Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    "What type of diet are you on, Mom! You keep eating and eating!" (I was eating fruit and a piece of candy.)

    "I don't want you to lose too much weight." (My boyfriend upon telling him what my end weight is going to be.)

    "Here, have this (huge) piece of cake. It won't hurt you!" (Ongoing problem with friends and relatives. They don't understand that I am REALLY going to lose weight this time!)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    One of my roommates (who can eat whatever the hell he wants and as long as he exercises occasionally, look fabulous) is always going out for fast food and usually invites me along. Anytime I turn it down and remind him that I'm trying to eat healthier, he actually gets really concerned for me. He'll make comments like "It's not that many calories, you need to calm down" or (jokingly) "Oh great, this is just what we need, you're anorexic now." He doesn't seem to understand that I eat PLENTY every day (I eat at my BMR rate) AND I work out... no, to him, any time I turn down food I must be developing an eating disorder.

    I guess it's sweet that he cares, but I wish he would just understand what I'm trying to do!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    "You're still a fatass. "

    " you eat healthy stuff, why are you so HUGE????"

    " no matter how much you diet you're still going to be ugly"

    And the list goes on.

    OMG WHAT????
    Who talks to you like that??
    Whoever he/she is that talks to you like that - you need to say buh-bye!!!

    Agreed! I know that with the weight loss my tolerance for things like this is nonexistent, I refuse to let people put me down. For the first time in a long time, I love myself enough to stand up for me!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    *You don't need to lose any more weight ~ Yes I do, I'm still 10lbs into the overweight category.
    *Can you eat that on your diet? ~ Yes, I'm calorie counting, not cutting.

    Best was at a meal when I'd decided to give myself a bit of a treat.. friend starts asking how the diet's going, how many calories would be in the plate of food I was eating etc. Completely put me off and made me feel guilty!

    Other thing that bugs me is when people invite me somewhere and say "you are going to eat, aren't you?" They mean am I going to get a three course meal.. and the answer to that is no. I'll have a healthy main meal, and I'm happy with that. Dad was going mad over Christmas because I was refusing chocolates some evenings (although I still ate enough to put 3lbs on just to put things into perspective) and I feel like screaming "Does it REALLY matter to you whether I'm stuffing my face or not?!"

    I'VE learned to have a good time and enjoy myself without having to be stuffing my face with rubbish at the same time. I just wish other people would leave me alone and accept that it is possible for that to happen!

    Life shouldn't revolve around food. I used to think it did, hence why I got myself to 18 stone odd in the first place. I'm not letting that happen anymore, and I swear I will be a healthy weight very soon.
  • Maria_t02
    "muscle weighs more than fat"

    errr, no it doesn't!

    ^^^ha! ditto!^^^^
  • Klynn63
    Klynn63 Posts: 66
    Sister in law said to me: "I remember when you USE to be so tiny."

    People talking about others (who are smaller than me) being sooo fat.
  • BrokenPerfection94
    "Everyone needs to eat 1200 calories to stay it bed all day long."
    No, everyones different.
    "I'm gonna shove food down your throat if you dont eat!"
    No thanks?
    "Your skinny, why arnt you eating??"
    Im not hungry?
    "Dang! you look bloated today!"
    Thanks, happens to girls once a month.

    And many, many more.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't know why this irritates me, but maybe it's because I tend to hear it from people who never fought a huge battle with weight:

    "The only exercise I do is pushing myself away from the table."
  • koutwater
    koutwater Posts: 47 Member
    "I wish I was skinny like you." (by someone with a lot of weight to take off)
    Um - do you wish you worked out an hour a day and watched EVERYTHING you ate? Then you can be. Don't make it seem like I just "happened" to be this way - it takes a lot of work my friends and I can't STAND IT when people minimize the effort by making it seem like I was just blessed with a smaller body (well - that still has 10 lbs. to lose:)
  • belladonna_3k
    I work in a small office where we have a LOT of junk food readily available (not to mention pot lucks, and random "oh I felt like baking so here are cakespiescookiesbreadsetc etc etc etc!) and I usually have no problem saying "no thank you" and sticking to what I bring for my daily food allowance at work.... but it NEVER fails.. I get the inevitable "oh just have ONE... it won't hurt you to just have a LITTLE... oh I don't know how you resist and just eat that healthy junk!" and so on and so on. They fail to understand I am not restricting myself, depriving myself or anything else... I'm making healthy choices for myself and enjoying it! I bring a huge variety of fruits, veggies, whole grains and the occasional "treat" of cheese or yogurt... believe me, I am not missing anything! :-)
  • paulyarwooduk
    Until recently I didn't get any comments whatsoever. In the last couple of weeks I have just had these two:

    About two weeks ago someone at work told me that I was wasting away and that I shouldn't lose any more weight (I'm currently 208lbs and I have another 25lb or so to lose yet EASILY!!).

    Then a friends' mum asked me how I am managing to lose weight and keep it off because I look really good on it.
  • Michelle650
    When you eat something not so healthy....I often get the comment...."So the diets off im guessing!" It drives me mad!!
  • JohnsonTL
    I really don't like when family members try and coax me into breaking my weight loss goals by offering me ice-ream, various treats, etc. When I politely deny their requests they get annoyed and tell me I can't keep this up forever and that it is impossible for me to reach my goal because loosing weight and staying healthy is too hard. Looking forward to proving them wrong.

    * I know that their is that famous phrase of everything is ok in moderation but as of now that saying has been stricken from my life. I have tried the whole moderation game and I do not have enough self respect to stay within my portions when it comes to sweets. I have decided to go cold turkey until I hit a certain weight while keeping up on exercise because I need to know that I can say no and that I am in control of my decisions. When I have that self discipline down then I can start reviewing what I can have in moderation.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    my cousin says " your not trying to look like Angela basset when she played tina turner are you?"
    another cousin " i hope your not still trying to lose weight!"
    my mom " you only cook for yourself" - umm no i dont you just like everything fried
    coworkers " I hate yall skinny health conscious chicks!" huh?? do I say anything about your mcdonalds tirades
    Im sure I can think of more but thats enough for one day

    I hate when people automatically assume because I eating healthy that I am saying they have to eat healthy too. Then they have to say something like "I could never do that to myself. Why are you eating ThAT?" like eating healthy is a sin and I am denying myself some fantastic reward!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    My mother in law noticed my weight loss, asked how much I've lost then said "Are you going to try to lose more?"

    Uh what the hell is that supposed to mean??

    When I was mixing my shake my coworker came over and said "So when did you become such a fitness freak?"

    My father in law said "Wow!! Looks like that diet is paying off!!"

    I said "More like the hours and hours I spend working my *kitten* off at the gym!!" ****head!!
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    It's the holidays you shouldn't diet during the hoildays. dumb dumb dumb thing to say!
  • twt1999brd
    Apparently I am not allowed to have banana's, which I eat all the time before a work out, because of the sugar.

    Hello obsessed carb/sugar's natural. It's not like I am spooning sugar into my mouth out of the jar.

    Sorry...I hear this sooooo much!!!!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Me: *Sitting in the kitchen eating two slices of bacon*
    Brother: *GASP* You're eating... FOOD..? I thought you ate like.. sticks and leaves and stuff.
    Me: Just because I'm not making a subway footlong my personal b*tch doesn't mean I don't eat!
  • BeckiCharlotte135
    size 13?
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I just don't like when people try to force me to eat because I'm not fat. No I'm not overweight anymore but I'm not happy with myself still so I should still be allowed to lose weight or at least maintain it.