What will you reward yourself with when you hit your goal?



  • I would have to buy lot's and lots of new clothes, Buying clothes are my size can be very expensive and you would hardly see the larger persons clothes in the sale or at bargin prices....

    I would also buy me and my Kids a Holiday to the USA.......
  • My husband is also on his healthy journey, we have agreed when we both have lost a considerable amount of weight, (at least 40 lbs) we will take a trip to Cancun. We've only been doing this for about 6 weeks, he's lost almost 20 lbs(17).. I've lost 7.. so I'm sure it will take longer for me but it's ok..will keep at it as long as it takes!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I reward myself for short and mid term goals as well:

    1) Every ten pounds lost = new hairstyle, mani, pedi, new makeup, etc...
    2) Every fifty pounds lost = new clothes, photo shoot, etc...
    3) Final goal = a trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH for two days. It's my favorite amusement park, and I haven't ridden a roller coaster since an embarrassing mishap (my weight being the cause) on a ride at Six Flags over Georgia about eight or ten years ago.
  • kbw2265
    kbw2265 Posts: 1 Member
    For every pound that I lose I set aside $10, that way its not braking the bank now. By the time I get to my goal weight I will have $500 to buy myself a new wardrobe!
  • I recently quit smoking so I put the money I used to spend on cigarettes in a secret hiding place. When I reach goal weight (THIS YEAR! I am determined!) I will use the money to buy pretty new clothes for my new body :bigsmile:
  • A new tattoo :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Shopping Spree!!!!!!!!
  • GREAT question!!! Going shopping, new hair do...treating myself out with my husband!!!
    I have a sweater dress that I bought is was tight!! I didn't take it back...Told myself...Ok, I'm gonna
    fit into this dress, threw the receipt away. Sooo one of the best reward is when I get into my dress!!
  • I am thinking about getting my belly button pierced...:happy: :bigsmile:

    Me too! But I will only do it when I'm *proud* of my belly :bigsmile:
  • Clothes and I want a tattoo. I know I am prob too old for it. But what the heck right !?!:blushing:
  • geoscot
    geoscot Posts: 13 Member
    A paddle board! When I'm down to 175, I should be able to really surf the waves!
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    My wedding! I haven't wanted to plan anything because I just can't imagine my special day with all of this extra weight on me. I will start planning at the halfway mark, and I'm going to try as hard as I can to reach my goal by the wedding day.
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    My 1st goal should come next week, and I'm gonna eat breakfast (Airport Cafe), lunch (12"Subway pastrami melt) and dinner (Outback) out and a new rifle. The same thing when I reach goal #2. But when I reach my final goal..., all three meals out plus a Sig Sauer 40 caliber P229 Enhanced Elite. Ciao, Marc
  • A nice tan and a new bikini!!
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    For my shorter long-term goal, a graduation dresss.
    For my ultimate goal . . . well you all will just have to wait and see :wink:
  • Paris!
  • Shannonnn92
    Shannonnn92 Posts: 86 Member
    I love this idea! I think I might start doing that
  • becktoriatralala
    becktoriatralala Posts: 106 Member
    A whole new wardrobe.. I will hopefully hit my goal weight before the new school year begins.. I wan to look good on my new job as a teacher..

    You will need all the new energy too! Good luck! Its an awesome, rewarding, hard job to have!
  • my reward would be new clothes and a night out on the town. I can't wait to go out and feel comfortable in my own skin and not tug on my clothes all the time....

    Also summer time, a new suit for the beach!!!! :)
  • coll75
    coll75 Posts: 4 Member
    I actually haven't thought about treating myself until I was reading this. I will definitly get new clothes !! I think I would like to be able to look good in a bikini agian !! Truly though the only thing that keeps me excited is knowing that i will like what I see when I reach my goal.:happy: :happy: