50+ WOMEN for the month of JUNE



  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    ROFL! :laugh: Oh my goodness no! What I MEANT to say was that I'm trying to drink at least HALF a gallon of water a day. So far I am doing pretty good. 12 more ounces to go to get there....:drinker: Just think how much EXTRA exercise I'll get trotting to the ladies room if I can keep this up! :wink:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan, that is "doable". I drink at least 80 oz. How much is that? I understand the running to the bathroom. I have the problem sort of created by my surgery that compounds it. I have learned to never leave the house without visiting that room first.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Becky,
    I dont know about the water in the muscles thing. I always drink lots of water and never had a problem. About the gallon. It really is not hard for me. I usually average about 12 cups of water a day and that is 96 oz and a gallon is 128. I think the standard now is half your weight is the amount you should drink in ounces each day. I love water and drink all the time so this is the easy part for me. I have a 24 oz cup with a top and a straw that I bring everywhere I go. I will try to look into the muscle thing. I am curious.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I found where I read about the water in the muscles. Hold on and I will get it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    if you've just started working out again, chances are your body is retaining water. I know my body does that every single time I take a break from working out and start up again. This is a quote from a recent Cathe Friedrich blog (I'm doing her STS program). She was referring to weightlifting in particular, but I believe it applies to all exercise (at least it does for me!):

    "When you begin any new weightlifting program your body will retain water in the beginning. This is because your body’s muscles will temporarily store more glycogen when you start a new program and this attracts more water to your muscles. This is one reason why your muscles swell. After your body adapts to the new program your body will stop storing excess glycogen and the water retention will decrease."
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! I have found this to be a wonderful group of people that I consider friends. You will get a lot of interesting tips and always have someone giving you the support and encouragement that we all need.

    Today was the start of the end of month close process so I'll be working long days and nights for the next 3 days. I brought work home because I wanted to try to plant some more tomatoes before it got dark- can't seem to get everything done:grumble: When I got home a wisdom tooth started driving me crazy. :sick: :sick: I knew I couldn't go to the garden and stand on my head :grumble: so my husband brought me some Excedrin and a bottle of water :smile: (and I drank it all):drinker: :drinker: I finally got some relief from my toothache but then it was dark out. :ohwell: I will try again tomorrow:bigsmile: The Farmers Almanac states tomorrow is supposed to be the time to plant above ground crops so I'll try to find out if this thing really works. Usually I plant when I get the chance and hope the timing falls when it should.:bigsmile:

    I am setting my goal to lose 3 pounds this month.

    Well it's back to work - Good luck to everyone this month:heart::heart:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I did it! I drank ALL 64 ounces of water for today!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pirjo1955
    pirjo1955 Posts: 11 Member
    31 lbs in 4 months.... ? WOW !!! There is no race, Vickie ! You'll be miles ahead of me !

    Way to go !

    Where are you heading on your trip ?
  • pirjo1955
    pirjo1955 Posts: 11 Member
    Ladies -

    Thank you all for the welcoming messages !

    Sorry, if I don't get on every day - there's lots going on up here, and my time for me is limited ! But I really appreciate the warm welcome, and the acceptance !

    Esther, Barb and Nancy, and anyone else not feeling the greatest - hope you all get better really soon !

    Anne - thanks for the tip you gave the other day to one of the other members about clicking on someone's name to see their profile. I had found that clicking on no. of posts gave me past postings, which is how I found your commandments, but I was trying to click on the pictures, with nothing happening of course, until I read your post, and clicked on the names !

    Marie - we had snow in the air up here in Sudbury yesterday too ! (I am a little bit jealous, when reading about some of these ladies harvesting things already, when I have not even planted anything yet ! ) Where in Ontario are you ?

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone, Lianne here and I am new to the 50+ group. I am looking forward to good progress for June. My goals is to lose 7 lbs, stay on track and walk more. I am going to post to see if I got this set up right. More later.:flowerforyou:
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Anne - thanks for the tip you gave the other day to one of the other members about clicking on someone's name to see their profile. I had found that clicking on no. of posts gave me past postings, which is how I found your commandments, but I was trying to click on the pictures, with nothing happening of course, until I read your post, and clicked on the names !


    Thanks for mentioning about clicking on number of posts to see prior posts for that MFP member. I have been on the site since April and didn't realize that was possible. Very handy for someone who wants to go back and look at their own posts or someone elses:flowerforyou:

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: good morning to all.. i am on my tea break and also my water.. starting out slow this morning heading to the dentist with two children so i will be walking around the block while they are having their teeth clean.
    we live in palmer mass. and have been planting our garden for awhile and this weekend we were able to have fresh radish.. and this is where i use lettuce instead in bread for sandwiches.. lettuce wraps.. just pick as needed.. hubby planted are you ready 80 heads of lettuce .. he is a little old farmer boy here..
    posting has been a big help to me . i do good in the morning and posting my snacks and do okay in the afternoon but never seem to get back for supper posting .. ok 8:34 here and stevie my 3 yr old grandson is coming down the hill so its time to get moving.. love debbie and family
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Just wanted to say a quick hello. Am rushing once again. I have to get some things done before trying a new exercise class. Can only go to half the class because I want to get to my son's dr appointment and then am rushing to help my mom move back into her condo in CT. She's up north for the summer.
    Have a good day all.
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    Good morning - I am trying to get more outdoors workouts now that the weather is warm - the pool is one option (though I am not a great swimmer), and I am also starting to run. My goal is the Thanksgiving 5K - so several months to work towards that goal. I am increasing my time/length each week - running 3 to 4 days each week (in addition to my other workouts). Is anyone else starting to run - any specific training programs?
    Chao - :glasses:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    I am just catching up on the everyone's new June goals now as I got home too late last night to go online. I had a wonderful outing with my friend. Did lots of healthy shopping and got lots of walking in wherever we went:happy:

    Esther I hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: Take care of yourself and you will bounce back sooner:heart:

    Pirjo I live in and about the Eastern part of Ontario. Very rural area that is why I need to escape to the city every now and then to pick up the things you just cannot get around here.

    Elli I checked out your blog on your house. What an undertaking! You go girl:happy:

    My June goals are:

    :smile: promising to do a Pilates/Yoga workout at least twice a week
    :smile: eating more fresh vegetables
    :smile: continuing with my strength workouts, walking and biking
    :smile: swimming and pool exercises (if the weather ever warms up enough to get in my pool)

    The snow on Sunday of course did not stay but it sure was not a welcome sight. Something about seeing snowflakes land in your freshly opened pool just doesn't inspire you to put on a bathing suit:noway: It fact it makes you want to cringe:grumble: and hide under the covers.

    On a positive note, I am pleased that I was able to achieve most of May's goals...except for the one about taking up golfing again. Getting so sick and the bad weather sure sabotaged that goal but I did dust off my clubs and purchased new golf shoes so I am ready:bigsmile: I dropped a few pounds and kept them off so that was a bonus. Now I just need to concentrate on dropping a few more.

    Great to see more members joining the great women on here. The more the merrier. Let's not forget to drink our water:drinker: and to put ourselves on the priority list. Remember the saying "ain't no one happy unless Mama is happy" or at least I think that is the way it went:laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers and blessings to all:drinker:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning Marie..your June goals sound wonderful. Keep up the good work.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, that is good. Get in as much walking, whenever that you can.

    Not much to say. Not really having a good morning. Kids are home how and I am trying to get them to help out around the house.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning ladies:

    Momo10 - WOW, that's a LOT of lettuce! But, if you have that many kids I understand! I come from a large family and we had our own garden, farm animals for milk, eggs and meat! It's the only way when you have lots of mouths to feed! :laugh:

    Thanks Marie. I'm still feeling puny and did not go to the gym this morning. I am waiting to see how I feel later. I really just want to stay in the reclined position but I do need to get some things done.

    Chao - I have never been a runner. I have tried a couple of times to get started but I just DON't Like it! I admire people who do enjoy it though. I was on a hike last week up a 'steep' mountain and on my way down this girl passed me running!!!! :ohwell: No sweat or exhaustion present! Wow - I can't imagine.

    Barb - glad you're feeling better. I took a tumble 3 years ago off my bike and ended up having to have surgery on my broken wrist. Took a year to heal! Glad you didn't do that "good of a job" injuring yourself! :wink:

    Well, gotta go. I'll be back and read more.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,

    Hoamoi, You do not have to swim to workout in the pool Pool jogging is awesome. As long as you are moving in the pool it counts as exercise. I got a set from my secret pal for the pool. It has a weight belt and a set of weights. I dont use the belt much cause my pool is only 4 ft deep. it would be good in deep water. the weights though work really well. Water gives a good workout because of the resistance.

    I went to the gym early today. I already did treadmill, elliptical, and weights. I burned 500 calories. Now any exercise that I get is lagnippe.
    The grandchildren are starting baseball. one plays on Mon/Wed and the other on Tue/Thurs. My daughter and I go to the games and then walk around the park after for about an hour. This will be a lot of extra exercise.

    Well my granddaughter got covered me with stickers, so I better close for now.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :happy: Yay Susan!!! You did it!!! That's great!!! Keep on keeping on!!!:flowerforyou: