead terrorist.

    I do seem to have a problem with people not respecting me being on a diet. They always try to get me to eat very unhealthy fatting food and says "eat, you look fine". I have a goal and want to meet that goal so its important for people to respect im trying to be more fit. Thats why I love this site, many great people on here who are awesome at being supportive.
  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    Yes it does

    Technically, no it doesn't. 1 lb = 1 lb. It's the amount of space that the two take up is what's different. Muscle is leaner, so takes up less space in your body. I actually weigh more when I'm leaner from working out if you are to go by the amount of mass that's there.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I get so fed up with the anorexic 'wisdom' aspect. No, I am not anorexic. No I have not lost too much weight. Yes, I do like to feel thin rather than fat.
    And when I put 6lb on over Christmas, and mentioned to a mate that I was going to lose them over January she said that I looked better with a little fat on me. Sorry, do not even go there.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    The most annoying comment I get at the moment from the boyfriends parents is that my kinect games on the Xbox aren't exercise...
    I play dance central on Med/hard difficulty for 1 hour a day. My heart rate goes up and I sweat, how is it not exercise?

    But this is coming from people who are very overweight and don't exercise.

    They also get on my back if i eat something with the tiniest bit of fat or salt in it. Very annoying.
  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    The most annoying comment - 1. "Life is too short to be dieting"....really, because I am doing this to have a long healthy life. Besides, just because life is short does not mean everyday should be a freakin free for all!

    2. You don't need need to lose weight. OK, no one gets to decide how I want to look but me. I am the one that has to be happy about my weight.
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    When people know youre dieting they get all stupid and say dumb *kitten*. For example, at work, I took a small piece of brownie, just to get the taste, and a co-worker says : I thought you're on a diet?' so I said "who says I'm not, mind your business"
  • chicklidell
    I haven't read the entire thread, so I may be duplicating. It drives me nuts when I hear people tell me that they're doing their cardio in order to eat a treat....that mentality will keep most people from ever losing weight.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I typically don't share my info with others except for those on MFP who are on the same journey for this very reason. But if I had to say something about annoying comments these would be it-

    "Oh what are you doing to lose weight?" and then they go on to tell me about an extreme diet they are going to do like my healthy, sensible eating/exercise plan will never be enough.

    "Is that on your diet?"
    Someone says "I'm starting tomorrow" and this occurs many times over the next months...I think what are you waiting for?

    So as a result my approach is working towards a healthy eating and exercise plan each day for my lifetime and reap the positive results in weight, good health, and energy for now and in the future. I don't think of it as a diet.
  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    "Oh, you're trying to lose weight again?"

    "You've been doing this forever - maybe this is just your comfortable weight." (I'm about thirty pounds above the ideal weight for my height and bone structure.)

    "You know, counting calories doesn't work."
  • Carri1
    Carri1 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes of course and you can make low fat donuts with it! Wow why didn't we think of that? Moms...ya gotta love em!
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    "If you lose any more weight there won't be anything left."
    Ummm maybe I hide it well but I am still overweight and still not pleased with my body. K, thanks.

    Oooh! And when my boyfriend knows I'm working out, if I skip a day he criticizes me.
    I'm not stuck on a ship where my only option for free time is working out. I have a life too. Soooooooorry! How much have YOU worked out since you deployed? I love you babe, but STFU!
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I have been struggling trying to lose weight for months now. I have been yo-yo-ing up and down the same 5 pounds. It is a HUGE effort for me to lose weight, with lots of exercise, watching everything I eat. If I stop, my weight shoots up.

    My sister says to me (in front of my 14 year old daughter), while COMPLETELY DRUNK, "you need to lose weight." I said, I'm trying. (I was on weight watchers at the time) She said, "what are you doing?" I told her WW, exercising, etc. She said, "well, whatever you're doing it is NOT working for you. just saying."

    I was speechless and hurt. My daughter LOOKED at me, with a look of "I cannot believe she just said that. how rude!"

    The next day, she didn't even remember talking to me that night...
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    My idiot brother constantly talks about Veganism (I am a practicing Vegan) when he is not one and the health benefits it provides and that I should eat the morningstar veggie burgers. I tell him they have egg in it no can do. He repeatedly argues this point as soon as I see him. I won't engage him further than saying they have egg in them, check your nutrition labels which he says he has. When you flip the box over it says "Contains Eggs." Some of them also contain cheese.

    He also talks to me constantly about blood type diets and that i need to start eating his O negative diet. I told him I am not O negative and I am not interested, he gets mad and argues with me about this telling me I have to be O negative My clinic and Doctors are wrong and are hiding something from me. The guy just can't be wrong about anything. I jut ignore it and walk away.

    I have a co worker who does not understand Vegetarianism let alone 'this veganist crap" and constantly brings meat snacks (Like Beef jerky) and waves it in front of me in an attempt to get me to switch back. I only switched to this since last summer so he feels like I suddenly switched political parties and some how feels let down by my food choices. I tried reasoning with him once pointing out food is a personal choice and he shouldn't be worried about what I choose to do. He told me that was "Homosexual nonsense". I am not gay however I have two co workers who are and were sitting right there as he said this. He has no clue they are gay and they are terrified to 'come out at work' because of this man.

    I would like to also add I get nothing but loving support and compliments from the rest of my co-workers and the rest of my family. If it wasn't for them counter balancing these other two dummies, I might be on the next episode of 'cops'.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    "You should not focus so much."

    How else am I going to see results? 84 pounds didn't just drop off me from not focusing! DUH!!

    "Once you get it off, you'll gain it right back."

    Just because you did, don't mean I'm like you!

    "You're taking out grain? OMG! WHY?"

    Because I want to! When did my diet become your concern? I don't pick apart what you do or how you decide to eat.

    "You count calories? That can't last forever."

    Oh yes it can, but I do more then track my calories, I read nutrition facts. It's not about calories it's about being healthy for me!

    "Want a bite of this chocolate pie?"

    When is the last time I ate some chocolate pie? Do you really think I want a bite? If I wanted some I'd get some, but I want to reach my goal more then I want to put something in my body that I know will make me sick later to my stomach.

    I'm sure I can go on and on.
  • skinnyhobbit
    People who are lucky and do not have to fight weight are absolutely the worst when it comes to explaining to them how difficult dieting can be and keeping off the weight. So I do not talk to them about dieting ever....everyone is happier this way.
  • cornfritter22
    cornfritter22 Posts: 230 Member
    Dad: You really need to lose this weight.

    Me: I'm working on it, Dad, and I've lost 6 pounds so far.

    Dad: Well, 6 pounds isn't really enough to make a difference on someone your size.
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    I rarely tell people in my life that I am trying to eat healthier to lose weight, because I am sure those are the exact reactions I would get and I fear that would frighten me away from getting healthier (I know, it's something I need to get over and I will, someday)

    The only people I told were my mother, who is trying to lose weight herself and is very supportive and the person who was supposedly one of my closest friends (we don't speak anymore).

    The only annoying thing said to me was by my friend, "c'mon you can stop for two minutes and come and get some tacos with us, they can't be that bad for you."

    It's like yeah they are, plus I know how I behave in fast food restuarants, I want to try everything and will order way too much. And if I haven't seen a change in myself as i've been losing weight, I will fall off the healthy eating wagon faster than you can say, diet.
  • cmduncan
    That's funny. The most annoying comment I get also comes from my mother, but its the completely opposite. All I hear is "Look at how skinny you are!". Just because I am not obese like all of my aunts, or have a huge stomach like my mother, doesn't mean I'm skinny. I have a good 30 pounds of FAT, and am a size 13. I don't think that qualifies for skinny at all. Hearing "you should eat more, look at how skinny you are getting".. when yous till have 30 pounds to go is sooooooooo annoying.
    My mother does this too!!! I HATE IT!