Beginners Walking Challenge



  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hey everyone! I haven't walked yet today, I'm thinking about going to the gym tonight and hopefully burning a lot of cals :tongue:
    Anyone going anywhere fun this summer? Any fun vacas?

    I think I'm gonna hit the gym in the morning if not many people are there haha, I feel too self concious to work out in front of all the skinny people :(
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Wow, we all rock!!!! If we keep this up that weight will be flying off:laugh: Sorry I didn't get to post much the past couple of days. Hectic weekend with alot of time in the pool. Saturday I spent 2 hours swimming Sunday we spend 3 hours swimming and I plan to get my walk and more swimming in tonight. My walking days are Mon, Wed, Thurs. The motivation you ladies give is unbelievable. :bigsmile: :drinker: :wink:

    I'm so jealous! I love swimming, but I haven't done it in years b/c I hate getting in swimsuits!!!! Hopefully next summer I'll be back in one :wink:

    I'm gonna get some walking in later tonight I hope after dinner. I tried earlier this morning but it started POURING down rain :angry: Oh well! I still did my 30 day shred this morning!

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    oh my gosh you guys...I am so tired today for some reason. I slept for 8 hours last so I have no idea what my deal is.
    I have off today and all I've wanted to do is sleep. I haven't slept tho bc I won't sleep tonight. I feel so worn out:ohwell:
    I didn't go to the gym this morning like I have been doing for the past week...I decided to go tonight just for a change. I guess that could def be a reason why I'm so tired? It's the time of the month too...not sure if that's why? Do guys get really worn out/sleepy when it's your time of the month?

    Ugh. I feel like poo!
  • Tekamahmom
    Tekamahmom Posts: 15
    Hi everyone,
    I just started this last night and went out and only walked 1 mile.. I haven't yet walked to day but when I do I'm plaining on getting another mile in, hopefully 2 or 3 not sure exactly yet... I'll let you all know what I end up doing when I'm done..... Good job to all of you that did your long walk/jog and etc....
  • Tekamahmom
    Tekamahmom Posts: 15
    I get the same way!!!! That time of the month can really drain your energy for some reason...
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Great job Cindy! Every time I see your posts it makes me want to go out and exercise more! That's great! Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
    Thanks a bunch ! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    the gym kicked my butt today :frown: I struggled but managed to burn off 419 cals :smile: I'm happy with that. I walked/jogged about 4 miles and did some other stuff too. Phew! Glad that's over with.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- My exercise for the day was 4 miles done in 68 minutes and 2 hours swimming and my upper body strength training routine. :smile: I hope eveyone had a super great day !!! Cindy :heart:
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    WOW everyone is doing great!!! :bigsmile: I went on my walk tonight and did 2.5 miles in 30 min! That's pretty fast,right??? I was sweating big time,hehe I think I might even be sore tomorrow. My hips are already feeling the burn,LOL

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    WOW everyone is doing great!!! :bigsmile: I went on my walk tonight and did 2.5 miles in 30 min! That's pretty fast,right??? I was sweating big time,hehe I think I might even be sore tomorrow. My hips are already feeling the burn,LOL

    Wohoo way to go !!! That's like 5 mph ! you go girl !!!!!!! I love walking that fast! I love the burn !!!!! Cindy :heart:
  • Tekamahmom
    Tekamahmom Posts: 15
    Well I didn't get any walking in tonight due to all the bad weather watches here.... :( So I guess I'll just have to try to do double tomorrow while the kids are all gone....
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    We had family over last night for dinner, so I couldn't get my regular workout done. However, I did find time to take a nice walk during work hours. I work at the Dept. of Health, and they really support employee wellness!!

    I have a problem that I need some advice on. I am having a really hard time staying within my 1200 calories and it's getting very frustrating. I have average anywhere between 1400 - 1600 calories a day by eating lots of fruits and veggies and low calorie meals at work. But, when I get home it's a "free for all" because my husband does most of the cooking for the entire family. Other than cooking a separate meal for myself, I'm not sure what else to do? I am happy to report that the weight seems to be coming off (I have lost a total of 3 lbs. since I started MFP last Wednesday!!! :smile: ).

    So, should I just keep doing what I am doing or should I try and get under 1200 calories a day?? I'm not sure!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ok, first off, congrats about losing the weight! :happy: That's so great to hear!:smile:

    On to your problem...I have a really hard time staying within my 1200 cals if I don't exercise. I feel like it's almost impossible for me, and if I some how actually DO stay within my cals without exercising, it feels like I'm so hungry.

    The only advice I can give you is try to get more exercise in. Even if it's small amounts. Try little things like parking your car in the furthest spot in a parking lot, take the stairs, do some pushup/situps/squats when you first wake up (just take the time to do it right after you get out of bed). If you can't get in a full workout, try splitting it up. Do 10 mins before or after breakfast, 10 mins before or after lunch, 10 mins before or after dinner. Maybe do your workout routine in the morning just to get it out of the way and to avoid times where you say you'll workout later and then something happens and you never get around to it.

    It sounds like you're doing great with eating healthy. You'll eventually get the hang of knowing what you can/can't eat. Do some research on what foods you like that are low in cals. Try looking at, or some other low cal recipe sites and fix up some food ahead of time so you have it for the week.
    If you have some time, sit down and figure out what you're going to eat a day ahead of time (or for the entire week). I know a bunch of ppl on here do that and it works for them. That way you have everything figured out to 1200 cals.
    Hope that helps. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning walking friends. I just got back from walking 3 miles in 48 minutes. I was walking fast but not my fastest. The stroller slows me down a bit in the morning, I'll do 2 more miles tonight. I hope everyone has a great day ! Cindy :heart:
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    I would like to join if it is not too late. I have been exercising for the last month and my knees have been killing me. So I am sticking to walking for a while.

    Day 1: 1 mile (18 minutes)

    Day 2: 1 mile (18 minutes) May 30th
    Day 3: 1 mile (18 minutes) May 31st
    Day 4: 2 miles (30 minutes) June 1st
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Good morning walking friends. I just got back from walking 3 miles in 48 minutes. I was walking fast but not my fastest. The stroller slows me down a bit in the morning, I'll do 2 more miles tonight. I hope everyone has a great day ! Cindy :heart:

    Well, we wouldn't want you to go so fast that you dump the stroller & its precious contents!!! Of course, if the little one in the stroller is yelling "Faster Mom, Faster!" then that's some pretty good motivation!

    ...although I don't think your little one is to the yelling stage yet. :wink:

    Good job on the walk and thanks for a great walk with me yesterday afternoon--we kicked butt!!!

    Cheers, :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning walking friends. I just got back from walking 3 miles in 48 minutes. I was walking fast but not my fastest. The stroller slows me down a bit in the morning, I'll do 2 more miles tonight. I hope everyone has a great day ! Cindy :heart:

    Well, we wouldn't want you to go so fast that you dump the stroller & its precious contents!!! Of course, if the little one in the stroller is yelling "Faster Mom, Faster!" then that's some pretty good motivation!

    ...although I don't think your little one is to the yelling stage yet. :wink:

    Good job on the walk and thanks for a great walk with me yesterday afternoon--we kicked butt!!!

    Cheers, :drinker:
    Deborah, Your so funny !!! :laugh: I'm glad we did so well. :smile: Have a great day ! Cindy :heart:
  • mom25grls
    mom25grls Posts: 5
    Ok, bad start Monday didn't cuz of weather,

    today I walked about 20 minutes around a store, still raining here...:(

    Maybe it will quit so I can walk for a bit tonight, otherwise I'm pulling out my walk video and doing it for a bit, gotta get some in!
  • spunkiemunkie503
    :smile: :wink: :drinker: :tongue: :happy: I am so proud of all of us!!! This is definelty the kind of motivation I needed. Although I must admit, I feel a little behind since I can only get in 3 -4 days a week.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    well, I didn't get any walking in today. I decided to try out my exercise video instead :happy: It was fun and I burnt a lot of cals in 45 mins. Faaaantastic :smile: Hope everyone is having a great day!