Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • gunmetalsunrise
    From my mother:

    "You shouldn't eat late at night! How do you think your grandmother (her mother-in-law) got so fat?"


    "Why are you eating so late?!" In that whiny, loud voice.

    It's worse than nails on a chalkboard.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Mine is.... "you are skinny, you shouldnt have to watch what you eat".

    Do people really think skinny people can eat everything and stay that way? I have a healthy body because I watch what I eat and exercise.

  • slinkymalinki
    From my mother/some friends I always get:
    "You eat so little yet you still look like THAT? Wow."
    Followed by a dirty look up and down. Yeah thanks |:
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    My grandfather is the king of contradictory bull****.

    "Ho ho ho" (yes he laughs like an obnoxious senile Santa) "that's why you're gaining weight!!!" in response to me taking one of their sugar-free ice cream sandwiches

    Then later that day "It's okay for you to have pizza!"

    Or my grandmother: "Is that legal?!" i.e. is it allowed with me eating healthy.

    I've tried to explain to both of them that I can eat whatever I want in certain portions, and some things are worth it to me and some aren't. Apparently that goes over their head.
  • kellylara93
    My grandmother: "you are looking fantastic!" (not complaining about this one AT ALL)

    This is then followed up by:

    "are you allowed to eat THAT"

    "do you really think you need THAT"

    "do you want to go to back to how you looked BEFORE"

    FYI Grandma, I can eat whatever the hell I want as long as I am within my calorie goal. Shutup and do some knitting.
  • edenxoxo
    "You've gone to far" or "you don't need to diet" or "have you logged that" are very annoying..... I get "Skinny ***** just eat a biscuit!" - I'm not over weight but I am not happy with my shape either and if I don't want a biscuit, I'm NOT eating a god dam biscuit!!!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Mum: "its about time! dont exercise though or you will get all muscley....just stop eating"

    GAHHH my mum does the whole "Don't exercise, you'll get too bulky" bit as well. SOO ANNOYING

    oh man my ex boyfriend says that all the time "You will get big bulky shoulders if you do weights, you should do yoga/pilates/running instead" AGGH!
  • lulucall911
    lulucall911 Posts: 51 Member
    Family telling me i cant loose any more weight because they are worried if i loose anymore weight i wont be me?
    People trying to force me to eat something because it wont hurt just once
    Family telling me i don't have to exercise everyday or push myself so much

    Big pet peeve of mine is when i go to buy an item of clothing and ask for my size and the shop assistant argues with me about the size i need and that i can't be that "big" well I am and it is none of your business anyway. (this has surprisingly happened a lot )
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    My mom went to see a nutritionist so she could eat healthier and start losing weight. And she was complaining how the nutritionist told her to eat 5servings of fruit and like 5 servings of vegetables

    And all she was like "I want to eat something that's DELICIOUS"

    That food is delicious! But if you're going to complain about that, just continue doing what you're doing but stop whining about your weight then. There's just no reasoning with her on that subject.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    My mom told me about a guy she dated, while she was dating him she lost like 60 pounds and was at a "normal size", not all movie star skinny but normal curvy you know? well any who they were handing out on the couch when he goes, "so you gonna lose the rest of that weight for me baby" hahahaha what a tool right? well any way that was the last he saw of my mom,

    also my hubby I well tell him all this goals and stuff and he will just smile nicly and say ahuh, and it infurites me so I say " you dont beleive I'm gonna do it do you" and he say's "your fine, your married don't worry about it" then I let out a high pitch scream and go in the other room,

    Also my mom has told me many times to not left wieghts that I would bulk up, but I am naturaly built with bulk and I like it! If I ever get mugged that dude wont even know what hit's him

    By the way congrats on the 38 pounds!

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  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Grandmother: "This apple pie is healthy! There's fruit in it, and I used your raw sugar instead of white sugar."
    Oh yeah, because every nutritionist recommends 3 servings of apple pie daily.

    My MIL does this :( that and she'll tell me to look forward to having to walk to the shops because its "exercise"
  • LtThrace
    /posted twice.
  • LtThrace
    I really don't like when family members try and coax me into breaking my weight loss goals by offering me ice-ream, various treats, etc. When I politely deny their requests they get annoyed and tell me I can't keep this up forever and that it is impossible for me to reach my goal because loosing weight and staying healthy is too hard. Looking forward to proving them wrong.

    * I know that their is that famous phrase of everything is ok in moderation but as of now that saying has been stricken from my life. I have tried the whole moderation game and I do not have enough self respect to stay within my portions when it comes to sweets. I have decided to go cold turkey until I hit a certain weight while keeping up on exercise because I need to know that I can say no and that I am in control of my decisions. When I have that self discipline down then I can start reviewing what I can have in moderation.

    Amen! I am doing the same, for the same reason.

    My mom-in-law always seems to be making cookies and bringing them over whenever I mention I am trying to eat healthier. In her view, she is bringing me 'moderation' and a bit of joy into the misery of eating healthily. I hate the phrase, "well, you gotta live a little sometimes." Obviously, if I were able to keep it to 'just a little' I wouldn't be so overweight. I told my husband that any baked goods, cany, etc. that are left out on the counter, in the fridge, or cabinet will be subject to immediate destruction. He doesn't like that but he puts up with it. I can't forbid him having what he wants, and I don't want to, but if there is cake around, I will eat it and we both need to face up to that. His whole family eat like its going out of style and the heaviest of them has a 36inch waist. They really don't understand how hard and mentally consuming it is for me. I have 84 lbs to lose and the first thing my husband says to me is, "Well, I don't want you to lose too much weight." I tell him, he can worry about that when I get there. I find that highly annoying. I havent told anyone besides my hubby that I am eating healthier/trying to get to what feels like a normal weight for me because once you do that, everyone is always watching you eat. This is hard enough without the furtive looks from good friends as well. Despite that, I am getting a kick out this thread, although some of you have some really mean and undermining people around. Cheers to you all!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Monday is the big start day!

    I agree.
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    are you sick?

    I recently posted a photo of myself to facebook and it casued a bit of an issue for some people who hadnt seen me for a bit (or seen my other posted pics and costant gym check-ins,lol)

    i recieved 3 inboxes & 2 phone calls. one person asked me did i have cancer, another daid i was taking it too far, another I should lose any more weight, i look terrbile. ect ect..

    for christs sake.. im 79kg/176lb........bmi 27 (still over weight0.. and i still have 13kg/30lb to lose... i was not amused
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    This isn't so much a comment as it was just offensive. Monday I was at work standing with a group of co-workers and I turned down some candy that a guy was handing out. I said no thank you I'm watching what I eat. He was ok with that but another guy in the group burst out laughing and spit on himself in the process. I asked him what was so funny and he said...Like you're ever going to be able to stick to that...followed by another burst of laughter. :mad:
  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    Good lord, all of these posts just reaffirm my decision to keep mum about my goals. I've talked to a couple of coworkers who already value health and fitness (my boss who plays soccer recreationally, and another who is a crazy runner and cyclist) because I know they're not going to give me sh-t about anything I'm doing - in fact, they know I'm doing a Zombie 5k in May ( so my boss got me a book about zombies and a book about running for Christmas. Talk about supportive!

    Sometimes my family does say stuff that they don't mean to be negative/problematic. I've always been the skinniest one in my family, but that doesn't mean anything. Most of my mother's side is morbidly obese, so my regular ol' obesity seemed small to them. My mom always calls me skinny or small, I think because she thinks she's complimenting me in a healthy way. Thankfully, though, since they all struggle with weight issues and are nice people, they don't really try to butt in to my eating habits or give me terrible advice. They trust me to know what I'm doing, which I really appreciate.

    My fiance is probably the worst offender, despite having zero ill intentions, and I can't really keep my fitness goals to myself since we live together. He tries to make light conversation with me about it, but he doesn't really take it seriously, nor does he understand, since he's been the same tiny weight since high school despite always appearing to be carb-loading for a marathon that never comes. He always jokes with me about "wailing on my pecs" and stuff like that, which I do find funny (especially if I have, indeed, wailed), but he doesn't understand the serious work I'm doing or the deep emotional processes I've been going through to get to the success I've had so far. Since he doesn't exercise, doesn't care about what he eats, has no concept of portion control or eating for anything other than pleasure, and has never had body image issues, it's basically impossible to enter into a conversation with him about it. So I don't, and I go exercise some more, and I win :-D
  • jennifer2977
    This isn't so much a comment as it was just offensive. Monday I was at work standing with a group of co-workers and I turned down some candy that a guy was handing out. I said no thank you I'm watching what I eat. He was ok with that but another guy in the group burst out laughing and spit on himself in the process. I asked him what was so funny and he said...Like you're ever going to be able to stick to that...followed by another burst of laughter. :mad:

    OMG! I would have punched him!
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    A really annoying one is when you tell someone your on a diet and then the next time they see you they say "oh yeah you've lost weight!" when you know youve only dropped 2 lbs LOL
  • jennifer2977
    I also can't stand it when I'm eating fruit or yogurt or veggies for my lunch (already having my meals planned out for the day), and someone goes 'oh you won't lose weight without protein'. Well no sh*^t sherlock! Just because I'm eating yogurt for lunch doesn't mean I didn't have eggs and ham for breakfast or planning on eating chicken for dinner! Sheesh!