Are you a GYM IDIOT?



  • blakeman187
    At my old gym some college bro that weighed about 10lbs soaking wet, walks into the weight room and goes right to the bench press. Puts on wayyyyy too much weight for his size, and with his spotter, who was the same tiny build, manages to get the bar off the rack. Right after the spotter let the bar go, it seemed that the kid had the bar...he did not however, it fell right on his chest.

    The spotter wasn't strong enough to lift the weight off the kid. I ran over and grabbed the bar off of him.

    Needless to say, one ambulance ride later, and a newsletter about gym safety, those two never came back to the gym...

    Morale of this story: Safety first
  • jlowensby
    jlowensby Posts: 142
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    LiKe OmG r u stalking me?

    I go to gym before work, so I always have a full face of makeup...don't have time to do it afterwards....;)
    :huh: you go from the gym straight to work sans shower?

    Yup...Its the only time I can get a work out in...and I do not sweat a lot (thank goodness) and I don't yup....
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    There are a fair share of people who just look silly at the gym because they're trying to show off or whatever, but that doesn't bother me at all.

    The cologne/perfume thing bugs me because a lot of the time I will start WHEEZING and having difficulty breathing because the smell is so powerful and that inhibits me from working out as hard as I want to, in respect to cardio anyway. I dislike when people don't clean up their machines after they use it. Talking on your cell phone while you're running, using the elliptical is annoying, but I have my headphones on anyway and I usually can't hear anything because the dubstep is blocking everything out.
  • andreacord
    Brought your handbag into the weights room.
    Full face of makeup.
    1 set, update your facebook status on your iphone, next machine.

    I'm guilty of the makeup thing - but I go to the gym right after work, and I wear makeup to work. Weekend gym seshes = clean face.

    Me too, if it's a day where I go in the evening or between classes I have makeup on .. but normally I leave with none on. :P and morning sessions like I've been doing this semester I have no makeup and yesterday's hair, I'm probably the most unattractive thing in the place. Some girls give me the "Ew really.." stare but its like "Oh hi I'm here to work out. What are you doing here..?"
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    Person who hangs out on a bench while chatting and occasionally lifting a 5 pound weight.

    Guys & girls who wear cologne... I'd rather smell your sweat!

    Singing or dancing on the treadmill.. yes I have seen it! You can't sing and you certainly can't dance!

    I'm guilty of singing under my breath on the treadmill or elliptical (no dancing though). This helps me keep a certain pace and also helps get through my intervals (otherwise I'd go crazy looking at the time tick by). I HATE when you are in your zone and the person next to you is looking at your screen to see what you're doing. I'm focusing on my own damn workout, that's what!
  • shannonc1115
    shannonc1115 Posts: 21 Member
    my gym has a "lunk alarm". Defines lunks as 'gym idiots' (since i can't remember exactly). If anyone drops weights, grunts, etc...this light starts flashing and an alarm sounds. My friend and I were wondering if they ever used it because neither of us had ever seen it go off then the next time I was in I saw it in action. It was awesome, the guy was so embarassed... hahahahahahaahha
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member

    My biggest pet peeve:

    Holding Onto Treadmill Bars For Dear Life As They Crank The Treadmill As Fast As It Will Go

    if you have to hang onto the treadmill bars then you're not working out, you're being dragged.
    This and the people who do the stairmaster while supporting their body weight with their arms locked and a death grip on the handle bars. You're supposed to haul your body weight up the stairs, not tap dance along. Makes me wonder why they even bother.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    my gym has a "lunk alarm". Defines lunks as 'gym idiots' (since i can't remember exactly). If anyone drops weights, grunts, etc...this light starts flashing and an alarm sounds. My friend and I were wondering if they ever used it because neither of us had ever seen it go off then the next time I was in I saw it in action. It was awesome, the guy was so embarassed... hahahahahahaahha

    Planet Fitness is ridiculous. It's natural to grunt when lifting heavy weight, which is something you should be doing if you, oh I don't know, want to lose weight. Also the free pizza/bagels on whatever day of the month is a bit counter productive, isn't it?
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I don't really understand why it's bad to wear makeup to the gym.

    It makes people who already feel self-conscious more self conscious about their appearance. We should really all just wash it all off, for the benefit of ugly ladies who want to be in ugly company while they work out.
    In my opinion there's a difference between someone who's been wearing makeup for the day and came in to work out, and the girl that gets up at 6am to put a full face of makeup on before coming to the gym. The latter are the people who make me roll my eyes.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    I bring my kindle to the gym use it on the elliptical and can do a 10 minute mile at a resistance of 13,just because you cant multi task does not mean no one else can.Staring at a kindle is no diffrent than staring at the TV it really does not take away from how hard you can work at all.

    Good for you. I can do that on the ELLIPTICAL too. Have you tried it on the treadmill at an 8 min mile pace? It's a lot harder...

    No I probobly wouldnt do it on the tredmill,but I wasnt quoting you. I also dont use the tredmill,but I can use it on the things I do use like the elliptical,and stair mill. It is ignorant for people to say that people couldnt possibly be working hard if they have a kindle which is what I was refering too. I also wouldnt read my kindle while using weights or swimming some things its not good for.
    I hate the treadmill so i have no reason to want to try to read on it
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Huge dudes that wear tank tops meant for young children... Like when only there nipples are covered. What the hell is up with this?
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Funny - I don't really pay attention to the people around me at the gym. I'm there for a workout, not to scrutinize everyone else. However, when I hear someone "moaning" loudly, I instinctlvely get nervous because I think someone hurt themselves.
  • jjcwik21
    The people that are too cheap to afford head phones and walk around with their phone blasting mariachi music. (Every morning I have to deal with this)

    People who come in and think the gym is their house and throw their crap all over place.

    Macho boys. Yeah, you wanna look cool in front of your girl but maybe benching 3x above your weight and having the bar crash down on you while you're gasping for air isn't a good idea. (It sure is funny though)

    People who do NOT clean their nasty, sweaty equipment after use.

    Onion pits. Nuff said.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    search gym idiot on youtube...priceless!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Has anyone else witnessed someone using the gym provided hair dryers to dry out their crotch?!? This one larger older woman at my gym puts one leg up on the bench, spreads em wide, and then proceeds to thoroughly dry herself. :noway:

    There are some things you just cannot un-see!!!

    LMAO! All the more reason I am so glad I don't use the locker room at the gym. I live less than 5 minutes from the gym and I go home to shower after working out.
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    Hey is there a difference between a gym newbie and a gym idiot?

    This is the reason I work out in the privacy of my own home and fear a gym membership. Everyones there to do the same thing. Yet there's still the people that'll look at me like a moron cause I don't know how to use anything correctly. Kind of feels like a clique... :ohwell:
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Hey is there a difference between a gym newbie and a gym idiot?

    This is the reason I work out in the privacy of my own home and fear a gym membership. Everyones there to do the same thing. Yet there's still the people that'll look at me like a moron cause I don't know how to use anything correctly. Kind of feels like a clique... :ohwell:

    Just ignore them. Some people just like to judge. Honestly, I don't look around when I go to the gym, I will go at 6 AM with my makeup on, and I'm sure I've used some sort of equipment wrong in the past. The point is, who cares? You're there to better yourself, and IMO, that's all that matters.

    As a side note, a lot of times the staff is perfectly willing to show you how to use certain equipment :flowerforyou:
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Wear Flip Flop to weight train!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    But this little short film is the best:

    All the gym idiots in one session! :)