Lose 5 Pounds a Month January 2012 Challenge



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    :happy: Count me in! I have already lost 5 lbs since the 3rd, so I will go for 10! :smile:
  • 1/1: 280.6
    1/8: 281.8

    *sigh* I knew I would gain a pound...went right off the diet when I was sick and feeling sorry for myself. Now I will work doubly hard!

    No worries!! You're here and you're committed to making a change!!! That's important too. I sure hope you're feeling better. Hang in there. Stay positive. Take it one day at a time! YOU CAN DO THIS!! :bigsmile:

  • smoochums
    smoochums Posts: 6 Member
    I am hoping to still join. I started 1-1-12 weighing 216.4. I have not weighed myself yet. I plan to weigh again on 2-1-12.

  • Skaber
    Skaber Posts: 10
    1/2: 205 lbs
    1/9: 203 lbs:happy:
  • Is it too late to join in for this month? Currently weighing in at 144 (ish) ... LoL
  • shellyamyethan
    shellyamyethan Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in for this, I'd like to lose more than 5 pounds, but we'll see :)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    UP 1.6 pounds! Darn.

    1/1 327
    1/9 328.6
    My work is cut out for me.
  • deedee30
    deedee30 Posts: 5 Member
    Stayed at 69kg. Need to lose 1kg this week.
  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    I've only lost 1lb this week, better than nothing only 4 more to go:smile:

    2 Jan 139
    9 Jan 138
    16 Jan
    23 Jan
    30 Jan
  • jayna22
    jayna22 Posts: 38 Member

    Of course I was also 279 on January 3. I'm doing everything right but the scale hasn't moved. Grrr. Being patient.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi Terri, :smile:

    I only joined MFP on Sunday so am new to this and the challenges and how they work.

    Say for example at the end of the thord week I have lost 7lbs then in the last week I put on 3lbs taking my weightloss back to 4lbs. As I had at some part of January lost the required month 5lbs does that count as succeeded or is it based on being 5lbs less than the weight you began January at when you weigh yourself at the end of the month?

    Good luck reaching your goal. :smile:



    We are shooting be down 5 pounds at the end of the month.

    This is a challenge only in that every one is working to lose at least 5 pounds this month.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not sure what happened but I was up 1 pound yesterday. I went from 181 to 182. I was at 179 on Friday, just goes to show how much weight can fluctuate.

    My challenge for you this week is to add at least 1 more vegetable and 1 more fruit serving to your daily diet. Most people do not get enough of either so if your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES.

    Have a great Monday,

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, day 2 is nearly under my belt. So far, so good.

    I will check in tomorrow, since I need to weigh myself tomorrow morning for my starting weight for my 10-10-10 challenge. I will also be presented with my first major temptation: we have a work sponsored breakfast meeting tomorrow morning. I will stick to eggs, fruit, and green tea. No bread or greasy meats. I promise.

    My work breakfast went well: had some plain yogurt with pears and peaches, a hard boiled egg, and a piece of broccoli and bacon frittata (I picked a piece that didn't have much bacon). I went to the gym on Friday at lunch for a Couch to 5k workout - I've lost a lot of my running ability (that's what you get for taking a few months off).

    The weekend was ok (not great but not terrible) - the majority of my meals were healthy, but I had one "indulgence" each day, and I didn't get any exercise, so overall, I would rate an 'ok'.

    Saturday night we played cards at a friends house, and there were so many snacks on the table, it was impossible for me to completely resist. So, I controlled it with a few different strategies:
    1) no liquid calories; I drank only water, as I would much rather EAT my calories!
    2) delay the first bite of my trigger foods; I sat next to the shrimp ring and snacked on that for the first part of the night, because I knew once I started in on the crackers and stuff I would have a more difficult time limiting myself.
    3) I didn't let the hosts switch the food around on the table (I left the crackers out of reach), and I only got up to get a cracker with dip between hands while others were shuffling. I alternated between the cheese dip and the salsa.
    4) had a few cheese cubes to counter the carbs in the crackers / tortilla chips.

    Sunday night, we were too lazy to make dinner (terrible, I know). My hubby went out to get a take-out pizza. I limited myself to one slice of pizza, and 3 garlic cheese fingers. Later that night, when I had the munchies, I ate raw veggies with a plain yogurt dip mixed with spices.

    So, overall, I am happy that I did not let this spin completely out of control. This morning, I am back to my healthy breakfast, I have plans to go to the gym, I packed a salad for lunch, etc.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hey everyone its My weigh in day today and On christmas I weighed 170 and at the beginning of the Month My weight was 169.4

    Current weight is 167.4


    @55, Way to go, girl!!! We're going to stay focused today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on. One day at a time, we will reach our goals!! We can do it!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Not sure what happened but I was up 1 pound yesterday. I went from 181 to 182. I was at 179 on Friday, just goes to show how much weight can fluctuate.

    My challenge for you this week is to add at least 1 more vegetable and 1 more fruit serving to your daily diet. Most people do not get enough of either so if your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES.

    Have a great Monday,


    @Terri, maybe your weight is 'loose' and after jumping around a bit will finally drop! :wink:
    I will definitely be working at your fruit / veggie challenge. The way I am doing it is by ensuring that I have a fruit / veggie with every meal in a variety of colors. Today, I have already eaten some strawberries and blueberries with breakfast, and some carrot, celery, cauliflower, and mushrooms for snack. I'm having a big salad for lunch with romaine lettuce, cucumbers, yellow peppers, snow peas and tomatoes. Supper is still a question mark but will definitely include more veggies.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    My starting weight, with holiday bloat, is: 153.
    Oh! I forgot to update with my weigh-in last Friday, Jan 6: 150.
    Down 3 pounds. Bye-bye holiday bloat!
    2 more to go!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    2/1 : 193.8
    8/1 : 190.2

    Loss of 3.6 lbs - need to keep that momentum going now :-)
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    1/1 216.6
    1/8 216.0
    1/9 215.0 (1 pound!)

    Went to 5 days of Maintenance at the start of the month and switched to 1 Pound a Week loss briefly. Then my son let me know his wedding will probably be in early August, so back to 1.5 pounds a week. I haven't broken away from being a daily scale hopper, and just had to post my number this am. This gives me 1.5 so far in 2012!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    1/1 148.9
    1/8 146.9

    2 lbs yeah!!!
  • Crbillings
    Crbillings Posts: 5 Member
    I just saw this post - and I'm in. Started back last Monday and as of this morning I am down 6 pounds for the week! That brings me to 18 pounds down and 100 more to go!