50+ WOMEN for the month of JUNE



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I would love to be a storm chaser. Crazy?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi Everybody.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This has been an interesting day. There were two line dance classes---the usual beginner class in the morning and a two hour class in the afternoon to practice some dances in preparation for the workshop we’re going to in Tacoma tomorrow. Between classes I walked the dogs, ate lunch, and got my hair cut. I came home to a phone call from a woman I haven’t seen in years. She was in town visiting some friends and wanted to get together with me for coffee or something. I asked her if she’d like to walk and talk so she met me at the dog park and we walked and talked for an hour while the dogs played.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This morning after I told some people about how I’d been counting calories and being careful about what I eat, one woman began urging me to be sure I allowed myself drinks and dessert and other treats so I didn’t get bored. Later, someone commented on my weight loss and said she hoped I wasn’t taking diet pills.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie----you are a bundle of energy. That should be good news for your brain and your waistline. If you weren’t on the other side of the continent from me I’d invite you to come and get my dandelions, too. I’ve not read the books you’re reading but they sound interesting.

    :flowerforyou: :smile: Happydays, welcome to the group. You have come to the right place if you’re looking for more laughter, more encouragement, and more inspiration and less weight, less guilt, and less complaining. I hope to hear from you regularly.

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Susan, thank you for the water reminder. I haven’t seen remarkable results like you did from drinking water, but I know that the more I drink, the easier it gets. I’ve started taking two 16 ounce bottles of water with me to line dance. Your nephew is darling. His eyes sparkle with fun.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, glad to know that you’re busy and doing well. I hope you can get back to the gym soon.

    :flowerforyou: Anne, I’m like you, not good at staying off my feet. I hope you can do what’s necessary to get back on your feet and back to being active. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----your weekend sounds great—doing something active and useful. I know I feel better when I do something for someone else. I’m thinking positive thoughts about you sticking to your plan day after day. Take it one day at a time and remind yourself that you know the right and best things to do. And never, never, never give up. You’ve come a long way already. I’m glad you got to see a standard poodle up close. Our girls are smaller than most so they are extra cute.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, I'm glad you're feeling better. Your weather sound scary. I'm glad the really bad stuff went away.:bigsmile:

    We’re taking it easy this evening. I get picked up at 5:50 AM to go to the line dance workshop, so I’ll be in bed early.:yawn: :yawn:

    Big hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • stamps4fun
    stamps4fun Posts: 33
    Hello. I am new to this thread. I started the fitnesspal site 2 weeks ago and i have lost 6 pounds so far.
    I am thrilled with every little bit of my progress. I am still finding my
    way around the site, seeing this morning that measurements i thought i added
    last week were in fact, not saved........:cry:
    BUT i have them in and saved today so a starting point today for that is ok. it's better than none.
    I have lost almost 2 inches around my waist in 2 weeks. my other measurements have not
    changed much at all, but hey, it is enough to keep me motivated.
    on the exercise front, i don't do any real "workouts" at a gym as i clean houses for a living.
    i love that i can calculate that in for some calorie use. i believe it is a high count but
    it is better than nothing. the best thing about this site is that it has
    me eating healthier and realizing how many calories and fat are in regular foods
    i never gave a thought before, not just in desserts.
    On the exercise front, i have fibromyalgia and the muscle and joint pain from that is
    enough sometimes to just tell my body i need to rest. i don't listen to my body enough
    in that area. the cleaning is rough enough on me, pain wise. I have alot i want to lose and I am hoping that this will help relieve
    my joints and lessen my pain but i take one day at a time. one meal at a time etc.
    I start each day with "Lord, give me the strength to get through this day...We can do it".
    martha in iowa
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome stampsfor fun. You will love this site. I have been on a few months and it is so motivating. I am so sorry about your limitations and your pain, but believing in God will help get you through this. You have the right idea to take the pressure off of your joints.
    Barbie, isn't it something that no one says anything if you eat like a pig, act like a couch potato, but when you start losing they have all sorts of advice for you and worry about the way you are doing it. I get the same thing sometimes.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Have my grandbaby all day so not sure what time I will work out but I will later. will swim with her some. Take care all and keep up good work.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning to everyone.. what a beartuful day we are having the sun is out and middle 70's we are cleaning house and decorating for graduate tomorrow. ok huby is pulling in so i am making him a coffee and i have my water :drinker: love debbie and family
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hello. I am new to this thread. I started the fitnesspal site 2 weeks ago and i have lost 6 pounds so far.
    I am thrilled with every little bit of my progress. I am still finding my
    way around the site, seeing this morning that measurements i thought i added
    last week were in fact, not saved........:cry:
    BUT i have them in and saved today so a starting point today for that is ok. it's better than none.
    I have lost almost 2 inches around my waist in 2 weeks. my other measurements have not
    changed much at all, but hey, it is enough to keep me motivated.
    on the exercise front, i don't do any real "workouts" at a gym as i clean houses for a living.
    i love that i can calculate that in for some calorie use. i believe it is a high count but
    it is better than nothing. the best thing about this site is that it has
    me eating healthier and realizing how many calories and fat are in regular foods
    i never gave a thought before, not just in desserts.
    On the exercise front, i have fibromyalgia and the muscle and joint pain from that is
    enough sometimes to just tell my body i need to rest. i don't listen to my body enough
    in that area. the cleaning is rough enough on me, pain wise. I have alot i want to lose and I am hoping that this will help relieve
    my joints and lessen my pain but i take one day at a time. one meal at a time etc.
    I start each day with "Lord, give me the strength to get through this day...We can do it".
    martha in iowa

    Welcome Martha. Sounds like you are making great progress in such a short time. I don't know how much you are wanting to lose but I know that any weight loss improves our health. I heard that 1 pound of weight lost relieves 7 pounds of pressure on our joints?? (don't quote me on that but I[m pretty sure that's right). So, you will be feeling better just from that standpoint.

    This is an awesome thread to get inspired and encouraged. I love the way you start your day :happy:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I think I"m doing better again today. However, I didn't wake up with a lot of energy yet. May put off the gym and just go for a slower paced walk today.

    Barbie: I think when people say things like that they are jealous. They know that they should probably be right there with you but for whatever reason choose not to. You are such an inspiration to us. I would love to have you serve me my meals for a month! (I think that's called laziness - on my part):laugh:

    Vicki: Have fun with your grandbaby. I sure miss that time with mine. They are WAY too far away :frown:

    Debbie: Sounds like a productive day is planned at your house. Have fun.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: i am on my secound set of water i pick up this bottle that holds 16 ozs. pretty blue in color so i like this size the other bottle just seem so big... how is everyone doing today on water..yesterday i pack up things i would eat today and tommow because i knew i would be busy and tomorrow there is going to be lots of food here. don't know if i like that.. but i have read were some of yous plan and so i thought about it and so far its going good.. i think i will do it this way more on weekends.. saves some time to.. on weekend ends except for supper mostle everyone eats when they are hungry and than supper time we all sit down whos home.. so now i am not around lots of food today just take out my containers... watermelon is cut up strawberrys cut up so just take what i would like when needed..
    our weather here in new england has been doing the same and we have what they call wind shear. but lots of us say its tornado. and the hail we have seen.. hope you feel much better it s not good being sick these days.. don't forget the chicken noodle soup
    love debbie and family
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Smart planning Debbie. I have figured out my menu for today and am working on tomorrows. I have to go to the store to get the necessary items though.

    On water intake: I find that I can drink more through a straw. I bought a stainless steel water bottle at a clearance sale that has a straw and a flip top opening. I drink a lot more this way and it holds 16 oz as well. So, 5 full bottles a day is what my goal is. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    HI GUYS,








    KEEP ENJOYING YOUR DAY ALL.:flowerforyou:

    :heart: ANNE
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everybody, it is the "Invisible Woman" here.

    I have been reading every day, just not posting. I weighed this morning and lost another 1.5 lbs, so I get to adjust the old ticker again. :drinker: :drinker:

    That storm on Thursday that Esther mentioned came straight north on I-5 and dropped in up here too. Portland had all kinds of damage. One lady was waiting to get onto I-84 --a freeway that runs east and west through the eastern side of town and is the one I drive on to go up the Columbia Gorge. As she waited for the light to change on the ramp metering system, a large tree fell on top of her SUV! Neither she or the passenger were hurt. Her passenger was on the way to the airport to leave town. (At this point, who could blame her!!:laugh: ) Another car stopped and took her on her way, and the driver stayed behind to deal with her slightly squashed car.

    A family living closer to where Esther does had a tree next to their house struck by lightning. The resulting fire destroyed their house, but they were not hurt.

    In Portland, two girls were out in their backyard trying to retrieve things that were blowing around and get their pet rabbit inside. A branch about 4 inches in diameter was snapped off a tree about 30 feet above them and it landed on one of the girls, hitting her in the face. She was a little dizzy from the impact and ended up on the Fox news that night, but was otherwise OK. The rabbit also escaped injury.

    In downtown Portland, there is an area set up in Waterfront Park with amusement rides and food and the like. it is part of the annual Rose Festival. Usually, the biggest weather problem they have is the inevitable rain that shows up for some or all of the time it is set up--and the ensuing MUD (Yuck!!:grumble: ) This year the weather has been sunny and dry, but it is the first time I can remember they had to shut it down for safety reasons due to the wind. A story about the aftermath showed lots of things blown around, and the people working there were busy as beavers (Oregon, the Beaver State, ya know :laugh: ) getting everything put back together so they could re-open the next day.

    As for me, I was at work, and when the severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings came, I decided this was NOT the day to be without a fully charged cell battery on the drive home, so I decided to live dangerously and walk out to my car about 5:15p PT to get my cell charger.

    It was blowing pretty good. The skies looked like they could open up anytime. I found a "no parking" sign underneath my car. It is SUPPOSED to be standing near the front door of my office, a good two hundred feet from where I found it. I retrieved it and let the security guard deal with it.

    After grabbing my charger and running back inside, I went up one floor and headed to my work area, located near an east window. Upon arrival, it looked like someone was standing on top of our building with a buck of water drenching the windows!! Just INSTANT SHEETS of rain!!.

    About this time I noticed my supervisor was not at his desk. I assumed he took his break a little late, but he didn't show up for about another 10 minutes. When he did, he looked like someone put his hair through a blender and then threw a bucket of water on him. Turns out he was inside his car during breaktime,and when it started raining, he waited, assuming it would let up in a few minutes, but it didn't. Finally, he decided he would have to make a run for it, and despite only being maybe 100 feet from the door, he got drenched but good. (I wisely restrained an impulse to make a joke about how this confirmed my suspicions that he was "ALL WET" about a lot of things:laugh: )

    On the home front, I wondered how my doggies were doing with the thunder and the lightning. Mai Li isn't bothered by that, but Pepper's reaction was unknown to me, since he is new to the family last December. My biggest worry was that Pepper would use the doggie door to go out and Mai Li would decide to be her usual ornery self :devil: and sit next to the door and block him from coming back inside.

    When I returned home, I received a warm doggie welcome, :heart: :heart: and they and my condo were none the worse for the experience. There were power outages, but I managed to avoid that problem as well.:drinker:

    By the way , the "missing" walking shoes re-appeared--along with a pair of white pants I couldn't find. :drinker: :drinker: It seems that I packed them up to take with me on Memorial Day weekend, and then absentmindedly put them into a duffle bag that didn't make the trip. I also found my "missing" straw hat. It was between a chair and the wall in my living room, apparently falling behind it-- probably the same day that I learned of Isabel's passing. Of course I made this discovery AFTER I purchased and wore my NEW straw hat,:grumble: so now I have two.

    I wonder, if two HEADS are better than one, does it follow that two HATS are better than one?---maybe it works better if you have a split personality!!!:laugh:

    Well I need to get the day started. It is already after 10am, and I haven't even gotten dressed yet. I can hear a bird outside, and it reminds me that now that my walking shoes have re-appeared, there is no excuse not to resume REAL walking, instead of the "walk 'n sniff" tours I have been taking with these two little doggies.:smile:

    Have a good weekend, ALL:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. wow! Did I ever have a LOT of typos on my last entry.:blushing:

    I keep remembering something I read on here on the May thread about how "what I lose in determination, I am going to gain in pounds and that's definitely not what I want. I have to stay strong and continue to post and log and communicate with this inspirational group I am happy to be a part of ." Actually I printed it and posted it on my fridge as a daily reminder and it is making me think twice about EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. As a result, it is getting easier to make good choices.

    Last night we took my in-laws out on our weekly supper date to the local steak house. I ordered a house salad and asked hubby to order a steak a bit bigger than he usually gets and cut me off a few inches. Between it and the salad I was full! Later that evening while everyone was munching on candy bars while we played rummy, I ate an orange. :happy: This was a MAJOR victory for me as chocolate is my weakness.

    It will be interesting to see if drinking all this water makes as much difference when I step on the scale in the coming weeks as it did this past one. :drinker: Only time will tell.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :flowerforyou: I'll be back on here Monday.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Dont know when today I will get back to computer so writing now. Everyone must be busy this morning. Already had my workout. Hubby and I got up early to go. Did an hour at gym and then he had to go to work. He is trying to finish a job before we leave on Wed for our trip. Going to finish packing in a bit, then going shopping for last minute items for trip. Will have 3 grandchildren tomorrow and Tuesday so trying to get it all done today. I am bringing my laptop on trip so you will hear from me, just maybe not as often. I need to log in and read all the blogs to stay on task.
    I hope those of you with pains are feeling better this morning. Have a good day and keep up the good work all.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I just have a quick question as to what to do with my husband. He usually gets breakfast in bed on the weekends. He did yesterday. Well, today he decides to make us breakfast. He wants to make his famous stuffed French toast. We had just gotten some strawberries yesterday so I slice some up for him to use. I told him that I would like mine with just the strawberries. I then left the room (big mistake). Mine came complete with strawberries, a whole banana and peanut butter !! I ate the banana along with it but I left the slice of toast that had the most peanut butter on it. He asks why I didn't finish and I told him that I was full, which I actually was. I really can't be angry with him. He loves to cook. He just isn't into moderation. Does anyone else here have this problem?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I just have a quick question as to what to do with my husband. He usually gets breakfast in bed on the weekends. He did yesterday. Well, today he decides to make us breakfast. He wants to make his famous stuffed French toast. We had just gotten some strawberries yesterday so I slice some up for him to use. I told him that I would like mine with just the strawberries. I then left the room (big mistake). Mine came complete with strawberries, a whole banana and peanut butter !! I ate the banana along with it but I left the slice of toast that had the most peanut butter on it. He asks why I didn't finish and I told him that I was full, which I actually was. I really can't be angry with him. He loves to cook. He just isn't into moderation. Does anyone else here have this problem?

    Maybe, like most men he has a "selective listening gene." It resides in the same vicinity as the "recessive shopping gene.":laugh: :laugh: (My ex had them both!!)

    Seriously, you know there is no way to change a man, unless you exchange him for another, and then you have to start all over with new idiosyncrasies!!! All you can do is do a little oversight and keep him from going completely overboard on what he serves you. I bet his intentions are good, he just doesn't "get" it.

    If oversight doesn't work, send him to Vancouver!! I can't get these doggies trained to make me breakfast in bed no matter how hard I try.:laugh: As I have said before, they have only mastered the art of "floor cleaning.":laugh:

    Just got on here to say WOO HOO down another pound!!:drinker: :drinker: but just had to answer Swiss's question about her hubby!!

    Everyone have a good Sunday, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I need to skedaddle for now.

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning,
    Thank you all for your posts. I am reading through them to get to know you all a little bit.

    Barbie-I am a daily weigher too. I am amazed how sometimes no matter what I do that scale won't move and then it does. I find that like you it helps me to be informed. In the past I would get discouraged if it went up but that isn't happening this time. I really enjoy tracking my calorie intake using this site. :drinker: Even help me track water.

    Weaklink-My husband does most of the cooking. We are like the old nursery tale Jack Splat could eat no fat and his wife could eat no lean. Kent makes dinner each night and he has large slabs of meat and starch and he makes me steamed veggies and poached fish/shrimp or grilled chicken. I use to try to eat like him and I gained 20 pounds.

    We had some crazy thunder storms too. Our boarder collie Codie (the doggie lama) was calm but Scrappy Tu our Bichon little nerves were shot.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Lianne
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello everyone

    Just catching up on all the previous posts. The yard sale went great yesterday even though I was up and on the road by 6:30 a.m.:noway: Visited with a lot of people, got some great compliments on how I looked, ate healthy (I packed lots of good, healthy and yummy food) sold quite a bit of stuff and made a little bit of $$. I gave away a lot of stuff to people that needed it more than I needed the $ for it. That sure made me feel so wonderful:blushing: . I got lots of exercise walking around and unloading and loading stuff so I sure was ready for bed last night:yawn: . Today it is raining and chilly here but is a good rest day for me. This week promises to be busy with appointments and starting loading our 5th wheel for our first camping trip of the season coming up:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki-Great job on getting your exercise in so bright and early. It sure starts the day off on the right track doesn’t it? Keep up the super job:happy: .

    :flowerforyou: Barbie—I sure got a good chuckle about you liking dandelions even less than the dentist. I sure can relate to that. My you sure are keeping busy too. That’s great. In response to the comments made to you about eating and diet pills. I truly think that people feel threatened or a lack of understanding when others around them make lifestyle changes that they wish they could do but for whatever reason do not do. Since my lifestyle change I have lost friends and had to deal with saboteurs that could/would threaten my goals. However, I have resigned myself to the fact that there will always be challenges that we face on a daily basis and that this is just one of them. I say meet them head on just like those pesky dandelions. I feel your emotions but thanks for sharing because it sure lets us know that we are not alone in this issue:heart: .

    :flowerforyou: Ellen—feels great to get into outfits we thought we never would again. It is super motivational for you as well. Keep doing at what you are doing cuz you’re doing great:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Debbie—you sure are doing great and keeping your exercise routine varied so I just bet that darn old scale will be good to you:happy: .

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo—we have all been there and then it comes back to bite us in the you-know-what when the scale doesn’t cooperate:grumble: . I know I try to evaluate the why of it all and sometimes there are apparent answers and sometimes no good answer for it all. Just hang in there, try to stay strong and motivated and it will all pay off:happy: .

    :flowerforyou: Zaza- bet you are enjoying spending time with your family:heart: . Sending you warm wishes.

    :flowerforyou: Becky- I laughed over your comment on menopause. I just got started on the book so I am unable to say too much about it yet, but what I did read sure makes sense. I am all for empowering ourselves about our own individual health and wellbeing. So as I get further into the book I will share more. Now for the storm chaser seeker you in I know for sure that I would not go on that journey with you. I am an adventure kind of girl but that not adventurous. I would be running alongside of Anne in the other direction of the tornado:frown: . As for your question about your DH. I know exactly what you are talking about. Mine loves to cook large portions and LOVES butter, salt and lots of it. No wonder that I have packed on the extra weight over the years. When I was still working and coming home exhausted my DH did all the cooking. I would eat and then go lay down until it was time to go to bed and start the day over again. Now I am in control of what I put into my body. DH is trying to understand but sometimes change doesn’t come to easy:noway: . Hang in there:smile: .

    :flowerforyou: Anne-wishing you and your foot a speedy recovery. I bet that is just your body needing a little rest. Give yourself a little extra of love and attention. You sure have a gift for always making everyone feel so great about themselves. A great big Thank you:heart: . Yes, indeed I am on the homeward stretch of my goals and that makes me very happy:bigsmile: . I try to take it in 10 lb increments so the whole big picture doesn’t seem so overwhelming. They say not to fix what isn’t broken so I plan on following the same philosophy as I forge ahead towards the finish line:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Happydays—welcome to the site and this wonderful group of women who on a daily basis continue to inspire, encourage and motivate each other to become the best that we can be:heart: . Warmest wishes on a successful new you. Visit us often here, you will be glad you did:smile: .

    :flowerforyou: suezzzque—great job on dropping those pesky pounds and focusing on increasing your water intake:bigsmile: . Your nephew is a darling. Yes, I just bet having him around would sure make those pounds drop off quicker as a 20 month old can sure be active. What a great idea about having the salad and getting hubby to order a larger portion of steak and you having some. Although my DH is such a big meat eater I don’t know if he would share any. Doesn’t it feel empowering to make healthy choices and stick to them. I am so proud of you just as I know you are of yourself:happy: .

    :flowerforyou: Kathy- glad to hear you are doing ok. We miss you when we don’t hear from you:smile: .

    :flowerforyou: Heather-your weekend plans sound terrific. Hope it was great and the weather held up for you to get your walk in. Remember sometimes it is just baby steps but gradually those baby steps will turn into bigger steps and the goal is the same in the end. Your weekend goals sure sound obtainable…I loved the one about “smile until my face hurts”. I got a visual of that and I had to smile myself:smile: .

    :flowerforyou: Esther- sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well:sick: . I can so relate to that after the darn bug that I had previously. The most difficult part was getting frustrated especially when I thought that my energy level was not returning as quickly as I had expected:grumble: . Please just try to be patient, your body must be trying to tell you something and you will bounce back. Glad to hear that the tornado passed you by. What a relief…two years ago we had a tornado touch down in the next town from us and there was extensive damage. It was a true miracle that no one was hurt:happy: .

    :flowerforyou: stamps4fun—welcome to this wonderful site. Great job on dropping 6 pounds already:happy: . I totally understand what you are going through. We share much the same issues. However, I can also share with you that a successful outcome can be achieved. Shedding the weight that I have and increasing my activities as been instrumental in turning my life around. Warmest wishes to you. Keep in touch with us, this is a highly encouraging and motivating group:smile: .

    :flowerforyou: Barb—glad to hear from you and that were ok during the storm. Your descriptions of everything that is going on sure makes me feel like I am right there in the midst of everything. Which I must admit I am glad that I wasn’t especially while storming. What a good feeling to come home and feel secure there:heart: . Great job on dropping another pound:smile: .

    A big Canadian hello to anyone else I missed and best wishes for a great day:drinker: .

  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome to all of the newcomers! This is really a great site and a wonderful group of ladies.

    I've had a really rough week - stress at work has been horrendous - every day more reports-more deadlines. After I consumed a half a bag of Hershey's kisses I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH :mad: GOT TO FIND A DIFFERENT STRESS RELIEVER:embarassed: :embarassed: so now I'm trying to drink water:drinker: :drinker: flavored of course the Peach Mango Crystal Light mixed with the Crystal Light Wild Strawberry is my drink of choice. I did break down and buy some pre-mixed single serving Peach Margueritas, but I only drank 1/2 of one too many calories to have a whole one although it doesn't compare to my overdose of Hershey's Kisses:embarassed:

    I'm back on track I hope.:blushing: Yesterday the weather was wonderful and I worked in my garden all day. Finally got all of the tomatoes planted all 134 plants are in the ground . :happy: :happy: I tilled most of the garden - to stop the grass and hoed the rows to get the rest of the grass out. I also managed to get most everything fertilized and worked in. I am going to try to finish the rest today and get everything watered that needs it.. The tomatoes I had planted several weeks ago have little tomatoes on them. I will let them ripen although a Fried Green Tomato does sound wonderful, but I will not go there:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I do have peppers, onions, lettuce and radishes ready to eat.

    I noticed yesterday when trying to hook up the water hose - we have been very neglectful and have let our shrubs at the end of the house get out of control:grumble: :grumble: These shrubs have very sharp thorns on them, but I got the hedge trimmers and cleared out an opening so I could get to the hydrant. My husband is able to do the mowing now, but I have to do all of the trim work and I've been so occupied with all of the stuff going on at work 12-16 hour days and trying to get my garden planted that obviously I have been in another world. Thank goodness I noticed yesterday - have to get my act together - so later today I am going to get all of the vines out of my shrubs and get them trimmed although I hate the holly bushes (my husband wanted these 30 years ago) I hate them! I'm almost tempted to accidently get some Round-Up on them to get rid of them :devil: :devil: and replace with some Azaleas:bigsmile: He did say yesterday we ought to get rid of everything and start over I don't think he was serious but who knows?:devil: :devil:

    Our twin daughters are coming home for a short visit the 22nd. They are living in Orlando now and have been complaining about all of the rain ( they can identify with what you are dealing with Anne) that they've had lately so I hope our weather is nice here in TN while they're home. With TN weather you never know. We have had more than our share of tornados the last few years. We have had 3 in the last six years. We personally had damage the 1st two, the last one actually came through our back yard and destroyed 2 of our neighbors homes. In fact they have been featured on the Weather Channel storm stories, After being up close and personal with tornados I want no part of chasing them. Our dogs sense the storms before they hit and before you even get warnings and they know the drill --get in the bathroom!!!

    Well I need to get up an get moving if I can still move after yesterday:bigsmile: I overslept this morning and I had to throw myself together to get to church on time. :embarassed: I do the bulletins for church and barely had enough time to get the copies made before services but I managed:bigsmile: I got home and had my breakfast for lunch - skim milk and honey nut oats. I need to go make me a bottle of energy water. maybe two bottles! :drinker: :drinker: Since the girls haven't been home since October - my husband, I discovered has been using their rooms for storage so I have a lot of work to do to before they get here. I have one project left for work to do tonight since I found out Friday evening the deadline is 9:00 a.m. in the morning.

    Hope everyone has a great day!:love:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, good for you..drinking more water. It has been said that sometimes when we think that we are hungry we are actually thirsty. I love the Crystal Light. I use the metabolism one also. I tried the energy one but have found that the other one works better for me.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, don't know if I mentioned it or not but menopause was when I began to have trouble losing weight. :sad: :sad: Can't be helped. Have to go through it sooner or later.:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, is that why your ex is now your "ex"?:laugh: :laugh: I know that my husband was just trying to help me by fixing breakfast. He loves to cook. He is doing his strawberry preserves now. He is the only one in the house who will eat them. I like my strawberries plain without all that sugar.

    Did I mention that even though my husband gets breakfast and sometimes dinner in bed, I come down to the table for mine. I figure that getting it cooked for me is good enough.:wink:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    :flowerforyou: Barb, is that why your ex is now your "ex"?:laugh: :laugh: I know that my husband was just trying to help me by fixing breakfast. He loves to cook. He is doing his strawberry preserves now. He is the only one in the house who will eat them. I like my strawberries plain without all that sugar.

    Did I mention that even though my husband gets breakfast and sometimes dinner in bed, I come down to the table for mine. I figure that getting it cooked for me is good enough.:wink:

    My ex is my "ex" because he did not have a recessive "wandering" gene, if ya know what I mean!!.:laugh: :laugh:

    As for your hubby getting breakfAst and dinner in bed, I hope he is making it himself and taking it to bed with him, rather than being "served" by "lil old you" :wink: but that is between you and he. Whatever works out best.

    I just came back from doing a 3 mile walk, for a total of 5.5 miles for the day. I want to be sure I hit my 4th of July goal and I have 7 lbs. to go. Now I have to take off for another commitment.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
