January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • kaylyngt
    Monday, Jan 8 goals:

    1. walk 30 min
    2. clean the kitchen
    3. do my church assignments
  • lauj2k
    lauj2k Posts: 1
    Hi im Laura, i'm 29 from South Wales, UK.

    I'm looking to hopefully lose 7lb's slowly but surely (Christmas weight, too much chocolate) and then stay at my target weight.

    I'm also looking to increase my vitamin and water intake and lead a healthier lifestyle.

    My fitness pal is helping me monitor everything, and I can see my weakness and downfalls easily. Really loving this website and the app on my phone.

  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    This is a great idea :)
    Often i think about joining challenges, but life get's in the way! lol

    I'm Sam, 25, from Lincolnshire UK. I'm a mummy to two amazing children, have an incredible fiance/best friend, and i work part time.
    I struggle to get in regular exercise, and drink enough water! (fizzy is my weakness!)

    Goals for 9th Jan...

    1. No fizzy drink at all today. Only water, fruit cordial (with water), NO PEPSI!!
    2. To do at least 30 minutes of exercise.
    3. To tell myself one good thing i like about my body, before i go to bed tonight. (end the day on a positive)
  • NanciKay
    NanciKay Posts: 86 Member
    ok....didn't log in over the wkend, but accomplished:
    detailing the house
    eating clean (except for that one diet coke w/ captain morgan)

    heading out of town for work till thursday, but i brought my ipad!!!
    goals for today:
    1. water, water, water
    2. keep my positive attitude flowing strong
    3. continue to eat clean
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday-Sunday were:

    1. try to catch up with my challenges (miles!!)
    2. clean house, laundry, etc
    3. Go to Disneyland and have a great time with my family!.

    I completed ALL of these goals! (well, okay there is one challege I need to catch up on)

    Goals for Today are:
    1. try to catch up with my challenges (miles!!)
    2. keep my house clean & get a hold of laundry
    3. Get a to-do list going as far as tying up loose ends: Christmas bins, garage dump-run, exercise, etc.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 8:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (2 miles with the Walk Belt) --Yes
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices! --Mostly.
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Yes.

    It's going to be hard to fit in the 5 mile walk today but I WILL get it done, even if I have to break it up into smaller distances!

    Goals for January 9:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (5 mile walk)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • velvetss24
    velvetss24 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi My name is Velvet and I am 43 years old. My boyfriend and I love to cook and eat so we have both put on a few extra pounds. He and I are both using myfitness pal and are having fun laughing at eachother when we mess up and eat to much, but we are trying to be faithful in loging what we eat. I have been sick the last week so I havent been able to exercise much but this is a new week and I am ready for the challenge. Bring it....

    My goals are to:
    1. Log everything I eat good or bad.
    2. Drink more water
    3. Start riding my bike on the beach at least 3 times a week.
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all. This is Frannie. I started here last week, then the floor kinda dropped out from under me. I'm back and ready to roll. Below are my goals for today.

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. Stay under calories
    3. Work out with Wii Active
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Monday

    To continue to journal honestly done
    To drink 8 glasses of water (green tea) and not drink coffee done
    To follow my eating plan done
    To not stress out....and if I do, to not use food to push down the stress. done
    To exercise at the gym after work. did not do...was not feeling all that good. taking it easy tonight

    today was pretty good. I got on the scale and lost 3 lbs since I started. My blood sugars are stablizing, which is a good sign. Almost forgot to mention...the pink roses that I bought for myself on Sunday and have on my desk have helped me to not stress eat. When ever I felt stressed, I smelled my roses. I think I am going to keep fresh flowers at my desk. It really helps. :smile:
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    Continue to journal honestly
    Drink my water and green tea and not drink coffee
    Follow my diet plan
    Get to the gym.
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    Goals for 9th Jan...

    1. No fizzy drink at all today. Only water, fruit cordial (with water), NO PEPSI!!
    2. To do at least 30 minutes of exercise.
    3. To tell myself one good thing i like about my body, before i go to bed tonight. (end the day on a positive)

    1. Completed!
    2. Managed 20 minutes, before injuring myself! haha
    3. Yep :)

    Goals for 10th jan...

    1. Another day without any fizzy drinks!
    2. More exercise today. 20-30 mins.
    3. Do not jump on the scales today at all!
  • Roguecircuit75
    Roguecircuit75 Posts: 11 Member
    HI! What a great idea for a group - I often get hung up on the pressure of more specific goals, so I really like the "daily" goals :) My goals today are to

    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Run 2 miles on treadmill when I get home from work
    3. Drink lots of water

    I am married with two beautiful children - I work full time (just started a new job - been doing part time stuff until this wonderful full time job came my way!) and am a very busy person! I have been up and down on the scale so many times - am looking to lose weight and keep it off - to make that 'lifestyle change' so its a part of who I am. I'm good about exercising most of the time - but I eat way too much. I have determined that I'm a stress eater (gee, who isn't??) and I'm trying to be more aware of that.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Goals for Monday, January 9th
    1. Water- 10-12 glasses- Done
    2. Organize belts at work- Done
    3.Wii- Come on just 30 minutes! You are so worth it and it is so much fun!!!!!! - Done!!!

    So yesterday turned out to be a very productive day. 3 hours of climbing up and down ladders and reaching for nails plus 3 hours of deep cleaning back of shop. I wasn't planning on doing that, but since already dirty figured I might as well get it as clean as I like it!!!!! If only I could get the new guy to understand that that is how I like it at the end of every day!!!!!

    Sam- I love your self affirmation goal! Everyone should like themselves! It is hard sometimes, but when asked what the favorite part of your body is, you aught to have an answer! Great work!

    Tuesday, January 10
    1. Water- 10-12 glasses (you would think this would go without saying by now)
    2. Wii for 30 minutes
    3. Finish paper work and write order for work. Only worked in back yesterday, so have to catch up again up front!
    4. Do something unexpected for one person today!

    I hope everyone continues to do so well and make SMART goals. They may be only daily ones, but the turtle did win the race!:bigsmile:

    Have a smiley day!!!!
  • shazzam05
    Hi my name is Sharon needing all the motivation and support I can get.
    Goals for Jan 11th
    drink water
    walk after work
    make individual serves of jelly to fight my sweet tooth
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi my name is Marie & I love the sound of this Challenge. I've been pretty slack for months and it really is beginning to bug the crap out of me. I haven't been honest or tracking or really trying at all so to stick to some daily goals will be good.
    My goals for today:-
    2. Drink Water - at least 8 glasses
    3. Exercise today - look into other types of exercise instead of just jogging
    4. Do some laundry
    5. Wash Kitchen Floors :blushing: dog prints are not a pleasant sight
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member

    Jan 9 1) Gym night! I will go to the gym (complete 5k on treadmill)\ Done...killed it
    2) no cookies at work-fail..thoes cookies are my nemisis
    3) move at work more (walk around Lounge) done 50 laps around the lounge...25 min not much to do there but was slow so I was able to get moving

    Jan 10 1) Gym, Bodyjam class
    3) Move at work
  • christydufrene78
    Hello everyone, My name is Christy Dufrene and I really excitied by joining since i have trouble getting through the small goals much less the big ones. Here goes a try! I am a single mother age 33 and I have 2 daughters ages 12 and 9. i have a hypertension, anxiety panic attacts and much overweight. My small goals today are
    1. workout for 30 minutes today
    2. stay under my calorie goal
    3. eat before 6 pm
    4. dont get stressed at work(i have control of that)
  • kittybitz79
    Yesterday's Goals
    1) Log everything. Accomplished
    2) Stay within my calories. To the penny
    3) Drink at least 8 glasses of water. Done
    4) Get applications in the mail today. Hubby needs to print the resume for me to send
    5) Have a good day at work. Accomplished alot

    Today's goals

    1. Log everything.
    2. Stay within my calories.
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    4. Go for a walk today either at lunch or after work.
    5. Have a good day at work.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Stephanie, I would love to join this thread. I'm 23, married, and have a 22 month old daughter. I want to join this thread so I have somewhere to be accountable to everyday!!

    1) Log Everything!!
    2) Get to the gym for an hour.
    3) Do a load of laundry tonight.
    4) Choose the right foods.
    5) Plan tomorrows meals tonight.

    Hope everyone has a great day :-)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 9:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (5 mile walk) --4 miles*
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices! --Better.
    3. More liquids--water and tea. --Yes.

    *Just realized today that there are TWO Leslie Sansone challenges--1 at the WalkClub website and 1 at her FB page. I will do the 21 day challenge at her FB page instead of the (more intense) 7 day challenge at the website. It will be better for my knee.

    I want to welcome all our newbies! Nice to meet you! Everyone is doing well and that's so good!

    The doctor has said that my mom has a week at the most left. I'm both sad and glad that I'm not in Phoenix. I have 2 wonderful sisters there that are with her and keeping the rest of us in the loop.

    Goals for January 10:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (2 mile walk)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.