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40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Duffy.... It's so great to hear from you. I'm so happy to hear that you feeling better.

    Alf... The group is huge! But that's great!

    Welcome to this thread to everyone I don't know....

    I have been extremely busy this January.... But that's good. We had inspections on the house we renovated in Nevada which the pest ppl said "this house is extremely clean you worked hard on it". That was nice to hear.

    We rented out another in our area and have been showing the last one here in California a few times a day lately so hopefully that won't take long to rent. One we weren't even trying to rent yet got rented out also. They went up to my husband asking about it. We did still have to work on it but we got it finished and the next week they were moving in. We do still have two in Nevada to work on but if everything keeps going this smoothly it won't take long til those are done also.

    I ordered shakeology the other day.... My daughter became a coach with beach body so I ordered it through her. It comes on the 12th. My goal for January is to have a shake for breakfast, I have a hard time eating breakfast, and squeezing in 3 days of exercise. Quite honestly I don't know how you guys workout so much with having a full time job.
  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 124 Member
    Great job hewhoiscd!!! That first race is so exciting. Your entry really brings it to life the excitement and emotions that go with that first race. I began running at 40 - something I never imagined doing. But I believe it has been the difference to my new ability to maintain rather that yo yo diet as I had in my past. I am not fast but my pr for 5K was 25:25. I just am happy that i found something I can do everyday no matter where I am that I like.

    Did a treadmill class today at the gym....kicked my butt. Lots of incline & sprint work with weights. Seemed like a great way to shake things up for me.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Alf: My eyes were going crossed trying to find evidence of Sing on this site. I too am a little worried. That is part of the reason I jumped back in here. Glad to hear that String is doing well is she still in the DC area?

    Okay so here goes....my goals for January: At least 3 days/week running. At least 2 days/week weight training. At least 1 Yoga for athletes/week (trying to avoid running injuries with plenty of flexibilty) At least 5 servings of fruits/veggies/day At least 8 glass of water/day.

    Since I'm just getting back to running I will save distance goals for later in the year.

    Duffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to have you back!!!! Yes, Sing, we miss him!! :cry: Stiring is still in DC. She is doing great! She said she is going to come back soon. You can send her a message, she will respond right away. Good luck on your running!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    sreeves, give Zumba a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If for some reason you dont enjoy try another instructor! Sometimes newcomers take Zumba with an instructor they cannot connect with or cannot follow and give up all together. We are all different. Keep up the good work.

    Hoothill, way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: Good for you!!!

    Chris, congrats on your first 5K. I am telling you, running can be addictive!!!! Dont get too bumped, it was your first so you learn from your mistakes. You will do better in your next one.

    Tron, I dont know how you do it! You are always sooo busy with your rentals and all! Good to hear from you!

    Well, gotta go to bed. Welcome to the newcomers!! Keep posting!! :flowerforyou:
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Stumbled upon this thread and will throw my 43 cents in! Married father of two children who are my inspiration for making these life changes. I have been big a big guy all my life and finally last year got tired of being tired! I have lost almost 50 pounds so far and ran my first to 5k races last year. My goals for 2012 are to run 3 more 5k and a 10k, to complete my weightloss journey. It is going to be a great year and I look orward to being apart of this thread.

  • ld40
    ld40 Posts: 15 Member
    Did a 5.5 mile run today to "pay" for a night out with some old friends. Had a fun time watching college hockey at Fenway Park. Had a cheeseburger, but managed to limit myself to only 2 beers and only a small handful of fries. Back to the healthy food tomorrow!
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    I purchased Supreme 90 and I will begin tomorrow. I will keep you posted.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    It is so great to see lots of us making the commitment to becoming more healthy in 2012!

    As Week 1 draws to a close, I'm happy to report I have achieved all of my goals for the week. I don't think I will change any of mine for next week as I really want to focus on making these stick. Tron - I can't wait to hear your opinion of Shakeology. I just buy the vanilla whey at Costco it comes in a huge bag. After treatment, I really needed to increase my protein to help get my white counts back up. For me that was quite a struggle because I'm not much of a meat eater. I added it to berry smoothies and even to my oatmeal (I hate oatmeal so I figured it was killing two birds with one stone).

    My splurge after the holidays was joining Weight Watchers online. So far I'm loving the points plus program. Most fruits and veggies are zero points so it helps me select more fruits and veggies than I normally would include in my day. Not sure if I will stay on it past the 3 month commitment but I'm hoping it will help me lose the 20Lbs I have gained. Some of that is probably due to the chemo-induced menopause.

    Family is headed on a cruise for spring break this year. 84 days and counting. It is my daughter's senior year and we wanted to do an extra special trip for her last family spring break.

    Running has been going extremely well here in Michigan but I know eventually winter will come. My plow guy has only done the driveway once so far. Extremely unusual. Alhtough my son gets his driver's license next month so if it is a mild winter that will cut down on my worry.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Welcome all you newbies!!! Our club is growing. I'm Kim. 44 from NEPA. I hav bn a member of MFP for over 531 days. My goal is to eat better, exercise.
  • Quoth
    Quoth Posts: 8
    Hi...can I sneak in early? I'll be 40 in April and need to make lifestyle changes. I was slim all my life and because I could get away with it I did no exercise (other than walking everywhere because I didn't have a car) and ate whatever I liked. In the last year my weight has slowly crept up due to getting a car, walking less and meds which make me lethargic. I'm carrying an extra stone (14lbs) and it all goes on my tummy/waistline. I'm fed up of looking pregnant! :D

    The plan is to continue eating the healthy stuff (cook from scratch, love my veg, always use low fat versions of mayo etc if I fancy some) but reduce the junk. I'm a snacker and I love crisps, dips, cheese and crackers. :/ I've switched from smoking to vaping...I'm on the E Cigs and so far so good. Today I restarted my workouts and I've ordered running shoes and knee supports in the hope that might support my dodgy knees enough to start jogging. If not then walking quickly.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Busy day! Helped my friend move from his old house to his new house this morning. I love it when everyday activities affirm your decision to get fit and healthy. Had no issues helping with heavy duty furniture, appliances and whatnot, last year I would have been wiped afterward. Today, I wasn't tired at all when we were done.

    Then, I switched to my motorcycle and went on a riding date with a girl I met on Match.com, our second date. We rode some nice curvy roads to the north of us and stopped at an awesome local Italian place. Best lasagna I've had in a long time. Can honestly say I ate it all with no guilt at all, since I know it will not do a thing to my current level of fitness. Then we talked for 3+ hours :D And road back to town with a beautiful sunset and a gorgeous full moon rising. All in all, a very full and good day for me.

    What a difference 15 months can make when you decide, commit and succeed :smile:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Everyone! Happy Monday......SLOW...SLOW....SLOW at work today so I'm taking off early. Gotta love being the boss! I'm doing OK..have been getting in some regular logging of my meals over the last week and have my calorie count back down into normal wt loss range. Haven't picked back up any excercising yet but am rearranging some things in my early AM schedule so I can. Good to see all the new folks posting!

    Chris: Super congratulations on your run! It sounded like you had fun and learned some things too! All good! The bike ride sounds awesome. Haven't been on a bike for years.....I have an unquenchable need for speed......and in deference to living longer opted for no more bikes except the ones I'm pedaling!

    Alf: What can you tell me about this new lifting thread you mentioned before...I'm interested.

    Hope everyone has a good week! :flowerforyou:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Re-started Jillian Michael's 6-Week Six-Pack yesterday. Feels good to be back in the swing of things after slacking off during the holidays. I am sore though! Ouch... :sick:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    94 Push Ups today (spread throughout the day: 24+22+24+24). No cardio, scheduled rest day. Starting my 10K race training program this week. So will be slowly upping my weekly running miles.

    *tladame: good job with getting back in to it!

    *crew: thanks :) I go to the track about once a year, helps me keep it sane on the streets the rest of the time :bigsmile: Good job on your meal tracking!

    *Quoth: sure thing, lol. I know some runners who say compression tights have helped their runner's knee. Sounds like you are on track!

    *duffyzmom: grats on achieving your weekly goal!

    *ketrell: Hope you like the Supreme 90!

    *ld40: nice run! I'm slowly working up my mileage. Will be a few more weeks yet before I get to 5+ miles at once though.

    *ken1994: welcome fellow runner!

    *alf: thanks :)

    *AScarbrough19: thanks :) like you, I never imagined before that I would actually enjoy running. It still amazes me :D Your treadmill workout sounds like a killer!

    *tron: glad things are going your way!

    *velloxal: you can do it!

    *sreeves: Thanks :) good job on the weekly goals! There are a lot of interesting workout and yoga shows on the cable on-demand services.

    *hoothill: Love that name for some reason :D

    *fit4life: grats on getting married!

    *scrapnsewsue: "and not obsess about doing this perfectly or it means failure." that is KEY right there. I struggled with the same thing when I started...or more accurately, didn't start. It was a great excuse to not do anything. If we wait for the "perfect" time and circumstances, it will never happen. Just do your best and forget the rest!

    *natalie: wow, great goals!

    *Wendyma: hop right on in!

    *tikanique: I sent you a message as well, to be sure you see this. But for the benefit of everyone, here it is again :) I am also lactose intolerant. I found switching to Lactose Free milk AND also switching to Protein ISOLATE, solved all my issues. Protein ISOLATE is just protein, nothing else. I use NOW's Whey Protein Isolate Natural Unflavored.

    *alicia: you can get it off! You just have to commit to it and follow through.

    I'm sure I missed some, but I have to get ready for bed now. Tired :D
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everyone - I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!:laugh: :laugh:
    Hubby is safely in Korea for all of 2012 :frown:
    Youngest daughter is in Army Basic Training at Ft Jackson, SC. Just got her company address; she graduates from Basic on March 15 and I intend to NOT look like I do right now when I see her graduate!

    Worked out for the first time in over 2 months; don't feel sore, just a good tired. Actually logged my foods today and stayed under calorie goal :smile:

    I'll cruise the thread another night; hope all are doing well.
  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    I did my basic training at Fort Jackson, SC ** years ago and I stil remember our company chant, the cadences and even how to squat thrust. Hope your daughter has as much fun with basic training as I did. And good luck transforming yourself before her graduation! I'm sure your daughter will appreciate the effort you put into it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marla, you are quite lucky to not be sore. I went three weeks this fall without doing anything and when I started back up I was a mess.

    I missed both of my YMCA classes last night as I was 125 miles away from home. I drove my daughter and her three children home to Toledo. I made rather good time. Got back just a little after 11:00. Please pray for my son-in-law. His step-father died last night. My son-in-law's birth father died when Stu was three so this man raised him. My daughter is really taking it hard.
  • jineat
    jineat Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to join, I'm 51 and consider myself getting into top shape. I would love to lose 45 pounds this year. I have a heavy workout schedule and just recently joined the adult swim team. I lift weights, do extreme workouts M-S. I've burned a lot of fat and have gained muscle.
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member

    I was on my first diet at 8 years of age, and it's been a lifelong battle that I have never been able to win. I own (hehe) weight watchers , although I did lose 54lbs. on it about 34 yrs. ago...*sigh*. I joined TOPS last January and haven't really lost anything just stayed the same. So one day I saw this site on a friends post in FB, so now here I am. I am married have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I drove bus for 18 years..I do love to cook and use all the recipes from skinnytaste.com they are so good..also love to do ceramics and crochet. Since last April we have a 40ft. 2 bedroom trailer I stay at all summer, so will have to look into phone app.
    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    to be healthier and be able to walk and do more activities, and be happier with myself ,,not to mention to be healthier as I also am diabetic