Need to loose under 20 lbs and tone (join me?)



  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    I have about 26 lbs to loose.
    Although I am not exactly skinny yet, I have lost over 70lbs and people are "worried" I might loose too much.

    loosing that 26lbs, puts me in the "healthy" weight range.... out of being overweight!
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Totally with you. Feel free to add me :) 28, Veggie from Uk, love cooking and finding fun ways to exercise, toning is my plan for 2012. X
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    I'm in too! I want to lose about 15 pounds and tone up, my goal is 20 pounds but I will be really happy if I was to lost 15!! :flowerforyou:
  • kjh1204
    kjh1204 Posts: 24 Member
    Me too. Need to lose about 15 lbs and tone up, I'm short so even a bit of excess weight is really noticeable. I'm cutting out all the bad carbs (white bread, pasta, rice, alcohol) and upping the exercise to tone up
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    Hi there. Sounds like me too. I've been losing weight using another online system and I've dropped from size 22 to size 12, but I'm back up to size 14 and needing to tone and lose about 12-15 pounds.

    Toning is definitely on my agenda again :-)
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    Count me in!!
    I hit my original goal back in October (only by changing my eating habits, no exercise) then decided to go for another 10 lbs, but I've been stuck at 5. So I have started exercising and very much need to tone up too! After 4 kids (including twins!) I've got a little extra baggage to get rid of. :laugh:
  • I have about 20 pounds to lose before I re-evaluate my goal and see if I want to drop any more weight. I'm not doing any special diet besides counting calories, but that makes me eat healthier because I want 150 calories worth of veggies and rice instead of a handful of M&M's.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I'm in!! I have 20 pounds to loose!
  • vjhanson5
    vjhanson5 Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in too! Need the extra motivation and some accountability to lose the final 20 pounds. Was going strong until a knee injury then it started creeping back back into exercising and eating right.
  • Lwoodslim
    Lwoodslim Posts: 31 Member
    I am with all of you. I am petite and people tell me I look good. I've struggled with weight most of my adult life and honestly am in about the best shape of my life, and about my lowest weight. I only have a few more pounds til my goal, but one I reach it I need to maintain it. I would like to join this group. And while others see me as I am, I still see that chubby girl in the mirror.
  • I am definitely in! I want to loose the rest of my belly fat pooch (I had a CS when I had my daughter), the rest of my wonderful love handles, and tone up my jiggly thighs! I would love to lose 15-20 more pounds! I'M IN!!!! :happy:
  • Count me in! Like a few others have said, I could have written the same initial post! I'm wanting to lose about 15 lbs as well, but focusing more on lowering my body fat %, which is high.

    I'm also trying to better understand thyroid functions, insulin, glycemic index... and how they're affecting my journey. Lately I've been feeling like my body is working against me, and despite my best efforts of eating better, reducing sugar, and working out, results are minimal.

    I finished a round of P90X/Insanity before the new year, and started P90X2 on Monday... loving it! Feel free to add me... power in numbers! :happy:
  • Everything you just said is told to me almost every day! People bigger than me get irritated when I say I'm trying to lose some weight. I may not be huge, but I have a right to want to look and feel my best too. I need to lose about 12-13 lbs. and tone up. I was thinking of posting something similar. We can do this!!
  • ange0628
    ange0628 Posts: 39 Member
    I am SO IN!!!
    I have 19 more lbs till I reach my goal, lets do it together ladies, Feel free to add me :)
    6 months until June, enough time to reach our goals, woo-hoo!!
  • I want to lose 20 pounds before I feel more confident with my body. I too have many people (not siblings tho) tell me I'm at a good weight and don't need to lose. I want to tone and have no more flab!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Omg! Yes, def. my goals! I need to lose around 15lbs and tone up around my middle and inner thighs!!!!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Totally with ya on this
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Same boat- I am currently 139.7 (as of this am- A VERY LONG plateau at 140) and want to be around 130. I am 5'4. gosh these last 9.7 lbs are a killer.
  • Same here! 15 pounds needs to go! add me friends :D
  • Ditto!!
    I would love to join in with all of you.
    It is nice to have some be in the same boat and understand the goal.
    I am looking to tone everything from my nose to my toes.
    I am very new to this workout scene but I have to say I enjoy it very much
    And never would have thought I would actually look forward to working out.

    I find it very hard to ever take a rest day....most often I do Yoga or Pilates
    On those days.