Need to loose under 20 lbs and tone (join me?)



  • JoKeFi99
    JoKeFi99 Posts: 8 Member
    Aswome....finally found some people that are in the same boat
    I'm stuck around the same weight 140-143 for the last 6 month. I want to drop another 6-10 pounds but can't seem to get it off. I recently started to run (or more jogging) instead of walking and I also started doing more weight training to get my arms and thighs toned.
    I would love to hear what everyone is doing to shed these last pounds.
  • Hello all,

    So, I've done this before, but I fall off...I'm here again.
    I need to loose 15 lbs and tone up. I need to loose inches of belly fat and tone my thighs.

    People think that because I'm not severely over weight, I don't have to worry, diet etc. They don't get that I'm not happy like this. I want to be fit and feel good.

    I'm sure there are more people in the same boat, that hear "you look fine" or "I wish I had your body" but I'M NOT HAPPY and I have to fix it.

    That is exactly me! I only have about 10lbs to lose. I love being fit and look good in my jeans or a bathing suit. People look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I need to lose a bit and tone up.
  • If anybody wants to add me, feel free to do so :flowerforyou:

    Day 1:

    Today I will stay on plan;
    - 1200 calories and eat all my exercise calories too.
    - 45 minute walk tonight (fast pace)
    - Burn Intervals with Chalean Extreme
  • "First off, I'm taking Safflower oil 1-2x daily after watching Dr. Oz. "

    I'll look into this.

    I was using CLA combined with good diet and exercise last year, 3 months before my Jamaica trip, and I had great success with it. It really targeted my stomach and was able to get lean.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    So excited at 136.6, not been this weight in 13 years. And I started my period this morning.

    I recommitted to log and lose on December 12 and happy to see progress

    I have a body media calorie counter, I strive for a 1,000 cal difference between what I burn and what I eat

    This should translate to a 2 pound loss weekly, I have set my expectation at 1.4 pounds a week

  • Bravo on loosing 70 lbs! I have lost 50, so I know how hard it is to stay on track! But GOOD JOB, and enjoy the new you!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I am in! Just add me as a friend - I like having friends to post to and read posts and email with for motiviation. I have about 20 to 25 lbs to lose. I am only 5'2 so the extra weight really shows on me. I am all about losing it slowly and by exercising and toning up as I want to look good - not just be skinny. I am currently taking a personal training class 3 times a week, I walk everyday at lunch and I do the core exercises as much as possible. I am trying to get my husband motivated to go to the gym with me the two nights that I don't go to my class - still working on that! We are very active as a couple as he rides trials motorcyles, I am learning to ride and we travel and camp a lot of weekends. Which has actually added to my weight gain because it is very hard to eat healthy while primitive camping, and we tend to like our cocktails on the weekends - lol.

    Looking forward to giving and receiving motivation!
  • ottenicole
    ottenicole Posts: 48 Member
    Add me...we're in the same boat! I'm 15 days into MFP and absolutely love the motivation of others:) Hope I can do the same for you!! Good luck:)
  • JoKeFi99
    JoKeFi99 Posts: 8 Member
    What is CLA????

    Guess I still need to learn alot.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm not really looking to lose a specific number of pounds. I am actually quite happy with my shape and all, though I won't lie: I'd love it if my skinny day jeans became my fat day jeans. I'm looking more to tone up and become healthier. I started running a few weeks ago; maybe one day run a half marathon.
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey! I just made a group for this. I called it, "20 Pounds or Less Club." I thought that this would be an easily accessible way to help each other out. Join us!
  • I started out needing to lose 20 pounds which is a lot when you are 5 ft 2 and over 50. I have walked the weight off since last August and switched to a healthy foods diet. My daughter introduced me to this website a few weeks ago and I love it! I have about 5 more lbs to go but need to start toning. A friend of mine gave me the New York City Ballet workout which is the best thing to tighten abdomen muscles. Ballet exercises are really great for moms and people wanting to reclaim their youthful figures. I will start with 5 minutes a day or so and see what happens.
  • I'm in the same boat! Count me in!
  • GretaJane
    GretaJane Posts: 64 Member
    Same here! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Your post sums up exact what I'm aiming to do - I was thinking about starting a similar thread but you put it way better than I would have!

    Well, TBH, losing 25lb would be better for me, but all the rest . .. me too!

  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I would like to know more about CLA and the safflower oil too. I'm always interested in anything natural to make me feel better!
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    This is me too, I want to lose about 15 pounds and I definitely want to tone up and get healthier. I've put on the weight over the last two years so I'm fairly confident of getting back to my former weight, but this time I want to lose the stomach flab. Progress is good so far!

    While I'm still in the normal range for my height I want to get back down to the lower end of the range.
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Please friend me with an "add me to the group" message included in your request.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Hi, I just joined back on MFP after a very long hiatus, and of course gained all my weight back, as well... :( i need to lose a minimum of 10 lbs, but would like to lose 15 - 20. I'm currently about 135 lbs, and would love my happy weight to hover around 120.

    I'll go look for the group...
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    OK, we have a group!! The name is...

    Less Than 25 To Go!