you know when your overweight when....



  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    When you see your fat roll sticks out more then your breast!!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    When you can rest your stomach on your girlfriends back when you are....ummm TMI?
  • When your 5 year old has to tie your shoe because you can no longer reach your foot
  • When your BMI is a 45 :(
  • when you are about to get on the elevator and people put there palms in the air to stop and shout to wait for the next one
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    When u go to the zoo and elephants throw YOU peanuts
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    when you are about to get on the elevator and people put there palms in the air to stop and shout to wait for the next one
    ...or point you to the freight elevator.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    you could easily fit a toddler's head into one of your bra cups :/

    I can fit my husbands head in one of mine :ohwell:
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    When you're reading a book and find that you're able to rest your arms on your side love handles.

    That was a breaking point for me.
  • dibley_98
    dibley_98 Posts: 75 Member
    When your full length mirror needs to be turned sideways.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    When you go on the trampoline with your 3 year old son you jump and bounce him off...!!! :embarassed:

    I pictured this and coffee came out my nose. LMAO! Good one! :D
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    When you notice they just don’t make towels as big as they use to! LOL!

    Lol, totally ME! I can't WAIT to have a lot of "towel slack". That will be one of my favorite NSVs! :)

    Oh yeah totally! GOOD ONE!!!!
  • When you keep the lights off in the kitchen so no one notices you are in there getting something to eat at 11 O'clock at night.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I bet he wasn't exactly a looker himself. People can be such *kitten*. You look gorgeous now!!! :happy:
    When you are walking along the road and one builder shouts "Hey luv you ought to be a model" and his mate shouts "Yeah ...for Ford"

    This actually happened to me :sad:

    Thanks :bigsmile:
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    This is a great post! Thanks!!!! :)
  • Standing there after weighing myself, all proud for losing 40+ lbs, and ask my 5 year old son, "Does mommy look smaller?", and he responds after surveying me, "Uh, no.".

    Damn it.

    lol - I think everyone looks huge to a 5 year old :)

    Lol, seriously! When I was a 15 year old, I was babysitting a four year old and his younger siblings. We were stepping on the bathroom scale. They were like, I dunno, 40 lbs or whatever a 4 year old is supposed to weigh. I stepped on the scale and it shot up to 110 (yeah, 110.) and the four year old goes "WOAH! That's HUGE!" As a 15 year old with low self-esteem I was horrified. Lol, I think back on it now and I just laugh. :)
  • ladybugga3131
    ladybugga3131 Posts: 15 Member
    When you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you are fat when all you see is your double chin! I also agree with Candykay about sex not being appealing because you know that you look fat when your are naked!
  • When you first notice your belly sticks out farther than your boobs :sad:
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    When I told my children if I told my children if they didn't come here in 5seconds I would come and get them and even the baby could out crawl me.

    I only realised how bad I was when I decided to run with my six year old on her scooter the other day and she said "I never knew you could run is it because you've got smaller?"

    Oh and I also had the fat clapping at my jumping jacks lol.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    When your 5 year old says, "Mom, the sun is bigger than you, right?" - (I was 8 months pregnant at the time though).