Lose 5 Pounds a Month January 2012 Challenge



  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211

    1st - 150
    9th - 149
  • COunt me in, I keep losing the same 5 lbs so my goal is 6 :) Please hold me accountable!
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    SW: 152.4
    1/9 : 150.4
  • Started 1/2 at 210,2 days ago was 203. But, had a bad weekend.
    Woudl love to do this challenge to keep me on track...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not sure what happened but I was up 1 pound yesterday. I went from 181 to 182. I was at 179 on Friday, just goes to show how much weight can fluctuate.

    My challenge for you this week is to add at least 1 more vegetable and 1 more fruit serving to your daily diet. Most people do not get enough of either so if your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES.

    Have a great Monday,


    I thought of this challenge this morning on the treadmill. I had the tv on and a local fitness person was talking about eating the rainbow. The bigger the color of your veggies and fruit the better it is for you.

    On a totally different note a friend posted the following link on facebook. It is about 10 minutes but I found it very interesting.


    Hope you enjoy. Pass it on if you do!


    @Terri, maybe your weight is 'loose' and after jumping around a bit will finally drop! :wink:
    I will definitely be working at your fruit / veggie challenge. The way I am doing it is by ensuring that I have a fruit / veggie with every meal in a variety of colors. Today, I have already eaten some strawberries and blueberries with breakfast, and some carrot, celery, cauliflower, and mushrooms for snack. I'm having a big salad for lunch with romaine lettuce, cucumbers, yellow peppers, snow peas and tomatoes. Supper is still a question mark but will definitely include more veggies.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Oops! I forgot to weigh in yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm not off to a great start but something is better than nothing even if it is 2 ounces! :D

    1/1: 127.6
    1/8: 127.4
    Goal: 123.6
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    Woohoo!!! Almost a pound.

    01/02/2012: 189.6
    01/09/2012 188.8 (0.8 loss)

    Let's keep it going guys!!!!
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    01/01/12: 159.2
    01/08/12: 159.0
    Goal Weight: 154.0

    No worries, I had a ton of sodium today and drank a lot of water to off-set it, so I'm expecting some loss. Today officially started it for me.
  • paulasuscas01
    paulasuscas01 Posts: 73 Member
    Didn't get the chance to log yesterday so here it is:
    1.1.12: 135.1
    1.9.12: 134.5

    Not much of a loss buy hey it's still something!
  • A bit late, but I'd love to join in the fun of this challenge. Today I decided enough is enough.

    1/9 - 182.4
  • Mina254
    Mina254 Posts: 16
    1/01/11 : 147.5
    1/8/11 : 144.8

    Goal: 130

    Let's do this! :D
  • angwheeler
    angwheeler Posts: 6 Member
    Just started but I'll join this challenge. Changing my eating habits, which is a bit difficult working night shift and starting to work out 3 days a week.
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Starting weight 175
    1/9 - 172.0
    1/16 -
    1/23 -
    1/31 -
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    On a totally different note a friend posted the following link on facebook. It is about 10 minutes but I found it very interesting.


    Hope you enjoy. Pass it on if you do!

    This was a great video, Terri - I was even more enthralled by the drawing illustrations.
  • im a newby! count me in!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    1/1/12 - 152.2
    1/8/12 - 152.1 (.1 loss)

    At least it is going down... however little! :tongue:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    How did you do on eating your fruits and veggies yesterday. I had a one or the other with each meal. I need to really work on getting more fruit and veggies into my diet (are pickles and olive considered veggies?).

    Monday and Tuesday and Friday are my stressful work days. I do home daycare and I have 2 babies under the age of 1 on those days. One of them is a screamer. She does not cry she screams. The only times she is not screaming is if I am sitting on the floor while she plays or holding her and sometimes that is not good enough. The other baby is 6 months old and weighs over 25 pounds. He likes to be carried most the time also. IT makes for long stressful days. I keep telling myself they will outgrow these stages and become fun toddlers.

    I hope everyone has a great day. Time to go to work!

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    When I was at the gym yesterday, I weighed myself on the gym scale, which is the official scale on which I need to lose 10 pounds for the "FREE" membership. With the holiday bloating gone, and perhaps some lighter workout clothing compared to my work attire, I am currently down 3.5 pounds. Only 6.5 more to go until end of March! (Preferably more!)
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 40 Member
    I lost the topic........but I didn't lose the plot!

    2nd Jan: 154.6lbs
    9th Jan: 149.2lbs

    -5.4lbs. I am amazed!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hey everybody! I lost 2 pounds last week! It's just a small step but it's in the right direction!! Keep up all your hard work! we can do this!!
