Senior Golden Sneakers Club For May



    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273

    I am remembering my 10 years that I worked at a cemetery...This was my favorite weekend of the year....All the flags placed on the graves of the veterans was a beautiful sight....They fluttered in the they were was something really special.....I am so glad I have this memory.


    Hope everyone is doing well......:flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    BigGramma - thank you for sharing those memories with us. Memorial Day is so very important. Don't forget to thank a Vet everyone if you have the opportunity!

    Thanks Barbie for telling me about the AM Rodney Yee Yoga DVD. I'll look for it at Target next time i'm there. That's where i always go to get the stuff for my son's packages. Although right now he has me gathering up stuff for a poor family outside the base. Our local schools are helping so that's cool!

    Jeffrey - you and yours are sure having some challanges lately. Day will be in my prayers as well. Sorry you are having to go through this.

    Sandy - hope Bryanna shines once again at the competition! And then you go to VEGAS? Very exciting!

    Well - i'm off to the gym, and then back to check the water for my friends cows who are away this weekend! Everybody have a good, safe holiday weekend! :heart: elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from sunny Saskatchewan. It is 20C which I think is about 68F. I did go out for about a half hour and trimmed my roses a bit, the part where I didn't have to bend much. Neil was holding the garbage bag but after a few pricks he had had enough. I really would like to get the one rose bush taken out but not too sure who is up for the challenge. It is the prickliest rose I have ever had. It is a good producer but I think would do better as a hedge rose. I have done some sitting, did a little lie down for awhile, some standing from time to time and now time to lie down again so that I will be ready to make some dinner soon.

    Marie-- Thinking about your and hoping the surgery went well.

    BG -- What a special memory. Thanks for sharing.

    Jeffrey -- So sorry for Day's health concerns. I hope it all turns out ok. I will say a prayer for you both.

    Phoebe -- I hope you had a good visit with your mil. How is she doing?

    Barbie -- Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and staying on your plan. Way to go!!

    Elli-- Are you working at the house this weekend? You work so hard, I hope soon you will enjoy the fruits of your labour.

    Sandy -- Hope your grandaughter does well. I know you will enjoy it no matter the turn out. You asked what I did. I work in an Early Childhood Intervention Program which is primarily home-based, meaning that I see the children and their parents in their home. I do some developmental screening and plan a program for the child that the parents can do at home. I also have a hospital caseload for long-term hospital based children.

    Take care everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    A chilly hello from California. It feels more like November than May. :laugh: :laugh:

    Jake played golf and had the good sense to wear long pants unlike his two buddies who wore shorts. :laugh: I spent the day with a good friend walking and doing errands. I brought her back here for lunch (4 oz chicken breast, salad, broccoli)and showed her how I track my meals on MFP. She loved it (lunch and MFP) and signed up while she was here. :bigsmile:

    We have no special weekend plans, not even invitations from our kids to do anything. There’s a big kinetic sculpture race here that includes taking the sculptures across the bay. I don’t even want to think about how cold that will be. We’ve seen the race before so we probably won’t go. I don’t know about Memorial Day parades or events. It’s so cold that I’d rather stay indoors.

    :flowerforyou: Marie---I’m thinking about you and looking forward to “hearing” your cheery message soon

    :flowerforyou: Sandy---is your granddaughter already qualified to go to Nationals or does she have to win this weekend? How cool to go to Las Vegas to watch her compete. Actually, it will be hot going to Las Vegas.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey---we will be thinking good thoughts for Day. You two just take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: BigG
    thank you for the wonderful visual about all the flags at the cemetery. I’ll be thinking about that on Monday.

    :flowerforyou: Elli—how great that you are gathering stuff for a needy family in addition to the military guys. You are so caring and thoughtful. Best wishes on your weekend “cow-sitting”.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla----we have some prickly rose bushes, too. Fortunately I’m not the one that takes care of them. Jake has leather gloves that he wears when he’s working on them. Your work sounds interesting, meaningful, and very challenging. Thanks for telling us about it.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen—I hope you’re continuing to do well with your eating and exercising. Hope the weather stays good for you.

    We took a 30 minute walk at the Mall this afternoon with only two brief stops for shopping.

    Hugs to all, :heart: :love:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Have time for a post before leaving for competition today. The team did wonderful, swept the competition again. Bryanna does her solo today, along with some other group numbers. Barbie, there numbers have already been qualified for Nationals, we did that regional in April. We will qualify a new number for Nationals when we get there but otherwise we are good, thanks for asking. If you interested in seeing the group perform there is a video at If you click on the vote and go to Perseverance Dance Company you can click on the picture and you will see them dance. Be sure to vote while you are there, you can vote up to 4 times an hour. :laugh: Thanks.

    At least Jake is getting his golf games in, even in the cooler weather. You two are so true to your commitment, you are a true inspiration.

    Marie, hope you are feeling better each day and will be back with us soon. :heart:

    Jeffrey enjoy our wonderful weather, we are so lucky this weekend. Give Day our best and tell her we are all thinking of her and thinking nothing but good thoughts.

    BGamma, you reminded us all what Memorial Day really is about. Thank you.

    Elli, you are another inspiration who keeps going like the bunny. :laugh: You never stop to amaze me with all that you do and keep trying to do more.

    Gayla, I love roses but most of our flowers are in planters. Years ago in a different marriage, different house, I had yellow roses and loved them. Thank you for sharing with us about your job, as Barbie said you have a rewarding job and you should be so proud of yourself, between Neil and your job.

    Ellen, thanks for sharing with us and for sticking with us.

    Everyone have a good Sunday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    I went to the website and saw the picture of the Perseverance Dance Company . They look great. I didn't watch the video because you have to download something to watch it, but the picture looks great. And, yes, I voted for them. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love the name they chose for the group. :bigsmile:

    I'm glad to know that Bryanna is already qualified for the Nationals. That will cut down a little on your anxiety level. :bigsmile:

    Lunch now then I'm taking my girls for a doggie play date at a big fenced schoolyard.

    big hugs :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Everybody. They kept me overnight in ICU .I had to lay flat on my back again only longer this time 10 hours. Still not being abe to move my right leg or head all that time. But surprising My back didn't hurt this time. In fact it hasn't hurt at all like it used to. Don'tt know when he will do the other leg.Didn't get home untill after 300PM yesterday Sat.. and been sleeping ever e hours and get up to eat for to hours and back to bed. Jerry has been the perfect nurse thru all of this. Bless his heart.Will probable drop in tomorrow. Thanks for all the get well wshes. I missed all of you. I read all you posting ,. You all are such a nice bunch of friends.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    yippee Marie!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Marie :heart:

    Thanks for posting and letting us know that you're home safely after your ordeal at the hospital. Jake and I have been thinking of you.

    we both send you big hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie and Jake
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- glad to hear all is well. Hugs to Jerry for being such a good nurse.
    Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    With gratitude to all those in the service, past, present and future, Happy Memorial Day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My leg is hurting this morning. I have a call into the doctor now. I'm surprise I got anybody to answer the phone. Being a holiday and all. The girl said she will have him called me. Not my doctor but the one on stand by. Had a good night sleep. Jerry fix me a nice breakfast. Haf my pain pill now waiting on the doctor to call to see if this is anything to be concer about.

    Thanks again for all the get well wishes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    So sorry Marie, are you supposed to keep your leg up on a pillow or anything? I hope your doctor calls soon and gives you something for the pain. Please keep us updated with your recovery. :heart:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi you all.
    Just got back from ER the doctor wanted me to go in and have it check out to be sure there was no blood clots and everything check out fine. Gave me some stronger pain pills and said my legs just was not used to The blood flowing so good. and will take time. And told me to moved around more. So I guess Jerry wont wait on me any more. Oh well nice while it lasted. And Sammy will make me walk with him later on after the sun goes down. I am up 2 lbs. so got to work on that. I did take it off my ticker this time. Didn't want to but I figure I should this time. So maybe it will come off quicker. right now I am off to take a nap. See you guys later.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    flex your ankles and toes stretch them. helps with circulation.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes ma's I am fixing to take a nap and I will dream abour it. When I wake up I will get a tape out and see what I can do.
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Marie glad you feeling well... All I will get back with you when I have time to read all the messages on here... things are going well and we are working our booties off... Miss talking to you all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    No time to write anything.

    We leave soon headed north toward the land of warmer weather. It should be in the 80's where we're going.

    Big hugs,:heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Sunshine on the prairies but a risk of a thunderstorm this afternoon, temperature in the 70's. We are getting there, I think summer is around the corner. I am off to physio this morning. I am on sick leave for the next week and hope to be good as new and ready to go back June 3. If not, I won't go. I am too old to be a hero! :wink:

    Marie -- So glad the surgery went well but sorry you are having so much pain. Be careful and don't start doing exercise unless you have the go-ahead. Moving may mean light walking. I am sure you checked it out, just the nurse in me coming through!!

    Will be back later but better get a wiggle on. Hope you are all having a great day. Gayla :smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - are you all right? Are you better today? Have you been able to move around some? Wow, you've been through an ordeal. Don't worry about your weight right now - just get well!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :

    Barbie and Jake - have you been there for 2 weeks already? Where to now? I'm loving this trip by the way! thank you for sharing it with us.

    Beth - thanks so much for checking in. We worry when we don't hear from you for too long. Don't worry about not having time to write - just a "hey guys i'm fine" is great!

    Sandy - i haven't checked out the website yet but i plan on it.

    Jeffrey - thinking about you and Day. Hang in there.

    Cow sitting went fine - only i locked the poor dog IN the house. I felt AWFUL. Good thing i went back the next morning to check on everything. And we had so much rain i almost got stuck in their driveway! Sheesh - i sure made a mess of it anyway:ohwell:

    I ate TERRIBLE this weekend and didn't have the courage to weigh this morning. I worked out like crazy on Saturday and Sunday but didn't get to yesterday at all.......hopefully by the time i weigh on Friday it won't be as bad as i'm thinking! At my friend's daughter's graduation party he did mention that i was "melting away to nothing" which made me extremely happy!!!!! And my Marine friend told his gf he had forgotten how "tiny" i am - that hugging me was like hugging himself . So that was fun! THEN i go and blow it..................go FIGURE:grumble:

    Well - today's another day, another week..........hope everybody had a great weekend. Jeffrey - i hope really good things happen for you and Day this week.

    :heart: u guys - elli