Calling all Muscle Heads:Bench Press



  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Okay Mfredo- You knew this would draw me out. Body weight of 275 lbs. 20 1/4" arms 11 years ago
    505 max
    405 sets of 5 reps
    315 set of 15 reps
    225 28 speed reps

    405 max
    315 set of 10 reps

    Militarys rear press
    275 max
    225 set of 5 reps
    185 set of 10 reps

    Straight bar curl sets of 10X185
    Squat max 550
    Deadlift max 605

    Lift Heavy or go home! lol I had no light days.

    Check this out Zilla. Me and my coach have a theory why my shoulders are so strong and we believe it was due to the fact I benched wrong. Today @ 180 ish I can shoulder Press 225 for around 10 and push close to 300 for 1 or 2. Smith machine. Dumbells I can do 120-130. And then oddly enough my db press is similiar for chest
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I started lifting a few weeks ago (Olympic barbell set for Christmas). I'm 41 years old, 191 pounds, with no experience and no spotter, so I haven't attempted to bench more than 130.

    I read somewhere (I think it was Lou Shuler) that for just building size it was better to bench more reps of less weight... 55-65% of 1RM for 5x10. That felt too low at 50 reps, so right now I'm doing 80 pounds at 100 reps, with a little breather after each 10. From my starting 55% level I've been microloading by 5 lbs whenever I felt like 100 reps wasn't really pushing me enough.

    I think that based on what I've read here I won't try to compete with any of you for biggest lifts. No, not even the women. :ohwell: I have no injuries, and I think a great physique and endurance strength is what I'm really after.

    Thanks for this thread.

    I don't love that whole thing too much for smoeone advanced.
    But if you are sjust starting out and you learn to master this lift with perfect form and timing it is very useful.

    In th elong run test out some low reps and throw some weight around!

    Congrats. You got a great plan in place

    Pull the legs under to your uncomfortable
    Arch the back a bit, sqeeuze the back blades and bring that down under the chest and BLAST I!

    F I love Benching!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    i benched 225lbs at around 148lbs, that's not a max though i've done it for 8 reps.
    Right now I am benching a max of around 185 though with slow negatives and very controlled movement
  • toddlyons
    toddlyons Posts: 73 Member
    You can do less weight and build muscle size provided flex the muscle while you lift and do it slowly. Shawn Ray(bodybuilder) use to preach this. Most bodybuilders do this. Slow, concentrated flexing movement. You can fatigue the muscle with a 100 reps and not build size just going through the motions.

    Thanks! I'll try that!
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I love how all it takes is a bench pressing topic to bring all us strong men out!
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I love how all it takes is a bench pressing topic to bring all us strong men out!

    I don't think there's enough posts for guys trying to gain weight on here. Always looking to learning new approaches or techniques.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I love how all it takes is a bench pressing topic to bring all us strong men out!

    I tried to find friends of a similar background in lifting, to help me get back into it. Its good to have MFP friends with similar backgrounds to help you achieve your goals. I use them for info and motivation. I'm am from a power lifting background so some of my friends are or use to be heavy lifters.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I never do 1 rep max... But i weight 200 n bench 275x5-6 reps on flat n incline db 100lb dbs for 10reps
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I never do 1 rep max... But i weight 200 n bench 275x5-6 reps on flat n incline db 100lb dbs for 10reps


    275 for low reps is almost a max.
  • TZE731
    TZE731 Posts: 18
    Back in college when I was playing ball, my max bench was 510 and squat was over 600. I don't even try to do that much weight anymore. I weighed about 315 at the time.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I never do 1 rep max... But i weight 200 n bench 275x5-6 reps on flat n incline db 100lb dbs for 10reps


    275 for low reps is almost a max.

    yeh i know too many people that have hurt themselves on 1RM.. so i aim for 5-6... if i do end up hitting lower with heavier weight oh well.. but never go below 3...
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I havent maxed in a long time
    At my best I weighed 192
    Bench- 350
    Squat -545

    At almost 39 I do more muscle endurance workouts, but admittedly I wanted to see what I could do on the bench about five months ago and still hit 315 a few times at shoulders hurt like hell for two days after LOL
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member

    I tried to find friends of a similar background in lifting, to help me get back into it. Its good to have MFP friends with similar backgrounds to help you achieve your goals. I use them for info and motivation. I'm am from a power lifting background so some of my friends are or use to be heavy lifters.

    I rock climb but i LOVE power lifting so i'm always fighting myself. One week i'll want to be a 165lbs climber, the next i want to be a 300lbs power lifter haha. I've been bulking lately and my climbing has felt it but i'm hitting new PR's. Ah the internal battle that i live.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Back in college when I was playing ball, my max bench was 510 and squat was over 600. I don't even try to do that much weight anymore. I weighed about 315 at the time.

    Can you say LINEMAN!
    BIG DOG!
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Question for the Commentariat: When benching I usually keep my pinkie fingers on the ring which, for someone with long arms, doesn't allow me to get the range of motion that top benchers get. Part of my 2012 fitness resolution is to work my way into a wider bench position, index fingers over the rings, and bring the bar down more onto my breastbone in a powerlifting style bench. Question is... has anyone made a similar change to their technique and noticed how unstable the bar feels? How long did it take for the motion to feel comfortable?

    Obviously I'm making a change in my motion after 13 years of lifting the same way and it will feel awkward. I'm starting out with higher reps (315 for 10-12) until I start to feel comfortable with the movement but already feel that once I'm more comfortable I'll be able to move some big weights and possibly hit my dream of 495.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I started lifting a few weeks ago (Olympic barbell set for Christmas). I'm 41 years old, 191 pounds, with no experience and no spotter, so I haven't attempted to bench more than 130.

    I read somewhere (I think it was Lou Shuler) that for just building size it was better to bench more reps of less weight... 55-65% of 1RM for 5x10. That felt too low at 50 reps, so right now I'm doing 80 pounds at 100 reps, with a little breather after each 10. From my starting 55% level I've been microloading by 5 lbs whenever I felt like 100 reps wasn't really pushing me enough.

    I think that based on what I've read here I won't try to compete with any of you for biggest lifts. No, not even the women. :ohwell: I have no injuries, and I think a great physique and endurance strength is what I'm really after.

    Thanks for this thread.
    Putting on mass takes a couple of things: calorie surplus (with a lot of it being protein since muscle can't be attained with carbs and fat) and forcing the muscle into hypertrophy. The consensus for reps is in the 8-12 range with volume of 4-6 sets. Learning how to contract the muscle through the concentric movement and stay in control in the eccentric takes practice and will help to achieve hypertrophy. Eccentric contractions are very important since you can handle a higher load than you can on concentric movement and eccentric is responsible for muscle breakdown which results in DOMS in many people who first start. Get adequate rest and ensure that you keep protein high.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Dumb Bell bench press I got up to 36 kilos yesterday. Awesome feeling for a female and also "feeling" it today lol
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Last time I benched was a while ago now but I managed a 1RM of 95kg at a bodyweight of 75kg.

    However, as I've taken up triathlons in the last few years the bench doesn't really add any value :/ Now I kind of measure my progress by the number of single leg squats, muscleups and levers I can do :)
  • Suddenly I feel so humbled here hehehe.. So far I can only bench press & lunge 20 kilos, squat at 25 lbs & deadlift around 50 lbs. still very far from you guys but hopefully I can get there soon.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I have only recently gotten to 135 lbs. which is almost to 50% of my BW. According to the record for unequipped bench press is over 715 pounds with a bodyweight of 314 pounds which is over 2.25% bodyweight. I'd say an elite athlete would be benching 1.8% or more probably.

    Video of the record.