Where are the Women that wanna lose 100lbs plus



  • WeightWatcher67
    WeightWatcher67 Posts: 68 Member
    One hundred pound weight loss is not impossible to reach. I started Weight Watchers July 2003 and had a baby June of 2007. I took me a 2 years to lose 150 and I kept it off until after I had her. I gained some and have lost 47 more from April to Aug of 2010. I am on Day 14 of WW again. I kept some of my clothes from 15 years ago and they fit me now. I wore a dress for New Years Eve that I hadn't fit into for 15 years. It couldn't even fit below my arm pits before and it fit all the way loosley. :) I follow the older Weight Watchers Winning Points/123 Step plan. I have lost a total of 157 pounds lost. I have 80 more pounds to go! If you are accountable, have support like this site, and you love yourself, you will lose it. :)
  • Hey girl! I'm Cassi and I'm looking to loose about 120lbs. I'm at 264 right now after being 268 last week. Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for new friends who can support each other.
  • Well I'm right here. You can see that I joined in 2010 well I'm ready to get started on this journey. Again!!! Never quite reach goal. Been up and down all my life, feeding the kids in Europe, feeding inferior complex, feeding my hurt feelings, food is my drug of choice. And I am addicted to the max. Been on every program know to mankind. So MFP lets get this show on the road. 100 to lose, hopefully before I die so my kids don't herniate themselves carrying me to my resting place. :smile:
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    :smile: Hey babes!! Lets be Pals!! :smile:
  • lonestarlada
    lonestarlada Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ladies! Please friend me! If we're going to have to battle to get the way off, might as well laugh and support each other all the way! Wohoo! Let's do this!
  • tami1373
    tami1373 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to lose 100lbs. It is hard to imagine myself below 175 since that is the lowest I can recall ever being. Ultimately I would like to get down to my IBW of 130. Starting at 242, I have a long way to go but I know I can do this :)

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  • marmaton
    marmaton Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tonya and I need to lose weight and my goal is to lose 100 pounds. I am the biggest that I have ever been in my life and everyday is a struggle. People don't understand just how hard it is to lose weight. So I am with you and would love to be your friend. We will be in this together. We can do this.

  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    Looking for new friends who are excited and willing to work hard to get this weight off. Someone to share daily accomplishments with. I've already lost 38lbs making it to my first goal to be out of the 300s.
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Just joined this week and I'm hoping that this time I can stick to it. I tend to get bored once I've lost about 40lb and gradually put it all back on again so I could do with someone to gee me up when I start eating white bread and fired food again.
  • dragomom
    dragomom Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I am new to MFP and I need to lose at least 110 pounds. Anyone on this thread can feel free to add me. I will give you support in return of support from you. Together we can do this.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Hi, I'm Angela, I'm 90lb down, with at least the same again to go. It's a long journey, but it definitely can be done. Good luck to you all :flowerforyou:
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    I need to lose 155 o.o!
  • Danielle_2011
    Danielle_2011 Posts: 6 Member
    * 315 x
  • bouquet77
    bouquet77 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Im Toni starting weight was 233.2 and desperate to loose 100lb may 80 but i am so pleased there are bigger women on here I was expecting all the people on here to e fakes but have meet and made some really supportive friends already
    Please feel free to add me x x x

    Also visit my Virtual Cakeshop and choose somethign from the trolley in the group section leave a comment all Virtual cakes are Fat free and calorie free enjoy as much as you like x x x:)
  • diserrano
    diserrano Posts: 11 Member
    hey I'm Diana. I'm around 307. need to loose more than 100lbs too, would love more friends so anyone can add me :)
  • I am also trying to lose 100 pounds.... I get married feb 2013 and am trying to look my best...... I also feel that it is a necessary life style change.... I have lost 50 pounds all ready and am about to start on my extra hard core eating and exercising so please feel free to add me... I just joined so Im working on my profile. Pictures and things coming soon!!!
  • I want to lose 120lbs I have lost 35lbs so far. I started out at 285. I want to be healthy and be a role model for my kids. I don't my kids to be overweight and have to struggle like I had to growning up. Everyone please feel free to add me. We could use all the support we can get.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I've been on MFP for several months but got serious just after the 1st of the year. I aim to lose 100lbs in 2012 and I'm down 10 already.
    I am involved in a couple groups and accept friend requests. (Secretly addicted to MFP... but better this than food again!)

    Working hard at 30DS and C25K, even though I'm starting these from basically a sedentary lifestyle. My husband, who is the most awesomest husband in the whole wide world and he's MINE so you cant have him, is doing all of this with me! But women always seem to need more than men do, I need other women in support as well as him. He doesnt understand everything I go through but other women would.

    Anyone can feel free to add me, I'm supportive and like to encourage and motivate my friends whenever I have the opportunity.
    God bless!
  • Hiya - I'm working in kilograms generally, but I think that what I want to lose is roughly 150lbs! Long road ahead. And I have set myself lots of smaller goals along the way so that I don't get discouraged by that massive number
    ANyway, I'm glad there are others here on a similar journey - we need to band together! :smile:

  • mdollian
    mdollian Posts: 70 Member
    I'm close to it if my voice matters here !! I could change it to 95 to 100 lbs