Who has only 1200 calories per day?



  • I have mine set at 1200 because I'm only 5'2 and weigh 125. I should be around 115 lbs so this works best for me if I need to lose some weight. Its not hard if you're eating the right kind of food. If I exercise that day, then I'll up my cals to about 1400.
  • dmcklouky
    dmcklouky Posts: 16 Member
    Mine is set at 1200 by MFP and reccomended by the nutritionist.... I do eat a lot of my exercise calories and so far it has been going good.
  • Mine is set for 1200 becasue I am a Martial Artist and I have a tournament in 5 weeks. If I don't meet the required weight for my division I can't compete because there is no one in the division for the weight above. It does require a lot of time being hungry , but I have gotten use to it because I normally have to drop 5-10 lbs. in a week or 2. What helps me is filling out my food and exersize list first thing in the morning, make sure it reaches or falls below the goal, then I know what I'm allowed to eat during the day.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    MFP sets me for 1200 a day and I have no problem staying under and feeling full. It depends a lot on the times of foods your eating. I could eat a lot of sugar snap peas and only eat 30 cals. and they fill me up.

    I love sugar snaps, but low calorie, high fiber food only goes so far. I can eat a giant salad, feel nice and full, and then an hour or so later I'm starving if there weren't higher calorie, higher protein foods, like beans, grilled tofu, or nuts on the salad. That said, I'm set at 1360 (so not that much higher than 1200), and if I don't exercise, I can usually eat that and be okay. I think you have to listen to your body, within reason. If I get to the end of the day and I'm eyeing raw veggies with a look of lust, or considering jumping that small child to steal their little bag of apple slices (yes, I'm not proud of it, but I've had this momentary thought) I'll eat something, even if I'm "out of calories."
  • One has to pick a calorie level that one can sustain for years, for life even... if this is supposed to be sustainable. 1200, in my estimation, is hard to maintain lifelong.

    No, you're right, it's not sustainable for life... It's the 'weight loss' level. Maintenance level will be higher than 1200. So 1200 doesn't have to be a lifelong goal. It's just for now while the weight is coming off. Then you go back up in calories a bit. For me, I'd go up 500 calories a day to a total of 1700/day

    I am currently at 1200. I don't always make it, but I try. My BMR is really low. If I kept it at the OPs 1600 I wouldn't lose more than an ounce or two a week, if I was lucky.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    I'm 6ft tall and want to get to about 147lbs. Im on the 1200cal a day diet, exercise regularly, and rarely hit the 1200 a day. I like to eat super healthy and clean and find it easy to stay full and energized on 1200 calories or less.
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    Mines 1240 and usually I'm under. I'm 5' 5", sit at a desk all day long and weight 143 pounds. I rarely have a hard time staying at or under that. Today I might struggle, I have my company holiday party.... I'll try my best though! You can eat a lot of food for 1200 calories if you eat healthy.
  • jennyfoxx
    jennyfoxx Posts: 22 Member
    I have no problem with 1200 calories per day. You can view my menu and see what I am eating. I have no problem feeling satisfied after every meal and rarely feel the need to over indulge. The foods I chose keep me full and eating on a regular schedule make this weight loss journey quite satisfying. I always try to incorporate lots of color in my meals. There are times due to my schedule in the evenings that this does not always work but for the most part I stick very close to my goal. Eating 1200 calories a day is attainable and possible without feeling famished or feeling as if you are missing out on something. I can even eat my favorite desserts if I absolutely THINK that I need it :))
  • roxannecoleman
    roxannecoleman Posts: 44 Member
    Mine was set at 1250 to lose 2.2 lbs a week. I just started on 01/05/12. I have 100 lbs to lose. I was not starving on that and honestly struggled to eat that much (have lots of protein and drink 90 oz water a day). I lost 3.8 lbs the first week ... since weigh in, I have actually gained a lb though I've staying in calorie range (sometimes eating a few of my exercise calories earned back but usually not). I am thinking my body thinks it is in starvation mode, so I've changed it to 2 lbs a week, raising my calorie intake (without exercise) to 1340. Guess we'll see what happens.
  • I only do the 1200 a day. Give or take 100 calories lower or higher each day. I'm 5'1", but I am active throughout the day. I don't usually sit much.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    My cals are set at 1200. 5'3 142lbs
    Im at a desk all day. It became manageble once I started making healthier food choices.
    Typical breakfast is 300 cals - go lean cereal that are high in fiber and protein Or eggs with wheat bread
    Breakfast sets the precedent for the rest of my day. I find that if I eat well in the am Im less likely to snack.
    lunch is usually around 300 and dinner 300-400 which leaves me with some cals to play with.
    I always eat 3oz of chicken, turkey or fish with most meals - the protein is great
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    My job is a desk job so I've always put sedetary. Going from eating like 3000 a day (like I was) to 1200 was really hard at first. I was so hungry. But after a few weeks it became easier. I found things to eat that were less calories that kept me fuller. Plus drinking a lot of water helped fill me up too. I never used to drink water. I love this site, it's been such a great tool. Heck, sometimes now I get full at 900-1000 cal but I try to not go too far under 1200... that's just what's worked for me personally.
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I too until this week thought it was impossible- and I am actually full.. make switches in your food- Turkey bacon ( 4 slices is 100 calories ) Egg whites with veggies averages 50-70 calories and you are full for breakfast. Have a salad and some fruit for lunch ( a couple of crackers ) then chicken and veggies for dinner - I need something sweet- FAGE yogurt - I love .. .strawberry gojo or hot chocolate curbs my cravings... Watch what you drink- stick to water - hot tea. I luckily gave up soda a few years ago.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I always see people who have their calories set on 1200 per day. Why so low?

    I weigh 160, am 5'5", and have mine set at 1600. That's without eating back exercise calories. I have my settings on lightly active, as I am a teacher. I generally exercise 5x/week. I could NOT get by on 1200 calories per day.

    How do you all do it?
    1200 is a set up for a major future fail.

    I have given up preaching to such people as they don't listen. Some of life's best lessons come through adversity.
    So be it.
  • I do!!
  • Mine is at 1200 and I have no problem reaching it everyday. Sometime I go over about 100 cal or less but for the most part, I stay under my caloric goal. I eat a lot of cereal with soy milk, fruit, veggies and lean meats. I can also eat fast food, but I generally order kids meals. I like this calorie goal because since I am already small (120lbs), I get full easily so I don't over eat and it helps me pick wiser choices (instead of mcdonalds all day). I am just trying to tone up and eat healthier which this does for me. The key is to pick the right foods, and it takes a little (not a lot) of planning. Hope that helps.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I always see people who have their calories set on 1200 per day. Why so low?

    I weigh 160, am 5'5", and have mine set at 1600. That's without eating back exercise calories. I have my settings on lightly active, as I am a teacher. I generally exercise 5x/week. I could NOT get by on 1200 calories per day.

    How do you all do it?

    Are you losing? That is all that matters. I am 5'5 too. I started at 200, and am now down to only 185. I have seen 3 doctors since I have thyroid issues. They told me 1000 a day, no more, with or without exercise. I have lost it slowly and was told this is good. My age and metabolism has a lot to do with it. I wish I could eat 12oo calories. I know how you feel. Good Luck!!!
  • I have 1200 cals per day. I'm 5'1 and 136 lbs. I have found the secret is in what you eat and how often. I generally eat six times per day - 3 meals @ about 300 cals each (less for breakfast, more for dinner) and 3 snacks @ 100 cals each. High fiber foods are best and I try to include protein as well. Kashi Go Lean cereal with some green apples on top for breakfast is always a good start. 100 cal pack almonds and of course veggies (esp raw) help to keep that full feeling throughout the day. Also drinking plenty of water and/or green tea helps to feel more full and less bloated. Of course exercse is awesome as well... always nice ot have a few extra calories to eat if you want/need that day!
  • I agree with Rhonda. I have it and it's really not that difficult. Pay attention to what your are eating and you will realize.
  • Erin51
    Erin51 Posts: 35
    It was easy with workout calories, but now even if I don't eat back all my exercise calories, or even if I do, I seem to be stuck at 216. It's driving me nuts. Plus my knees are starting to tell me to chill. So I'm seriously considering a few days of being relatively sedentary with 1200 being the max. The only way I can see to do that is lots of coffee and missing two meals out of my three. Not a good thing for a lifetime, but if I try it for a few days maybe it'll kick start me back to losing again, along with yesterday's 2000 calories + feast of shame.

    Maybe if you have a couple of meat-free days rather than skipping meals and exercise differently you will jump start your weight loss again. For some people, skipping meals halts their metabolism. It is harder to bring it back up to fat burning speed again. There are exercises you can do and still let your knees rest. Work on upper body harder and lower body less. Good luck! :smile: