For all the DOG lovers out there~



  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    people annoy me much more than dogs, at least the dogs listen to me, don't argue with me or tell me that my choices are wrong because they don't match with their own. people are lame, dogs are love
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I agree. Dont hate on the upset with the owner for not properly training.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    Totally agree with both posts there, could not phrase it better.
    <<< I love dogs. :D I REALLY love MY dogs. But, I don't expect anyone else to, so I can understand where you're coming from. I also don't like it when people don't take care of their dogs. We wipe our dogs feet every time they come back into the house with either baby wipes or a bucket o'suds if weather requires. I clean up after my dogs in the yard so that there aren't big piles for them to step in. I obedience train my dogs so that they are well-behaved in public and with others in general... and I've received a lot of compliments about them.

    On the other hand, my house is MY house and my dogs are part of my family. While I certainly don't expect anyone coming to my house to make friends with my dogs - or share the couch with them - my opinion is that they need to understand that the dogs live there and they don't. So, if you really can't stand the idea of my dogs being in my house... don't come over. :smile:

    My stance. We don 't have kids, we have dogs. I don't love your kids, you don't have to love my dogs.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Don't hate the poor pup, hate the mother in law for not teaching him right.

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    As everyone has already said, it is the owner which trains the dog so whose fault is it?

    I love doggies :(
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    My dog is my child. I would kill anyone who tried to hurt him or was unkind to him. In return I keep a tight leash on him in public, and do not let him misbehave when I have company over. However, as someone else stated it is HIS home, not theirs and I expect mutual respect.

    But just like humans, not all dogs are lovable, nor are they all disgusting.

    I completely agree. My dogs are great for when I'm down, when I need a laugh and they protect my house and my grandfather (no joke they protect him!). They don't pee/poo on themselves and are really clean dogs unless they get muddy when I leave them out too long. I've had more respect, love and faithfulness from a dog than most people and they don't ask for much in return. I can never imagine not loving dogs. I can respect the OP point of view but it's a little harsh. Animals act the way they were brought up, just like children.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    My beautiful Pongo was put to sleep on December 16th 2011. He brought us and so many others happiness.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Kids smear poop on walls. Just saying, that is pretty gross.

    I like dogs far more than I like people.

    yeah! when my daughter was a year old she woke up before me, took her diaper off and smeared the *kitten* all over herself, her crib and everything else she could reach, oh, and it was Mother's Day
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    For the dog lovers...if you like to read, check out The Art of Racing in the Rain. Fabulous, fabulous story.

    Yeah I read the book. Great book!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    <<< I hear ya, sister! I had two years of back-to-back boxer pups. :happy: (Of course, I love cats, too, and had one for 19 years. She was irreplacable!)
    Don't hate the poor pup, hate the mother in law for not teaching him right.

    I agree.. I used to be a cat person and I've recently been converted thanks to my 65 lb boxer child.

    My dog is well behaved and we have worked hard to train her that way. The first year was ROUGH
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I used to dislike dogs too. Until I got one of my own and I love him to bits, would not be without him :smile:

    Yes he sometimes pee's on his foot when he has a lot to relieve himself of.. and yes he sometimes takes a crap and steps in it by accident on the way back in. It's not often but when it happens either me or my partner gets him in the bath and showers down his feet so he doesn't spread it round the house, (bathroom right next to back door) and mop the floor by the back door. As I said it's not all the time, so not really a hassle.

    He is well trained in other areas, does as he's told. We let him on the sofa but because it's only a 2 seater, when we are both home and want to sit down he gets off. He's also allowed on the bed when I'm working upstairs and don't particularly want to leave him downstairs on his own for hours. He isn't allowed near the top (pillows) end and doesn't sleep there, he has his own crate bed downstairs. I don't see an issue with it.

    TBH as long as it's their house, you can't really complain. You either have to put up with their dog or not go there. I had plenty of friends when I was young who had dogs that I hated. They would always bark and growl at me and I used to be scared of them, all changed now since I have my own doggy! haha.
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member

    My stance. We don 't have kids, we have dogs. I don't love your kids, you don't have to love my dogs.

    I couldn't agree more!! Having said that, I would NEVER allow my dog into the house with poopie feet. That is just gross!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Ahhh... I'm so sorry for you. Been there.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I love my animals far more than I love people. I have 4 animals. I bet they are a lot cleaner than the people we come across every day. The people who wipe their *kitten* and dont wash their hands is pretty much the same thing as a dog pooping and ACCIDENTALLY stepping in it when a human INTENTIONALLY does that. Its nasty. My dogs are always bathed, and wiped clean after they come from outside. I clean up their mess, their teeths are brushed. Kids are nasty and wipe boogers and **** all over everything. If I came into your house and refused to sit on your couch because of dirty kids you would be offended. Dont hate on the animals. They are harmless. I am sure you come across more germs at the grocery store than sitting on her couch.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Don't hate the poor pup, hate the mother in law for not teaching him right.

    This times 1000!!!

    It takes a lot of time and energy to train a dog.
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    And for the OP: I'm curious about something...

    Why would you make the title of your post "FOR ALL DOG LOVERS OUT THERE" and then bash and berate dogs? If you don't like dogs, that's your choice. But, I think directing this post to dog lovers is just a little rude. I honestly opened it thinking it was something cute, funny, etc directed towards people who have and love dogs. NOT a dog bashing post.

    agree...I love dogs...have 2 of my own and volunteer at our shelter when I can....there are no bad dogs...lots of bad owners though....and I came into the thread because I am a dog lover like the title said....and also out of stood there and watched it all happen did you mention it to your mil...I'm sure she would have wipped his paws if she new....And I'm pretty sure when she changed your kids crappy diapers she didn't post about it....although i'm sure it wasn't her favorit part of the day.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    And just in case the OP thinks all of the dog lovers who have responded are being "mean" or bullying, I would like to point out (as others have) that the topic title brought us here.

    The situation OP describes is horrid and I would not want my children (if I had them) to be around it either. I don't think anyone would argue with you on that. It's the bait and switch title and tone of the message that inflamed me, and I'm sure a few others.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Never had a dog before in my life until I got my little Marley!! Like everyone says you have to train them. Marley is a great dog and she has the run of the house!! I love her to pieces and she is a true companion and friend to me and my family!!

    Dont hate on dogs hate on the owners who dont train them!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    My question is, why is the title of this "For all the DOG lovers out there"? Why not "For all the DOG haters out there" so you would draw like minded people.

    Personally, I think it's amusing that your MIL is good enough to keep your kids with her filthy dog, but her home is disgusting because she allows the dog on the furniture. I guess free babysitting trumps a filthy dog.

    BTW, those of us who actually do love dogs don't really care whether you like them or not. With an attitude like yours, you wouldn't be welcome in my home anyways.

    Too bad you don't like dogs. :yawn: You don't know the love they give. They are the greatest and there's nothing says you have to go in MIL's house. You don't enjoy being there so take your free babysitting and leave. :brokenheart: I have two dogs. Just rescued a little Caren Terrior. She has some problems but with love and training she will be just as loveable as my German Shepherd/Norwegian Elkhound cross. She is a rescue dog too.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Love all the pictures of the dogs. So cute.:flowerforyou:
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