How can I add oatmeal to my diet when I hate it?



  • Mamaross29
    Mamaross29 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, in the a.m I make myself a shake. It includes 1- cup frozen veggies
    2 -35 cal yogurts ( I use strawberry or vanilla)
    1/2 cup skim milk
    1 pkg, cooked plain oatmeal
    Handfull of spinach
    1 tbsp peanut butter(optional)
    I blend it up in the blender and it makes a very thick shake and is delish!!! One way to get oatmeal in ur diet :)
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I like to make flavored oatmeal and then put frozen yogurt on top of it... It is like eating a cobbler with ice cream on top :-) Good luck with your oatmeal issues...
  • t4theo
    t4theo Posts: 9
    I add Cinnamon, Salt, vanilla, and splenda. If you can afford the calories you can add rasins, walnuts, butter. Just about anything you like. Enjoy
  • I make a oatmeal mocha thing that has really helped me like it.

    1/2 cup oatmeal (1 serving) 150 calories
    1 tablespoon peanut butter 95 calories
    Dymatize Elite - Whey Protein Isolate Cafe Mocha, 1 scoop 117 calories

    Total=362 calories, 34 carbs, 13 fat, 34 protein, 5 fiber, 3 sugar

    If I can't finish it I put little balls of it on wax paper and then I have little no bake cookies later that I have already accounted for.
    Hope that helps.

    Interesting blend bro. Used to blend 1 serving oats, peanut butter, banana and casein as my last meal before I hit the sack.
  • TheVulcanLover
    TheVulcanLover Posts: 36 Member
    Bump--so I have that crepe recipe
  • I hate cooked oarmeal, so I have used my coffee grinder to grind it into a powder and I add it to fruit flovored yogurt. Also I grind oatmeal into a powder and store it in a large container, so powder is ready for use. I use my blender to add 1-2 scoops into milk to make thick milk shake, for flavor I use the variety of "add to water flavor mixers, like Wyler's cherry/raspberry,hawiian punch, maybe equal and few cubes of ice. Also great substiture from having to buy store brought protein shakes. If you want, you can try blending with real fruit juice instead of milk, adding your yogurt into blender, using vanilla flavoring, real banana or a spoon full of sugar free chocolate/vanilla or banana pudding to thicken....the possibilities are endless.

    Another thought is to make your own granola, use sugar free jelly as binding ingredient, stay away from dried fruits, just add variety of nuts, chopped small. I don't use honey,I blend the oats, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, a little dried coconut and stir in a tablespoon or so of sugar free jelly. bake in oven 7-10 minutes, the jelly will bind nuts and oats, dont burn it. and practice portion control....and you good to go. variety can declde a few flax seeds, carob when you take out of oven while still warm. These are ways I get oatmeal down.

    Also you can bake oatmeal brownies, add oatmeal to bakers non sweetened chocolate, I use equal for sweetner, and melt down some 1 tablespoon per cup,butter, add an egg and some enough milk, to moisten or use unsweetened cocoa for chocolate if you dont have melted chocolate bars. Sweeten to taste, use sugar free sweetners bake in non stick pan few minutes. You can also try variation by adding nuts, real apple, vanilla flavor and cinnamon....World of possibilities according to your taste, your creativity and your diet...portion control recommended, nuts make it so good.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    No sense eating those calories when you hate them when you could actually use those cals on something you like.

    ^ this

    I love oatmeal, but I don't eat it very often. It's a treat for me. It's a lot of calories, and at my age/weight, it would be a considerable chunk of my allowance for the day.

    Now the Quinoa Porridge from Green Eggs Cafe in Philadelphia, THAT'S a treat. Butter, spices and fresh berries -- OMG!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    On the one hand, I agree with people who suggest that you not eat something you do not like. On the other hand, I don't like plain oatmeal, but with an apple, cinnamon, banana, and peanut butter added to it, I think it is pretty good.
  • julymom
    julymom Posts: 14
    We always cook a serving of quick cook oats (so 1/3c oats with 2/3c water) every morning, let it cool, and then add it to our fruit smoothie. Makes it so creamy, thick and delicious. Can't taste the oatmeal (although I love oatmeal), but you get the benefits of the whole grain.
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    I've attempted to eat those instant oatmeal packets over the darn convenient, but's like school paste (imo). I heard people raving about steel cut oats and wanted to try them. They ARE a pita to make, so I kind of gave up. Jamba Juice sells a great steel cut oatmeal.....I fell in love and googled a recipe to make it at home. (hello huge money saver!!!) The recipe uses a rice more babysitting a pan on the stove.

    I don't follow the recipe exactly. For half the liquid, I use unsweetened almond milk. I also use no sweetener when making it (but put some raw sugar on top of my serving). It is delish
  • I eat still cut oats. They are full of fiber. They do take about 10 minutes to cook. I add some slivered almonds, golden raisins and agave nector with a 1/2 cup of soy milk. It is delicious, You can also add some cimmamon or pumpkin spice to your oats to spice it up!!
  • Add cinnamon!!!! Do you like cinnamon? Cinnamon is good for you too. :) Try it out.. I get the oatmeal where I just add water and then I put cinnamon in it and it's a different meal and I can more than tolerate it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I can't imagine why you'd force yourself to eat them if you don't like them. Like someone else said, they aren't magic.

    I'll NEVER eat cottage cheese, everyone swears it's healthy. I couldn't care less.

    You couldn't pay me to eat cottage cheese. It's so awful.
  • megandme120
    megandme120 Posts: 95 Member
    grinding it to a powder and adding it to yogurt..... I like that!
  • megandme120
    megandme120 Posts: 95 Member
    Oohh. I like that!
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    Have you ever tried Steel Cut oatmeal? It's a different texture and taste than instant or reg oatmeal.
    I put a little brown sugar and unsweetened almond milk in it. Way better than the other stuff.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I was in the same boat as you a few months ago. Only ever tried instant oatmeal and HATED it with a passion. Texture was like snot with bits in it. Gross.

    Do yourself a huge favour and do NOT buy instant!

    Either start with baby oatmeal (that's what I did and it was delicious with some cinnamon and bananas!) or try something like McCann's steel cut oats and make it on the stove. Only takes 7 minutes and it's delicious.
  • in a smoothie! I make mine with spinach, bananas, greek yogurt, rolled oats and peanut butter!
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    I totally agree that the instant and quick stuff is slimmy. I use old fashioned and like steel cut oats but don't think its worth the difference in cost. Microwaving them and cooking on the stove changes the texture a bit too. I prefer it on the stove. I cook part of the way and then add about a T of cinnamon. Complete cooking. mix in 2 packs of splenda and sometimes splenda Brown Sugar (not a lot). Then it gets a hand full of blueberries and often a half cut up banana. I then add about 4 oz of coconut milk. (Almond is good on it too) I have also tried PB in it. I think flavor wise you just have to figure out what you like added to it. I have not tried this particular recipe but I really love baked oatmeal. There is a mom in the neighborhood that brings it to school breakfast events and its amazing. She adds chocolate chips and probably a ton on sugar but this recipe has more healthy alternatives. I would use splenda or another sugar substitute and splenda brown sugar instead of the real stuff but you get the idea... Note: my normal bowl of fruit and oats is just about 300 calories. Since without excercise I only get 1200 per day having 300 at breakfast works into the plan very nicely. Having been on atkis for a year and being over 50 I really have to watch my fiber intake and oats helps with that. Plus I am quite full all the way to lunch. It also helps me to get in berries for all of their health benefits. Good luck! I hope we help you learn to love oatmeal.
  • karrismum
    karrismum Posts: 10 Member
    anzac buiscuits... not sure how you make them low sugar... also you can bake sliced apple topped with oatmeal - ie oats - add a little bit of artificialt sugar or the real thing - think apple crumble