Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Guys who wander around the locker room naked for ages.

    On the flip side, guys who look at you like you're gay because you take a shower naked (I like to get clean all over..)
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    In the locker room, If you shave at the sink or weigh yourself as naked as the day you were born... your a gym idiot! COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Just grab a towel!!

    So true. A lot of ladies blow dry their hair while being completely naked at my gym. Or they walk around the locker rooms. I'm not sure why. At least, put your bra and panties on. Once, I saw a lady sit on a bench, completely naked. GROSS :/
  • cashnhaydensmama
    cashnhaydensmama Posts: 41 Member

    I bring my Kindle to the gym on occasion and listen to my ipod when I am going to use a machine? Didn't know that was weird. Its better than watching the lame shows they have on the tv's.

    This reminds me that I can actually use my kindle fire to watch something meaningful while jogging. I can't imagine reading with it while on the bike or machine, but maybe that's just because I can't page turn and run at the same time. Or chew gum. I'm clumsy.

    Ha I cant read it while running. I would wipe out. But on the Elliptical or something its no different than watching tv!

    I'm with you, I would definitly face plant on the treadmill if I tried to read. I've tried reading while on my elliptical at home though and I found (for me at least) that it just gives me a headache and makes me lose focus of having a good workout.
  • leafnautumn
    This is a funny thread on that is 6 years old and 8k+ replys, lets see what you consider a gym idiot.

    if you drop any dumbell under 55lbs your a gym idiot even although some lifts there is not reason to drop weight at all
    Screamers that you can hear over your head phones
    People who do curls in the squat racks
    Lets hear what you got

    My biggest pet peeve:

    Holding Onto Treadmill Bars For Dear Life As They Crank The Treadmill As Fast As It Will Go

    if you have to hang onto the treadmill bars then you're not working out, you're being dragged.

    LMAO, hilarious and so true!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    People that take the piss out of others just because they do not like their gym style?
    People that work out for 20minutes on lowest level, then sit on the machine
    Creeps that stare at you when you work out... yes my effing boobs bounce... now stop staring at them
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    In the locker room, If you shave at the sink or weigh yourself as naked as the day you were born... your a gym idiot! COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Just grab a towel!!

    I totally have a problem with people shaving in public showers and restrooms. Cmon! And we even have a sign that says "No shaving in the steam room." Sad that someone felt the sign was necessary...
  • loseweightjames

    My biggest pet peeve:

    Holding Onto Treadmill Bars For Dear Life As They Crank The Treadmill As Fast As It Will Go

    if you have to hang onto the treadmill bars then you're not working out, you're being dragged.

    LMAO, hilarious and so true!

    Finally! I was wondering if I was the only one that saw my post
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Slight modification on one already mentioned. There was a guy at the gym I used to attend who would find 2 other guys and ask them to spot him. The 2 others wasn't an issue, it's that he found 2 out of shape guys (to show off?). Then he would get some free weights that were north of 120lb. He would scream during his 3 reps as his lower back came off the bench more than a foot. then when he was done with his 3 reps he would throw the weights out to the sides without any warning!.. First, they are overweight, not stupid, those reps were basically useless. Second, yeah your bigger than most mortal men...So what..So is a Rhino. Third, how do they get skinny if you break one of their legs with that weight? That was 10 years ago and i still remember him. Of course now I am the fat guy who's out of shape.
  • cashnhaydensmama
    cashnhaydensmama Posts: 41 Member
    In the locker room, If you shave at the sink or weigh yourself as naked as the day you were born... your a gym idiot! COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Just grab a towel!!

    I totally have a problem with people shaving in public showers and restrooms. Cmon! And we even have a sign that says "No shaving in the steam room." Sad that someone felt the sign was necessary...

    HAHAHAHAHAHA The mental image I got after reading that was horrendous!
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    Slight modification on one already mentioned. There was a guy at the gym I used to attend who would find 2 other guys and ask them to spot him. The 2 others wasn't an issue, it's that he found 2 out of shape guys (to show off?). Then he would get some free weights that were north of 120lb. He would scream during his 3 reps as his lower back came off the bench more than a foot. then when he was done with his 3 reps he would throw the weights out to the sides without any warning!.. First, they are overweight, not stupid, those reps were basically useless. Second, yeah your bigger than most mortal men...So what..So is a Rhino. Third, how do they get skinny if you break one of their legs with that weight? That was 10 years ago and i still remember him. Of course now I am the fat guy who's out of shape.

    HAHAHAHA, sorry but that's hilarious! But it's just wrong!!! Haha, sadly, he is an idiot.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    Ever notice the person driving around the parking lot looking for the closest spot possible? They came to workout, why do you need a front row spot?

    i used to be that person lol
  • loseweightjames
    Slight modification on one already mentioned. There was a guy at the gym I used to attend who would find 2 other guys and ask them to spot him. The 2 others wasn't an issue, it's that he found 2 out of shape guys (to show off?). Then he would get some free weights that were north of 120lb. He would scream during his 3 reps as his lower back came off the bench more than a foot. then when he was done with his 3 reps he would throw the weights out to the sides without any warning!.. First, they are overweight, not stupid, those reps were basically useless. Second, yeah your bigger than most mortal men...So what..So is a Rhino. Third, how do they get skinny if you break one of their legs with that weight? That was 10 years ago and i still remember him. Of course now I am the fat guy who's out of shape.

    ya you're right I shouldn't have been throwing the weights like that I could have hurt someone

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    guys who look at you like you're gay because you take a shower naked (I like to get clean all over..)

    well, yeah!
    They shower with shorts on or something? I feel bad for their girlfriends later that night. :sick:
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    I don't see what's wrong. I used to read my university books while on the treadmill, it wasn't an issue. Of course when running super fast it was impossible, but at a slower pace it's totally doable. Same on the Stairmill/Stairmaster/Elliptical or on a bike.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    They shower with shorts on or something? I feel bad for their girlfriends later that night. :sick:

    Maybe they are Nevernudes!

  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    The women who looks like an overcooked scrawny plucked chicken who sits naked whilst getting ready in the locker room, even when having her period & we can see her tampon string hanging down her thigh. It actually makes me feel sick to see her, especially as it is a family gym so a lot of kids are getting changed with their mum. My son (4 years old) actually once asked me why she was orange colour. lol, too much fake tan *kitten*.

    The couple who wear those fugly shoes that look like gloves, you look like a pair of twats & having stupid looking shoes does not make you good at working out.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I just don't get it...what, in this world, is wrong with reading a Kindle on a machine???? Why does that bother people?? Yeah, I read mine while I'm sweating my bumb off to pass my cardio time quicker. And just to clear it up for those who don't know, you can up the font size, making it EASY to read while you're moving about. Sheesh...

    Rant over.

    that just makes you have to turn the page more often...which is kind of tough if you're running at an 8 min mile

    True. I only use mine on the elliptical because if I'm on the treadmill it's to do intervals and sprints. To each his own I say, I just don't understand why it bothers people. I see people criticize others for this A LOT around here and have never understood that one...:huh:
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    I've only seen this once (so far), but two young women, hair and makeup done, doing NOTHING while standing over some guy bench pressing, trying to impress him I'm sure (certainly not spotting LOL). Literally, five minutes later, guy has moved to core machines and girls have followed - still doing nothing. At least the guy seemed disinterested and just focused on his workout.