The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    As a management rep I regularly deal with Union reps, not always in a friendly way. However, one woman whom I thought I had a good relationship with said to me one day "Life must be really good for you right now.". I agreed it was and asked how she knew. She said "Because every time I see you your *kitten* has gotten so much bigger, you must be really content."
  • JaneDoughSanAntonio
    The rudest thing wasn't even to my face ... a "friend" said it behind my back, and another "friend" told me about it. Honestly, I wish I'd never heard it.

    I was taking a self-defense class in college, you know, the kind where you learn to fight off attackers? One of my supposed guy friends said to one of my other supposed friends, "Why is she taking that? She's, like, unrapeable."

    I'm not friends with either of these people anymore.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    Would have to have been my hubby ....neighbor and i joined weight watchers i lost 4stone ...and she lost 1 stone , neighbor said to my hubby aren't you going to buy your wife some thing nice ...? maybe slinky night wear ......his answer to that was No ..i would rather see you in it ! And from that day on gave up watching my weight ...but this time doing it for me . And at 64 dont need complements because my dogs love me just the way i am ....LOL 1
  • santamommy
    :laugh: What you siad about my husband is so true.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    My mother told me when I was younger, about age 14 or 15, "I was not this big when I was your age" most hurtful thing ever!

    My Mum would say this to me too. But she had grown up during WWII and was skinny thanks to the food rationing. And my generation is simply bigger all over than hers due to better nutritiuon. But logic was never her strong point.:laugh:

    Thankfully I've not had many nasty comments, but the one that really hurt was a complete stranger in a nightclub hissing at me as I passed 'I didn't know they let pigs in'. And this from a bloke who was on the outside of too many pies!:mad:
  • BrooklynBeast
    I had my wife tell me that she didn't like the feel of my belly pressing down against her during sex. This was actually while we were having sex.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    And this from a bloke who was on the outside of too many pies!:mad:

    This expression is hilarious! I think I'll just borrow it to describe myself if anyone ever asks if I'm pregnant. "Nope, I'm just on the outside of too many pies!"
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    I was at a wedding a couple years back. I felt good about myself and I was also 22 lbs lighter than I am now. Had on a cute sun dress and was asked by the bride when I was due. I was so hurt. My husband and I left the wedding right away and we nolonger speak to them.
  • DippyDoDar
    When I was a kid, about 13 I got called 'King Kong' by peers at School. I was the tallest girl in my year and the biggest. I hated school.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I've had a few, but usually I just laugh, because I don't really care what people say.

    I have three stories

    1) While I was in Nursing school, I was in a mental health facility, and my patient was asking me what my favourite desserts were. I said that I wasn't much of a dessert person, so she goes

    "Oh I would have thought you eat lots of desserts, because you aren't very skinny".

    2) At work, while I was training, I was working with a nurse who was pregnant. My patient's mom had told her that she had a nurse who was pregnant, and so this 15 year old down syndrome girl puts her hand on my belly and was like --- "Oooh I can feel the baby kick". She thought I was the pregnant one. Woops!

    3) Just last night, my mom and I were watching the news, the weather part. And I said, I could totally be a weather girl! And my mom goes

    "No you couldn't, you would cover too much of the map".
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    The rudest thing wasn't even to my face ... a "friend" said it behind my back, and another "friend" told me about it. Honestly, I wish I'd never heard it.

    I was taking a self-defense class in college, you know, the kind where you learn to fight off attackers? One of my supposed guy friends said to one of my other supposed friends, "Why is she taking that? She's, like, unrapeable."

    I'm not friends with either of these people anymore.

    That's got to be the worst so far. What a vile thing to say!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    when I was a teenager, I was extremely skinny for my height (110 pounds if I was lucky, 5'8"). I was not this skinny because of lack of eating. The way i ate I should have weighed 210. I had a very high metabolism and just plain did not gain weight.

    anyways, I had a total stranger come up to me in a store and ask if I need help with my anorexia! I realize she was trying to help, BUT skinny comments beleive it or not are just as bad as over weight ones. I have too many to count. I was teased alot for my weight.

    my principle in high school also called a meeting with my parents to discuss my weight! again, trying to help.....but I bet none of the overweight kids parents were called back in the eighties.
  • MissMisery1313
    I was at a wedding a couple years back. I felt good about myself and I was also 22 lbs lighter than I am now. Had on a cute sun dress and was asked by the bride when I was due. I was so hurt. My husband and I left the wedding right away and we no longer speak to them.

    Unless you actually see the baby coming out, NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant or when she's due.
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    my fiance's mother said to me that i'd be just as beautiful as my fiance's ex if i lost weight.
    she's obsessed with weight - and yeah, she's been slim all her life and she probably felt that it was all she had going for her.
    was she being mean? i don't know. but i was steaming mad.

    i'm damn beutiful already. we all are. it's all about attitude.
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    The rudest thing wasn't even to my face ... a "friend" said it behind my back, and another "friend" told me about it. Honestly, I wish I'd never heard it.

    I was taking a self-defense class in college, you know, the kind where you learn to fight off attackers? One of my supposed guy friends said to one of my other supposed friends, "Why is she taking that? She's, like, unrapeable."

    I'm not friends with either of these people anymore.

    That's got to be the worst so far. What a vile thing to say!

    I'd say! Some people don't even realise what rubbish comes out of their mouths.
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    heard this said about a friend and so glad she didn't hear it cause her skins not as think as mine and I turned off by it. A guy at an event wanted someone to practice on and someone suggested her cause she's always willing to help.... his words "I don't play with animals and she's a cow"
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    One time I was standing outside and some kids drove past me and yelled "slimfast" nice right? Also this guys I worked with had a girlfriend from my home town and he was explaining to me that he was explaining to her what I looked out so she could figure out who I was and he told her I was bigger. I got a job once and they kept all the resumes on file, I looked at mine and on the back it said "very pretty, well put together a little on the bigger side" I quit that day.

    I also had an abusive ex who called me a fat cow every chance he got but he was just a jerk in general.
  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    frI've always been chubby and big, I'm a red head so it was even " better",

    Big-Red Truck.
    Rotten Tomatoe
    Red headed bomber
    Beached Whale
    Young and pregnant how sad = I was 14 and still a virgin..

    The worst thing that has ever happened me was I was going through the drive-thru at McDonalds and was getting a salad with some water but the guys in front of me (who seemed to be drunk) started yelling things out the window like

    "fatty needs another cheese burger,
    Hurry go so she doesn't eat our food,
    You don't need a burger you need liposuction
    Slimfast B*tch!"

    when I got to the window I was so embarrassed I told the girl to cancel the order and give me my money back. I have never cried so hard in my life, and I was pregnant at the time so I couldn't really diet.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    My wife told me I repulsed her. The most embarrassing was when my 3 year old daughter used to call me fat like George, the daddy in the cartoon Peppa Pig.
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    I was having dinner with a group of friends and a new girl who I didn't know but was in a class with one of my friends. When we opened our menus, she looked me up and down and said "Well, I'll save room for dessert. Obviously, your going to have dessert." She continued to make rude offhand comments about me the whole meal. The thing is that she was wrong. I'm a very slow eater who always eats a small amount of food and gets a doggie bag for the rest. I almost never get dessert because I don't really like most desserts. I think she thought that since all of my friends were thin that it was okay to say mean things about my weight. She was dumped pretty quickly by my friends.

    I also had a woman say to me "You would be so pretty if you just lost the weight". I think I'm quite pretty now. Yes, I will lose weight and gain muscle but I will still be the same person inside.

    My mom is always putting down overweight people. She will whisper "look what that girl is eating" or "oh my, she is so chunky. It really isn't healthy." I think it is her passive aggressive way of telling me I need to lose weight.

    The waiter at a sandwich shop my thin friend and I frequent always bring out my veggie sandwich with carrot stick side and gives it to my friend and me the cheeseburger and fries.