Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Paula is a doll.......people need to quit blaming...
  • Strobins05
    What's wrong with America? Blaming Paula Deen for "leading people over a cliff" really?...WTH I bet all of you have no problem letting your daughters listen to people like Brittney Spears or Lady Gaga either...SO Lady Gaga made your daughter plunge into a life as a stripper...I think not...

    PEOPLE LISTEN UP!!! YOU MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES!! Drug dealers do not make you take drugs...JUST SAY NO!!! In all cases food or otherwise. Treat your body right...I DO NOT BLAME ANYONE on me being OBESE...I had no help in driving my large self to any drive thru...I MADE MY BED and I AM FIXING IT..

    It's like saying people like Jillian Micheals is responsible for people losing weight... WRONG...She gives an outlet for CHOICES...That is all...She can not make you lose wieght if you don't get your behind off the couch...really.

    Enough with my rant...
    So true!
  • tribalwolf4
    At the end of the day, no one forced anyone to shovel anything down their gullet. We have free will. We choose not to eat healthy, etc... At the end of the day, you can't keep blaming others for OUR choices. Sure, she doesn't cook as healthy as can be but she doesn't force anyone to eat it. We are responsible for ourselves. At the end os the day, it's all about personal accountability.
  • rachel_d_b
    My 2 cents is that "you" can continue "eat everything in moderation" and get the same results as the rest of America: Heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and more, or you can take charge of your life and eat the most nutritious food out there: Plants. I am not a doctor, just a student of life. Learning at a late age and SO blessed that I did not give myself Type 2 Diabetes before I got to where I am today. It is a nasty, nasty, NASTY disease of which I watched my mom die (From Type 1 Diabetes) of after 6 months in the hospital when she was just 68. She had every complication promised in the word "diabetes". If you think you can "control" your Type 2 diabetes with medication and skate by, I wish you luck. You'll need it. My 26 years of experience as a Nurse on a Medical Floor in a hospital was quite an eye opener. The drugs you take today will cause you grief tomorrow and you'll need more pills for that problem, too. Now I watch tv years later seeing all the drugs that we routinely gave out like candy being the cause of medical disasters that some law firm wants to help you sue the drug company for. Medicine is NOT the answer. Proper diet and food is. Check out . Your choice.

    Well said!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I hate how Paula Deen is getting so much flack. She's said publicly several times that the kind of food she makes on her show represents a small portion of what she actually eats on a day to day basis. She's also rightly said that people are responsible for themselves. It's not her fault some people will choose to eat that kind of food every day. She's not telling them to or anything. In the end, it's their choice.

    Besides, every now and then there no shame in enjoying something cooked with a pound of butter or something fried. Keep in infrequent, and you'll probably be okay.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Everything is better with butter.....
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I bought one of her apple pies once it was crazy good.
  • happygirl2972
    happygirl2972 Posts: 22 Member
    You very well may be one of the lucky ones to have no health problems. My brother was a personal trainer,healthy as can be, never put a bad thing in his body. Woke up one day with a massive headache found a brain tumor and passed away this past July after four years of hell 35 years old. Everyone has a destiny, you may be able to control it for a portion of time but that does not mean you will always be exempt.
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    Agreed! :)
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    oh please. This is just like blaming fast food. She comes up with freaking delicious (albeit bad for you) recipes and it's YOUR choice if you make them for dinner every night, for a special occasion or never. It's called FREEDOM OF CHOICE people. Take responsibility for what you feed yourself and quit trying to blame anyone else. I'm so over this *kitten*.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    you can blame Paula, McDonalds, Burger King and whom ever else you want-or YOU can take responsibility for what YOU put in YOUR mouth!
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    Let's all blame Paula Deen for obesity in America. Of course they are unhealthy meals, but if we cook those meals and eat them why does that makes it her fault when we become overweight? I personally think it's a problem when we as a society are negatively affected by our own actions and decide to shift the blame on somebody else.

    Agreed, I love foodnetwork, watch it all the time for years. Not once i have made anything that Paula Dean has done on her show, I can SEE with MY own eyes all the butter, sugar, what ever in her dishes. I choose not make it because i know all that butter is not healthy, i like to watch people cook. Society has come to the point where it is every one else fault for what is going wrong, no one person will take responsibility for their own actions.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I would not limit the criticism to America. Hypocrites live in all countries.
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    What's wrong with America? Blaming Paula Deen for "leading people over a cliff" really?...WTH I bet all of you have no problem letting your daughters listen to people like Brittney Spears or Lady Gaga either...SO Lady Gaga made your daughter plunge into a life as a stripper...I think not...

    PEOPLE LISTEN UP!!! YOU MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES!! Drug dealers do not make you take drugs...JUST SAY NO!!! In all cases food or otherwise. Treat your body right...I DO NOT BLAME ANYONE on me being OBESE...I had no help in driving my large self to any drive thru...I MADE MY BED and I AM FIXING IT..

    It's like saying people like Jillian Micheals is responsible for people losing weight... WRONG...She gives an outlet for CHOICES...That is all...She can not make you lose wieght if you don't get your behind off the couch...really.

    Enough with my rant...
    So true!

  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member

    This guy is just another quack that thinks eating fat and animal protein is bad for you. puh-lease.
  • underw64
    underw64 Posts: 26 Member
    we are all ultimately responsible for what we do or put in our bodies. there are many other factors besides paula deen that has caused america to be fat.

    she has never said she was a healthy cook. she cooks what tastes good, what is apart of a culture (southern). and she certainly has never said, 'you need to eat this all the time'.

    what is wrong with america? we cant take responsiblity for ourselves. the education is out there, we all know what is healthy and what isnt. so its up to us, its up to the rest of america to choose health. its just that most of america is so resistance to health and eating healthy.

    I 100% agree with you - we cannot blame Paula Deen for creating a cooking show that highlighted southern comfort foods. She never told people to eat her meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of her shows involved her cooking for special occasions - I'm sure that most of the people who are belittling her now have never actually seen one of her shows. It is up to each one of us individually to be responsible for our own actions and what we are putting in our mouths. If we choose to treat our stomach like a trash can, then the rest of our life will be garbage but that is a decision that only we can make. You CAN eat the things that Paula makes, in moderation. I am not going to ban myself from having fried chicken, but I will limit how much of it I eat - a treat once a year will NOT cause type 2 diabetes! Eating it every day will.
  • flake0617
    This Video Below is hilarious - but also a must see. Just an example of why people are upset about this Paula Deen issue. For three years she knew she had this disease yet promoted "bad habits" like this. She was doing herself an injustice by eating this type of food. Its sad, because diabetes is a very serious issue. When you can take a big bite out of a doughnut egg bacon burger its like your saying "F" my life....


    (didn't read the article, this maybe included already)
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    What is wrong with America is we want to blame everything on something or someone else! We have freedom of choice the last time I checked and if people don't have self-control then shame on them. I personally don't care for Southern food that much and couldn't take listening to her talk long enough to watch an entire episode. :laugh: If she wants to keep telling herself that she can eat the food in moderation, so be it. I don't have to live her life, take the medication she is taking or anything else. The only person I am concerned about is me. I don't see anything wrong with eating bad foods here and there. It becomes a problem when it is eaten in excess.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    OMG that deep fried lasagna looks sooooooo good!!!
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