Who believes in Internet Dating?



  • fit4justme
    fit4justme Posts: 92 Member
    My marriage started as Internet Dating. We will be married 8 years April 19th.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If being together is actually achievable and you're smart about the whole thing, go for it. I've seen a lot of women who meet guys in far-off locations, and it looks pretty obvious from the outside that they're being taken advantage of.

    Sometimes. I know a woman in her 60s that met a guy in Australia, moved there and married. They were together for about 5 yrs or so and he passed away. She had some good years by taking a chance.

    My problem is, after reading a few profiles of people I know, I do not trust any of them. Even I have to change mine from "active, likes to work out" to "working on working out" :laugh:
  • shabounds
    I BELIEVE. I met my huband of 4 years on match.com. We are wonderfully matched and share lots of common interests. We dated for about 2 years beore we got married.

    I will admit that I met many questionable men on the site before meeting my prince, but for me, the process was fun, I was out and about, and meeting LOTS of new people. I ONLY coresponded with men in my same city. I would NEVER seek companionship outside an area where we could actually meet face to face.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    ....of anyone telling you they love you before you've even met.....

    Haha. I think we've broken all these rules

    Uh, I don't think so. I think most people haven't broken this rule.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I think the issues you raise come down to trust. If you don't trust, does it matter how far away you live? In other words, unless you are prepared to follow them like the ninja, you'd be better off finding someone in whom you can trust however far away they are. If you can't do that, perhaps taking a good look at yourself is in order (looking most closely at your ability to trust btw). For the record, I have never internet dated. But I would consider it.

    Recent cruddy relationship or bad breakup? Just a guess. Self reflection is usually reserved for those who have been there.

    For me its not only trust but also interegerty that makes a guy a keeper, a great smile dosen't hurt either. :happy:

    <<<<<< No Internet dating experience
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    Where are you guys finding all of these creepers and fake profiles? Maybe I weeded them all out before meeting in person, but I had two short stints on match.com resulting in a bunch of first dates before meeting my fiance and the worst experience I had was a date with someone who was incredibly, painfully shy. No crazies or drug addicts over here. However, I was on a paid site so maybe that made a difference because it would be hard to pay match's ridiculous fees without at least having a job. I've heard from friends who have done some of the free sites and they made it seem like you had to wade through a lot more not-so-great profiles before you could find anyone who was date-worthy.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I met my bf on a dating website. He lives 5 minutes from me.

    I didn't really know how else to meet people. I work for a family business, with all women and most of them are not local. When I Was in college (graduated in May) I was like 10 years older than the average student at my University, and in general my friends are mostly female.

    He doesn't have a secret life and neither do I. We make each other happy, I don't think it matters in the least that we met on a dating website lol.
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    My Husband and I met on Christiancafe.com.

    I went on the site on a whim, I had a 10 day free trial and met my now husband a few days in. We started chatting... every waking minute for a week! The next weekend we went for coffee... I came home, and thought he was a bit of a dork, but we went out for dinner and mini golfing the next Saturday... That was in 2009, now we are married, own a house, and life is good!

    For me, he was my first bf (aside from the stupid grade 6 thing I had). I'm not a very outgoing person, and the thought of going out to a bar was not my idea of a good time. I went into the dating website with an open mind and I intended on being completely honest to who I am. Apparently, that was my husbands intention as well! He had tried the online dating a few times prior to that.
    To be honest, I'm not sure how else I would have found someone. I went to school I went home, that was pretty much it, I wasn't involved in very much at the time so I didn't have a whole lot of opportunity. Since we are both shy, the barrier of our computers let us open up and speak our minds without worrying about anything, for us, it was a great ice breaker.

    It works for some people, but not all.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    My Husband and I met on Christiancafe.com.

    I went on the site on a whim, I had a 10 day free trial and met my now husband a few days in. We started chatting... every waking minute for a week! The next weekend we went for coffee... I came home, and thought he was a bit of a dork, but we went out for dinner and mini golfing the next Saturday... That was in 2009, now we are married, own a house, and life is good!

    For me, he was my first bf (aside from the stupid grade 6 thing I had). I'm not a very outgoing person, and the thought of going out to a bar was not my idea of a good time. I went into the dating website with an open mind and I intended on being completely honest to who I am. Apparently, that was my husbands intention as well! He had tried the online dating a few times prior to that.
    To be honest, I'm not sure how else I would have found someone. I went to school I went home, that was pretty much it, I wasn't involved in very much at the time so I didn't have a whole lot of opportunity. Since we are both shy, the barrier of our computers let us open up and speak our minds without worrying about anything, for us, it was a great ice breaker.

    It works for some people, but not all.

    Ill try this one. I cant even get a woman to text me more less meet on pof. They al say they are talking to 50 other guys too and its overwhelming. Im looking for something simple, not a situation like throwing a handful of chicken feed in a circle of 50 chickens and watch them fight over it. .
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I met my husband on the internet but we did all of our dates in real life lol. After we met (we lived near each other) then we were just together. We met on match.com.
    I too don't see the point of dating someone you're not really dating in real life. So what, you can visit them twice a year? No thanks. I had a long distance relationship a long time ago. Not my cup of tea. (no offense of course)
  • lvk82
    lvk82 Posts: 21
    I found my boyfriend on a online dating site.. He is by far the most amazing guy I have ever been with... We both work crazy schedules and do not have the time to meet new and fun exciting people. So online dating worked for us.. Everyone is different it's not for everyone. Best of luck!!:heart:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I would laugh at anybody so pathetic to have to use a personal add or the internet.

    And then I saw the results of such coupling.
    Friends met, connected and got married. All I know who did this seem happy.

    I have changed my position on this. I don't think I'd ever do it, but for those who might be shy or whatever, GO FOR IT!

    It seems to work for many people.
  • cyntia
    cyntia Posts: 24 Member
    keep your options open it would not kill you and when you meet someone and you like them over the phone whatever meet them at a public place its the same thing like being at bar. I met my boyfriend on the internet and we are together happy for three years and my sister met her ex on the internet and they were together for the same time period as well. I also had another friend who met her boyfriend of 4 years on the internet as well and the list goes on. So hopefully you can see that you can have a real relationship with someone you met one the internet you just have to be careful and have fun!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    My Dad met my Stepmom online through eHarmony. I met my current boyfriend there. I like it... it introduces you to people you ordinarily may never have met.

    I love Mike dearly... and we're so alike in so many ways. I just feel like this could really work. And I'm happy. Other aspects of my life have me stressed to the breaking point... but... he's there. And when he talks about my problems... he says "we"... and it just... takes so much of the pressure off of me, & makes me feel like I'm not alone for the first time since my Mom died. And that's wonderful.

    He has a very healthy lifestyle, and eats very healthfully, & he's been a great influence on me in that way, which is awesome too,

    I'd do it again. And I'd recommend it to anyone else.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Both of my neighbors met their spouses online
  • sophistication21
    I have had a similar experience with guys I've met online. However, just because you have to weed through the creepers, liars and married jerks, does not mean that there are not honest people just like you out there looking. I mean, what are the odds that you are the only decent person on the entire internet? I had to keep an open mind and just be myself and discard the weirdos. One night, I was bored and just clicking through the ads on (of all places) Craigslist and just for fun answered an ad that sounded nice. It had typos and no picture...not an ad that I would ever had answered had a been seriously looking! We exchanged a few emails and in a week we met at a Starbucks...We have been inseperable since! The crazy thing is, he hates being online and doesn't even have a facebook! It's kind of miraculous we even met!

    What I'm saying is: don't give up! There is someone (actually multiple someones) for everybody! You just haven't found him yet :-) Also remember: no on can love you truly until you love yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself :-)
    Hope this helps
  • sophistication21
    I have met nothing but psychos and liars in the online dating world. Ooops I forgot to also add MARRIED! Then again I also speak from a bitter place. I don't think there's anyone out there for me anymore :(

    I have had a similar experience with guys I've met online. However, just because you have to weed through the creepers, liars and married jerks, does not mean that there are not honest people just like you out there looking. I mean, what are the odds that you are the only decent person on the entire internet? I had to keep an open mind and just be myself and discard the weirdos. One night, I was bored and just clicking through the ads on (of all places) Craigslist and just for fun answered an ad that sounded nice. It had typos and no picture...not an ad that I would ever had answered had a been seriously looking! We exchanged a few emails and in a week we met at a Starbucks...We have been inseperable since! The crazy thing is, he hates being online and doesn't even have a facebook! It's kind of miraculous we even met!

    What I'm saying is: don't give up! There is someone (actually multiple someones) for everybody! You just haven't found him yet :-) Also remember: no on can love you truly until you love yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself :-)
    Hope this helpse]
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My Husband and I met on Christiancafe.com.

    I went on the site on a whim, I had a 10 day free trial and met my now husband a few days in. We started chatting... every waking minute for a week! The next weekend we went for coffee... I came home, and thought he was a bit of a dork, but we went out for dinner and mini golfing the next Saturday... That was in 2009, now we are married, own a house, and life is good!

    For me, he was my first bf (aside from the stupid grade 6 thing I had). I'm not a very outgoing person, and the thought of going out to a bar was not my idea of a good time. I went into the dating website with an open mind and I intended on being completely honest to who I am. Apparently, that was my husbands intention as well! He had tried the online dating a few times prior to that.
    To be honest, I'm not sure how else I would have found someone. I went to school I went home, that was pretty much it, I wasn't involved in very much at the time so I didn't have a whole lot of opportunity. Since we are both shy, the barrier of our computers let us open up and speak our minds without worrying about anything, for us, it was a great ice breaker.

    It works for some people, but not all.

    Ill try this one. I cant even get a woman to text me more less meet on pof. They al say they are talking to 50 other guys too and its overwhelming. Im looking for something simple, not a situation like throwing a handful of chicken feed in a circle of 50 chickens and watch them fight over it. .

    I have a hard time believing dating is hard for YOU!!! lol
  • inammorata
    If you haven't met in person and gone out, then it's not dating IMO.
  • Blue71
    Blue71 Posts: 28 Member
    I do. I met my husband on Match.com and I'm so grateful that we found each other. We would never have met otherwise.