January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Monday January 16th
    1. Water- No
    2. Calories Goal- Yes, but not done well
    3. Exercise Walking Car show today!- I did do this!

    Was a wonderful trip, just not good on the body. Junk food and not enough water!

    Tuesday, January 17 th
    1.Water (10-12 glasses)
    2. Calories with veggies/fruits today!
    3.20 Minutes of exercise!

    Rosey- Did you get your fresh flowers?

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 16:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (4 mile walk) (Supposed to be 3 miles but am adding one of the 2 miles I need to make up.)--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices! --Yes.
    3. Work on my jewelry for at least 1 hour.--No. Worked on it a little but not for an hour.

    Had a good day yesterday and plan on another today.

    The weather forecast has been changed from 1 inch of snow to up to 10! Unusual for this area--guess I'll have to shovel the walk!

    Welcome to our new members!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Goals for January 17:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (4 mile walk) (Supposed to be 3 miles but am adding one of the 2 miles I need to make up.)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. Work on my jewelry for at least 1 hour.
  • JChalkski
    Hi, I am new to this site. My name is Jessica and I am almost 25 yrs old. I have 2 lil girls, one who will be 7 in March and the other who is 5. I am engaged and will be having a commitment ceremony in Aug of this year. I will be gaining two stepchildren (who I already consider my own and have since day one) a girl who is 6 and a boy who is 5. My goal for joining this site is to help me be accountable for what goes into my body. I am trying to lose a little, but mainly tone up before my big day.

    My goals for today:
    1. No soda or sweet drinks
    2. Go for an hr walk
    3. Arm workout
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    Jan 17
    -Go to the gym at 7am (already happened but it was a goal for today)
    -Clean up my side of the dorm room
    -Avoid eating greasy food just because I have the calories for it
    -Do my Russian homework & anthropology reading for thursday
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Monday were:
    1. get at least one good dog walk in this morning.
    2. small clean up at my house until I get a call to help mom move. (ongoing)
    3. buy some shoes for my poor son who keeps telling me he needs shoes.

    Bingo! Bought some gawsh darn shoes for my son!! Mission accomplished!!

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Listen to my inner voice that screams "STOP and get back to logging food!!"
    2. Get my dog out & get myself a workout while doing it.
    3. small clean up around the house (not asking for the world)

    It fees SO GOOD to accomplish things!! Thank you all for doing this with me!! Have a great Tuesday!!.
  • tiffanyvc
    I accomplished my goals for yesterday! Yay!

    My plans for this evening changed just a bit ago, so my goals for today have changed as well.

    1. Stay within my calorie goal (so far, I'm on the right track for today!)
    2. Go straight home from work (without staying late to finish "one more thing") and start my clean: do the entire upstairs, make sure the guest room is set up, vacuum downstairs, and do a basic clean of the kitchen (load the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, put away clutter, etc)
    3. Walk the dog for 30 minutes. (I'd like to do an hour, but I don't think I have the time with my busy clean ahead of me....)
  • nursedenisec
    Hello everyone, I'm new at this....my name is Denise. I am the proud mother to a beautiful little girl who will be turing 5 at the end of this month. It's been 5 years of great memory making along with some illness which we are trying to figure out and conqure (lungs are tricky things!) I have a wonderful man who after almost 9 years FINALLY decided that he was ready to get married! So after trying MFP before(with no support) I decided to come back and give it another go and hopefully find support this time.

    I have always been on the thin side, well until childbirth. Now with this up coming wedding (6/26/12) I have decided that it's time to quit making excuses and get back to losing the weight. I started about two weeks ago just watching what I was eating and have actually lost almost 10lbs. GO ME!!

    My goals for Tuesday 1/17/12
    1. Continue the healthy eating
    2. Get the laundry done when I get home from work
    3. Drink water (I generally don't drink any, it's either tea or coffee)
    4. If it stop raining, get those darn Christmas lights down

    I hope that this is the beginning of something new!
  • chickenshit4
    chickenshit4 Posts: 49 Member
    This is a great challenge!

    1/ Drink 8 cups of water
    2/ Stay within my calories
    3/ Take dog for run around the hills (0ff to do that now)
  • NanciKay
    NanciKay Posts: 86 Member
    okay....I was out of town last week & I couldn't get my ipad to connect to any wifi sooooo I couldn't log in. Good news is I stayed under the calories (probably ate too little because I was afraid to go over). The hotel I stayed in was remodeling their gym so I only walked - better than nothing. But now I'm home - until next week anyway - ...goals for 1/18/12:
    1. yoga w/ Bob Harper
    2. stay within calories
    3. maintain positive attitude
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    back to work....no stress eating... Amazing, I did well, work was nonstop,and my boss asked me to take on some new responsibilities.

    journal my food honestly ....done, I forgot to eat my orange at mid afternoon snack and so had to adjust my food journal
    drink water and green tea....done
    some type of exercise.... did not do, it poured rain here, wasnt able to walk the doggies, and too tired to pull out the exercise tapes.
    laundry... putting this off til later in the week.

    Hope the work week goes stress free and quickly. Hope everyone has an awesome week !

    I did well on my food choices. Pretty tired, going to bed early tonight.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Wednesday

    I know that work will be crazy tomorrow....
    no stress eating... instead smell my flowers and chew sugar free gum
    journal my meals honestly
    drink water and green tea
    end of day....unwind with a long hot shower.

    Hope eveyone has a great day.
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    I went to water Zumba. It is a great workout! Unfortunately, I was trapped in a meeting with lots of yummy food! I was doing well until the caramel corn. :(

    Tomorrow I will keep my calories under 1200 and will exercise after work.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hi, my name is Pam and I am from Pittsburgh. I think this is a great idea....we set our own goals for each day...is that right? I have goals for Tuesday......1. make my protein goal of 80 grams (I feel better at higher level).....2. get all the laundry folded and put away.....3. Do 10 minutes on the air stepper (I have artificial knees and am trying to slowly increase my time on it)

  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member

    Tuesday, January 17 th
    1.Water (10-12 glasses)- Yes
    2. Calories with veggies/fruits today! yes
    3.20 Minutes of exercise! Yes!

    Feeling pretty good about yesterday. It is slow at work, so I am challenged to find things to do. The good thing is I am fitting in some exercise too!

    Wednesday January 18
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Calorie goal
    3. At least 20 minutes of exercise

    Welcome everyone! Have a great day with wonderful choices!
  • nursedenisec
    So I didn't quite meet all my goals yesterday. The weather here in KY has just been crazy. One day in the 60s the next day in the 30s, it's no wonder people can't find the motivation they need. I also caved last night and had a chocolate pop tart....sent me way over my calorie goal for the day :( I still lost 0.6 pounds though!!!

    So for today Wednesday 1/18:
    1. stay within calorie goal
    2. increase water intake
    (that's all since I have to work just about all day)
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Hi! My name is Becky, and I am definately on board! I have been on MFP for a couple of months now, and LOVE it! This is such an amazing website, with lots of motivated people.

    Wednesday January 18 Goals:

    1.) Drink 10-12 glasses of water
    2.) Eliminate Soda
    3.) Stay in under calorie goal.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 17:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (4 mile walk) (Supposed to be 3 miles but am adding one of the 2 miles I need to make up.)--Yes
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!--Yes.
    3. Work on my jewelry for at least 1 hour.--No. Did some research instead.

    WOW! More new people! LOVE it! Welcome to all of you!

    I'm going to try for my 3rd goal again! I need to at least organize my work space.

    Goals for January 18:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (3 mile walk)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. Work on my jewelry for at least 1 hour.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    HI!!!!! How have you all been?!?!?! :flowerforyou: I've been.....well....I've been negleting myself the last few months and am trying to get back into it....I'm going to be very honest I've been eating lots of junk food and not doing much to work it off. I'm going to slowly change that.

    For the people who've joined since I dropped off, I'm Beth, or they call me Rav or Ravyn alot on here:) I'm a mother of 2 and currently a SAHM but I'm looking for work or something to help out. Just having trouble finding anything since I've been unemployeed for almost 6 years... My kids are daughter 6 and son 9. My son lives with his father and I only get to see him every other weekend. This is one of the stresses in my life that I know affects how I go about my weightloss journey. I currently weigh 250 and would like to get down to at least 180 eventually. I have a hypothyroidism which also makes it harder to lose the weight in the first place.

    My goals for today are rather simple
    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Clean the area in my basement so I can set up my eliptical instead of it just being a catch all down there...

    It's lunch time so I'm going to get something to eat that is at least relatively healthy...Have a good day everyone!!
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    Heh... I forgot to introduce myself yesterday.

    I like to go by Alyx. I'm 21 and a college student majoring in anthropology and international and global studies.

    Goals from Jan 17:
    -Go to the gym at 7am
    -Clean up my side of the dorm room
    -Avoid eating greasy food just because I have the calories for it
    -Do my Russian homework & anthropology reading for thursday

    I woke up later than I meant to (about 6:55) so my girlfriend and I didn't get to the gym until about 7:20 ish. This meant that after we showered and got ready for the day that we had to quickly get breakfast and then she had to eat it in class. I'll do better next week. I cleaned my side of the room and now I feel more relaxed (until I open a one of my desks drawers... but that's a task for another day). I avoided eating pizza and hamburgers and fried things. I had 2 chicken soft tacos from Salsarita's- no sour cream or guacamole, just lettuce and tomatoes and a tiny bit of cheese. I didn't get my anthropology reading done because I procrastinated my cleaning and then my roommate, girlfriend and I were working on finding apartments we want to check out. Which was productive but now I have more reading to do today...

    Goals for Jan 18:
    -Do history reading and discussion board post and anthropology reading
    -Organize my homework
    -Eat healthy and don't stress about going over today's calories (because of the healthy eating)
    -Get some physical activity break in