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  • Starting weight was 190
    Current weight is 176.6
    Goal weight is 150 by August
    26 more to go.
    By my birthday in November my goal is to be at 130.

    I drink about 9 glasses of water a day. I really watch my calories but lately I have been going over on protein. Any suggestions.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    motheroftwoboys- Welcome! I don't think that it is a bad thing to be going over you protein as long as you are working out too. All the guys in my shop say I should eat WAY more protein then it has listed on this site.

    real sit-ups are depressing... :sad: I have to do 47 in 1 minute to get max points on my PT test. I get to about 44 and just run out of time. Those last 3 are DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! :explode:

  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    welcome mother of two, you sound just like me!
    started at 194, I'm 174 now, want to be 140's by July
    and have 2 boys!
    I worked out hard yesterday and I am sore! plus I have shin splints from walking around the block on sunday. how sad!
  • What exercises do you do? I;m not sure if I doing enough. I work out to Winsor Pilates. Three days a week a do a accelerated fat burning workout for 40 min. and two days a week do a 20 min. circle workout. Should I be doing more? Time is pretty precious too.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    My workout consists of 30-60 (depending on the day) of Dance Dance Revolution!haha on PS2, then I grab my weights and do arm and squats. I do arm presses against my door frames, and step on 1 step for about 5 minutes like a lunatic with weights, then drop to floor with stretch band (in door) and do arms and stomach.
    I just do whatever floats my boat at the time. Just make sure my heart rate is up and I'm sweating like crazy and out of breath! usually M, W, F. on Tu. & Th. I do leg and abs at night while watching tv.
    That walk on sun. was the first time and that's why I got shin splints! My body hurts today.

    You sound like you're doing plenty.
    Oh, sometimes I throw in Billy Blanks 8 Minute Tae Bo workout
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    My normal workout is running. I hate running... but I am coming to, I wouldn't say like, but maybe hate it less?? :laugh: Darn military doesn't really give you much choice about running. I am really looking forward to nice weather to run outside. Aiming for 2.5 mile minimums, that way when my 1.5 mi PT test comes due it will seem like a walk in the park. On days that we are stuck in the gym I switch between treadmill, elliptical, or the hills workout on the bike. Plus I try and do weights MWF. I know it sounds like alot, but I am VERY BLESSED because I am able to go workout while at work. I know most people don't have that luxary, so I try and make the most of the opportunity I have been given.
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    My normal workout is running. I hate running... but I am coming to, I wouldn't say like, but maybe hate it less?? :laugh: Darn military doesn't really give you much choice about running. I am really looking forward to nice weather to run outside. Aiming for 2.5 mile minimums, that way when my 1.5 mi PT test comes due it will seem like a walk in the park. On days that we are stuck in the gym I switch between treadmill, elliptical, or the hills workout on the bike. Plus I try and do weights MWF. I know it sounds like alot, but I am VERY BLESSED because I am able to go workout while at work. I know most people don't have that luxary, so I try and make the most of the opportunity I have been given.
    I am in the military too. You must be in the navy. Yall are the only ones that do a 1.5 mile test. We have to do 2 miles. I have the same luxury as you to. To day I ran 3 miles on the tread mill in 27 minutes. I was proud of myself. It hurt so dang bad. I did 2 miles in 18.00 minutes. I stopped and walked for 2 minutes after the 2 mile part. Then I started running again. Keep running. It is better to run outside. At our base we have a trail that has hills it makes the PT test so much easier when it is time to run it. So keep up the good work. How do you deal with the pushup part ? That is my weakness.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I am in the military too. You must be in the navy. Yall are the only ones that do a 1.5 mile test. We have to do 2 miles. I have the same luxury as you to. To day I ran 3 miles on the tread mill in 27 minutes. I was proud of myself. It hurt so dang bad. I did 2 miles in 18.00 minutes. I stopped and walked for 2 minutes after the 2 mile part. Then I started running again. Keep running. It is better to run outside. At our base we have a trail that has hills it makes the PT test so much easier when it is time to run it. So keep up the good work. How do you deal with the pushup part ? That is my weakness.

    I am actually in the Air Force. Are you in the Army? Our test is only 1.5 miles. The run is my weakness. I am so darn slow, but getting better. In August when I took my last test I got 32 pushups... honestly didn't think I had it in me, but it came down to make or break... do 32 pushups or fail, amazing how motivating that can be!! I am getting ready to go running at 3, hopefully the rain holds off so we can go outside!
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    I am in the military too. You must be in the navy. Yall are the only ones that do a 1.5 mile test. We have to do 2 miles. I have the same luxury as you to. To day I ran 3 miles on the tread mill in 27 minutes. I was proud of myself. It hurt so dang bad. I did 2 miles in 18.00 minutes. I stopped and walked for 2 minutes after the 2 mile part. Then I started running again. Keep running. It is better to run outside. At our base we have a trail that has hills it makes the PT test so much easier when it is time to run it. So keep up the good work. How do you deal with the pushup part ? That is my weakness.

    I am actually in the Air Force. Are you in the Army? Our test is only 1.5 miles. The run is my weakness. I am so darn slow, but getting better. In August when I took my last test I got 32 pushups... honestly didn't think I had it in me, but it came down to make or break... do 32 pushups or fail, amazing how motivating that can be!! I am getting ready to go running at 3, hopefully the rain holds off so we can go outside!
    Oh I forgot the Airforce runs now outside. I remember when yall did the bike test thing. Actually I am in the Army national guard. I dont know if I can do 32 pushups. I can do like 18. My upper body strenght is 0 lol. Have fun running
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    How is everyone doing this week so far?
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I'm doing really well on the calories, however not so good on working out - haven't worked it in this week... will try tonight and for the rest of the week.

    How is everyone else doing???
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Ok...I am in! I started on Jan 2 at 206 and I am now 180. I owe much of my weight loss to this website. It is so easy to keep on track and hold yourself accountable! I am also a runner! I really enjoy running and I run 3.1 miles 3 times a week and 5 miles 2 times a week. On the other day I do 30 minutes of circuit training. I take at least one day off all together and on that day I increase my calories by 20%. I am very careful not to eat the same amount of calories every day, that is a sure way to slow down your metabolism! In addition, I try to change my runs...I either add a little distance, increase the speed or find a few hills to hit.
    My short term goal is to be 168 by May 1. That's just barely over 2 pounds per week so I hope I hit it but I have been in a bit of a rut the last couple of weeks...my scale hasn't been budging very quickly. Although I am frustrated, I keep in mind that it's still going down and not up!

    I have been finding it hard to get in all the water lately. I just forget to drink it. I do fill up a 32 oz. bottle twice daily and I have no problem drinking it down the first time, it's the second fill up that I never seem to finish off. The crunches are no problem. I am already doing those. I also have a belly that flaps in the wind, thanks to having 3 children! It's come down considerablly but it's got a considerable amount to go still! Good luck to everyone....Since I started late, are you guys going to post your results for the week on each Sunday?
  • I am in^^ its 3.30am so will update tomorrow when im more awake ;)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I am IN! Thanks for starting the thread.

    I'm sticking to the program through thick and thin and though I haven't seen any results yet (it's been a month), I'm not giving up.

    I'm 196 right now and would like to lose 36lbs. But really I'm loving the lifestyle change most of all and Ive lost almost all my cravings for sugar and white flour foods. This change for me is about paying attention to what I put in my body, and thinking of it as fuel, NOT as a reward or a hobby.

    Good luck!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    welcome wanderinglight and buckeyebabe!
    Buckeye... way to go with the running. I can't run to save my life! (I have a torn acl and miniscus) and it kills me, I look like a wounded animal! It's great that you know how to manage you calories.
    I was also stuck in a rut for 3 weeks. It's finally coming off again.
    wandering... don't give up! It'll come off! Isn't it weird how you now realize how to eat and what to eat.
    Eat to live, not live to eat!
    I just found the most horrible picture of me in '05. Good lord!
    oh yeah, I was putting my oldest son to bed tonight and was holding my shirt up and was flattening my stomach to where I wanted it to be, and do you know what that little runt said..."you'll never look like that" How dare him! I said, oh yeah, wanna make a bet! So I shook on it!
    I'll show him!
    and it's partially his fault that my stomach is like pizza dough with scratches all over it! 10 & 11 lb. babies are at fault for at least the stretch marks (and also flaps in the wind, haha I know it will go way down, but I'll still have loose skin (I think I see a tummy tuck in my future) and stretch marks. But at least it will be way thinner than it was.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Ok...I am in! I started on Jan 2 at 206 and I am now 180. I owe much of my weight loss to this website. It is so easy to keep on track and hold yourself accountable! I am also a runner! I really enjoy running and I run 3.1 miles 3 times a week and 5 miles 2 times a week. On the other day I do 30 minutes of circuit training. I take at least one day off all together and on that day I increase my calories by 20%. I am very careful not to eat the same amount of calories every day, that is a sure way to slow down your metabolism! In addition, I try to change my runs...I either add a little distance, increase the speed or find a few hills to hit.
    My short term goal is to be 168 by May 1. That's just barely over 2 pounds per week so I hope I hit it but I have been in a bit of a rut the last couple of weeks...my scale hasn't been budging very quickly. Although I am frustrated, I keep in mind that it's still going down and not up!

    I have been finding it hard to get in all the water lately. I just forget to drink it. I do fill up a 32 oz. bottle twice daily and I have no problem drinking it down the first time, it's the second fill up that I never seem to finish off. The crunches are no problem. I am already doing those. I also have a belly that flaps in the wind, thanks to having 3 children! It's come down considerablly but it's got a considerable amount to go still! Good luck to everyone....Since I started late, are you guys going to post your results for the week on each Sunday?
    we'll post our weights on Mondays and we'll measure on the first of each month
  • lol arnt kids so cheeky. Now u CAN'T fail :laugh:
  • down to 165.3 so far this week (one day to go for end week weigh in) approx 3 lbs loss

    (26lbs total since jan, 30 lbs to go) :happy:

    Did alot of walking last few days.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I should be where you are! :angry: ugh! I need to catch up! :smooched: I started 3 pounds more than you at 194 and I am 173 today.
    Good for you! keep walking!:happy:

    watch out, I'm coming to get ya!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I started at 188, I'm down to about 181.5 (been counting calories for about three weeks).

    My ultimate goal is 145 lbs, but I would be happy to be at 160 by my 29th birthday on June 24th.

    Hope everyone is having a good week:happy:
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