Drinking W| The Boyfriend Tonight - Help?



  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    Ok I haven't read all of the previous posts so I'm not sure anyone has mentioned this yet, but my new favorite drink is this brand new low-calorie vodka called Voli light vodka. It has half the calories of regular vodka, only 72 calories for 1.5 ounces! And it's pretty good quality because it doesn't have that nasty rubbing alcohol taste. I actually usually mix it with water and a flavored drink packet like Crystal Light, or lately I've been using the liquid water flavoring stuff called Mio. Here's a link to the vodka website, and it has a ton of recipes for low-cal mixed drinks to make with it: http://www.volispirits.com/ Hope this helps!! I've really fallen in love with the stuff cause I can relax and have a few drink without the guilt!

    This sounds freaking fantastic, do you know if it is sold in regular liquor stores? & do you know the price? thank you!

    Holy *kitten*... I'm in on that, too!

    you're saving 100 calories if you have 5 shots (1.5 oz)
    i'll stick with Grey Goose or Stoli.
  • Since it's a special occasion, and (I'm assuming) not something you do every day, why not just drink something you like, in moderation, instead of forcing yourself to drink something you don't really like because it's a "better option." Just a thought.

    I'm meeting in the middle, as you can see from some of my posts, there are a few I wasn't willing to go for tonight.
    AKA Club Soda. I just cant do that, blech,
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    Sugar free redbull! I recently made the switch and its not so bad.
  • Sugar free redbull! I recently made the switch and its not so bad.

    IDK what it is but any kind of drink like that TEARS ME UP!
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Vodka and Crystal Lite. Just water and some of the drink mix. You can find 0 calorie drink mix!!
  • amk1118
    amk1118 Posts: 9 Member
    Pink lemonade with barcardi limon, or crystal light could be a good base to mix with vodka. Good Luck and Happy Anniversary!
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    Usually I cant have more than 2 red bull and vodkas, I switch to miller lite after2 drinks.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Try pouring a cup of vodka and adding a packet of crystal light/water flavoring to it...we did that with tequila on NYE and it was actually pretty good!

    I also like flavored run...passion fruit being my favorite, and I can drink shots of it with no problem...and no chasers! :drinker:
  • Crystal Light
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    I love me some vodka/soda with extra lemon.. sooo yummy! :)
  • My Personal Trainer advised me of a vodka that is low in calories but will take a while to get used to. Lemon/Lime Vodka Waters.

    Mush up fresh lime or lemon in the glass. Add ice and water and a nip of vodka.

    Good Luck!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I have no input as I hate vodka with all I have. Too much of it in my college years. Ughhh!

    But I did want to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Mine is tomorrow! 6 years!

    I agree, enjoy yourself tonight. Don't worry too much of the calories. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night for our anniversary and while I plan on getting fish because I love it, I'm also going to have a glass of wine and some kick *kitten* dessert! :)

    I'll just work out a bit more tomorrow before we head out to make myself feel less guilty.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Vodka and powerade 0 is yummy! Enjoy your anniversary - congratulations!
  • Vodka and crystal lite lemon tea mix. Most of your calories come from the vodka and you can make it stiff cuz the tea hides the alcohol very well. Cheers!
  • I always used to do Vodka and Tonic w/ Lime. Mixed properly, you won't taste vodka at all, unless it's really, really cheap. Vodka and soda is nasty any way you mix it.
  • Ok I haven't read all of the previous posts so I'm not sure anyone has mentioned this yet, but my new favorite drink is this brand new low-calorie vodka called Voli light vodka. It has half the calories of regular vodka, only 72 calories for 1.5 ounces! And it's pretty good quality because it doesn't have that nasty rubbing alcohol taste. I actually usually mix it with water and a flavored drink packet like Crystal Light, or lately I've been using the liquid water flavoring stuff called Mio. Here's a link to the vodka website, and it has a ton of recipes for low-cal mixed drinks to make with it: http://www.volispirits.com/ Hope this helps!! I've really fallen in love with the stuff cause I can relax and have a few drink without the guilt!

    This sounds freaking fantastic, do you know if it is sold in regular liquor stores? & do you know the price? thank you!

    You're welcome! Not sure about the price because my best friend's got my first bottle for me as a gift for my birthday, but I know that they sell it at ABC liquor! Not sure if you have one wherever you live, but it's a regular liquor store that sells, beer, wine, liquor.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    goose and cranberry my fav
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    I just had diet Dr. pepper and vodka last night, 'twas delicious, and I could barely taste the vodka. So I don't think Dr. Pepper 10 would be much different, good luck!
  • Vodka is MUCH better for you b/c from a chemical standpoint, it's pure ethanol + water, usually in a 40/60 ratio. If you can see color in it, then it has impurities, plain and simple.

    And when your liver has to filter all those impurites overnight while you sleep, you wake up with everybody's favorite nemesis.

    Not that vodka doesn't have impurities, I didn't say that, but distillation and re-mixing with water are what give vodka the clear color and the minerals in the water will give it the flavor.

    People like French champagne, and that French water grew those grapes. That same French water is going into Grey Goose, for instance. That's flavor for you.

    As for everyone recommending Crystal Light, that works, but reasearch some of those ingredients on Google for a minute and then see if you still want it as much. Personally, if it has aspartame, acetlysulfame (sic), or sucralose, I will skip it entirely.
  • I don't think anyone else has suggested La Croix flavored water beverages...it is all natural and has really yummy flavors. I personally like the coconut one and the cranberry-raspberry as a mix with alcohol. :)