weight loss without drinking water?



  • Another approach is having a certain amount of oz to drink every hour. An 8oz glass is not that big. Fill it up and tell yourself to finish one an hour. By the end of work you can have all your h2o in. It is a little less daunting than carting around a huge jug. After you get used to it, you will crave water.

    now i like that idea. i think that would work better for me just to drink a glass or two a day for starters. but it has to be ice cold with ice. since i'm retired tomorrow i'm gonna start off alternating (because i drink a lot of milk or tea) a large glass of iced water between every other drink i drink. then i can look forward to my next glass of juice, tea or 1% milk. thanx for the suggestion. then i can pan it out over the whole day.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    This is a post I wrote a few weeks ago it may.enlighten u on the importance of drinking water;)

    Think of this some interesting facts I read today your body releases about 12 cups of water a day..2c through perspiration,6c through urine,2-4c through breathing and nearly one cup through the soles of your feet and in high or dry environments you lose even more!! Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is essential to your bodily functions do u want your organs functioning in dirty water...Ewwwwww!! This is what happens when u don't get enough so Drink up!!;)

    Some of the benefits of drinking water
    1. It's calorie free but helps u stay full n satisfied
    2. It keeps you from overeating. Studies have shown that when we feel hungry 30% of the time our bodies r actually signaling for water
    3. It removes toxins and preservatives from your cells
    4. It prevents dehydration as your body eliminates excess salt and water from a diet of too much processed food
    5. It minimizes and or eliminates fatigue,lack of energy,headaches,and unclear thinking
    6. It speeds up metabolism. A recent study showed that drinking 2-8oz glasses of water increased metabolic rate by 30% for 90 minutes.
    7. It helps your liver convert get to energy
    8. It compensates for the loss of glycogen stores as you lose weight AND THE MOST IMPORTANT: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO DRINK TOO MUCH WATER UNLESS U HAVE A SPECIFIC MEDICAL CONDITION THAT REQUIRES U TO RESTRICT YOUR FLUID INTAKE....SO DRINK UP!! All this was found in Dr A's Habits of Health;)

    I personally drink 6.6 liters a day;) Have been since Aug 20,2011 and yes I use the bathroom quite often.lol..but I'm a SAHM...works.for me;)
  • i drink a lot of tea with honey or a little sugar. but i was told even decaf herbal tea wasn't good enough. it's gotta be plain water. period. (i don't believe it and will do the tea idea and say it's water. lol)
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member

    So, is water intoxication a myth, and nobody actually really died from it?
    -rolls blue eyes-
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    i drink a lot of tea with honey or a little sugar. but i was told even decaf herbal tea wasn't good enough. it's gotta be plain water. period. (i don't believe it and will do the tea idea and say it's water. lol)

    They told you wrong... Tea has no calories, shouldnt have added sugar in the bag--it pretty much just flavors the water. When you log tea, you ususally end up logging a tea bag, which is nothing, and boiling water, which is still nothing. Winter hits, and my tea collection gets low. I never felt thirsty.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member

    6. It speeds up metabolism. A recent study showed that drinking 2-8oz glasses of water increased metabolic rate by 30% for 90 minutes.

    8. It compensates for the loss of glycogen stores as you lose weight

    I'd like to see the study you mentioned. Can you link it? I'm not doubting you... I'd just like to read it.

    And what do you mean by it compensates for the loss of glycogen stores? Glycogen is a carb. Water is not. I don't understand how it's supposed to compensate.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    i drink a lot of tea with honey or a little sugar. but i was told even decaf herbal tea wasn't good enough. it's gotta be plain water. period. (i don't believe it and will do the tea idea and say it's water. lol)

    They told you wrong... Tea has no calories, shouldnt have added sugar in the bag--it pretty much just flavors the water. When you log tea, you ususally end up logging a tea bag, which is nothing, and boiling water, which is still nothing. Winter hits, and my tea collection gets low. I never felt thirsty.

    I agree with you here. Tea is an excellent source of fluid...you just have to drink a little more of it to equal the same absorbsion rate as just POW (Plain Ol' Water). I say drink up!
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Weepingwillow...okay use common since...water u drink in moderation..not seeing how quick u can chug a keg of water!! That's intoxication!!
  • You need water; You're body cannot survive without it. 8 glasses a day is perfect. If you train hard, then drink more. If you don't like the taste of water use crystal lite or something with 0 sugar / low caloric content.

    Secondly, this twinkie diet, lemonade diet, potato chip diet is bull****. There's more involved in nutrition than calories. Consuming large quantities of carbohydrates and sugars will cause you to gain more weight. There is very little nutritional value out of these products to help your body lose weight and gain muscle.

    Typically people prey on those who want to lose weight fast by doing very little work. It's sad to see. I can go on and on about the products out there (shake weight anyone?) that scam ppl out of their money.

    The simple truth is this: By doing the research online, consulting your doctor, and keeping a positive outlook, you can achieve your weight loss goals. But it will not be achieved without the hard work.

  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member

    I'd like to see the study you mentioned. Can you link it? I'm not doubting you... I'd just like to read it.

    And what do you mean by it compensates for the loss of glycogen stores? Glycogen is a carb. Water is not. I don't understand how it's supposed to compensate.

    He got it from Dr. A's blog (http://www.drwayneandersen.com/2011/03/water-–-nature’s-gift/), problem is much of the information is misunderstood and mis-quoted. Read the blog entry for complete information.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member

    I'd like to see the study you mentioned. Can you link it? I'm not doubting you... I'd just like to read it.

    And what do you mean by it compensates for the loss of glycogen stores? Glycogen is a carb. Water is not. I don't understand how it's supposed to compensate.

    He got it from Dr. A's blog (http://www.drwayneandersen.com/2011/03/water-–-nature’s-gift/), problem is much of the information is misunderstood and mis-quoted. Read the blog entry for complete information.

    Sorry, I did a typo...She, not he
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    your body needs water, yes. but it doesn't need a gallon a day. We evolved on the African savannah! we conserve water pretty well. When your body needs water, it TELLS you, by getting thirsty. if you are peeing 30 times a day and your pee is barely yellow, you are drinking too much.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    all my life I would never drink water.I couldn't stand the taste.now I'm slowly drinking it i can drink anywhere from 8oz to 32oz. a day I use MIO love the berry pomegranate flavor.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    He got it from Dr. A's blog (http://www.drwayneandersen.com/2011/03/water-–-nature’s-gift/), problem is much of the information is misunderstood and mis-quoted. Read the blog entry for complete information.

    Oh. Thanks. That's a little disappointing... ah well. Some blogs are really good and are backed with true science. Other blogs? Not so much. I guess I go back to my original state- having never actually seen any science that would indicate that drinking water has a significant metabolic advantage. It could, or course. I've just never seen anything that demonstrates clearly that it does, aside from what one poster jokingly pointed out- that if you don't consume any liquid at all, your metabolism will eventually stop.

    I might dabble on pubmed tomorrow and see if I can disprove my hypothesis... who knows?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Nobody else is calling bull****?
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I use to hate water , it made me sick . But now the only thing I drink is water , I have at least 2.2 liters a day. I just have to leave that mind frame that I hated water .
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Weepingwillow...okay use common since...water u drink in moderation..not seeing how quick u can chug a keg of water!! That's intoxication!!

    I do use common sense, however when you spread misinformation to newbies, it can be dangerous. Obviously, it only happens to stupid people, and no one like marathon runners or anyone doing endurance training, amirite? Why don't you use common sense, and not spread information that isn't fact? Great, thanks!
  • I remember Mum telling me about some medical professional who took a seminar at her school talking about fluid intake and she said it was really simple. Not including first thing in the morning, if your urine is pale and plentiful then you are doing fine with your fluid intake, if it is anything else, then you need more fluid (in whatever form - I'll take mine in tea thanks).

    Your other bodily waste is a good indicator too. Rabbit/sheep pellets pretty much tell you you're not getting enough. Soft and easy to pass (and even better shaped like a letter 'C' or 'S' - LOL) means you're getting enough fluid. 'Cause I have to do those things every day, I just rely on them to tell me the story and don't worry about anything else.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Nobody else is calling bull****?

    I believe I have called bull**** several times now. To what are you referring to specifically?
  • cleehancock
    cleehancock Posts: 14 Member
    I asked my regular doctor about this because i've been concerned about how much water to drink... am I drinking too much, am I drinking too little. His answer made a lot of sense to me. Quite simply there is no set amount of water that you should be drinking. You should only drink water when you are thirsty. Anything else is really overkill/unnecessary. He has been a doctor for over 30 years and my wife and her family have seen him for almost as long. I've been seeing him for 5 years, though we just recently about a year ago started working on my blood pressure and weight together. So I think that is some pretty sound insight from someone in the know of what is healthy. That is what I have been doing is only drinking water when I'm thirsty. I love a nice cold tall glass of ice water from a good source. I do love my Dr. Pepper and Crystal light too. But I try to drink twice as much water or Crystal light as I do soda because I am trying to watch my sugar and sodium intake, which for far too long have been far too much of each. Ever since applying his advisement in regard to how much water I drink, I don't feel overly thirsty and I don't feel like I am experiencing water intoxication. I don't show signs of dehydration either. I'm not a professional nutritionist and certainly not a doctor. I do trust my doctor and my advise is to each individual to consult with their doctor the same question as that your doctor will know you better than anyone on the forum will know you and your individual circumstance. :^)