January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Tuesday were:
    1. Listen to my inner voice that screams "STOP and get back to logging food!!"
    2. Get my dog out & get myself a workout while doing it.
    3. small clean up around the house (not asking for the world)

    I accomplished all 3 goals!

    Goals for Today are:
    1. KEEP Listening to my inner voice that screams "KEEP to logging food!!"
    2. Burn 1000 calories.
    3. small clean up around the house (not asking for the world)

    It's going to be a good day. Have a great one challengers!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Heh... I forgot to introduce myself yesterday.

    I like to go by Alyx. I'm 21 and a college student majoring in anthropology and international and global studies.

    Goals from Jan 17:
    -Go to the gym at 7am
    -Clean up my side of the dorm room
    -Avoid eating greasy food just because I have the calories for it
    -Do my Russian homework & anthropology reading for thursday

    I woke up later than I meant to (about 6:55) so my girlfriend and I didn't get to the gym until about 7:20 ish. This meant that after we showered and got ready for the day that we had to quickly get breakfast and then she had to eat it in class. I'll do better next week. I cleaned my side of the room and now I feel more relaxed (until I open a one of my desks drawers... but that's a task for another day). I avoided eating pizza and hamburgers and fried things. I had 2 chicken soft tacos from Salsarita's- no sour cream or guacamole, just lettuce and tomatoes and a tiny bit of cheese. I didn't get my anthropology reading done because I procrastinated my cleaning and then my roommate, girlfriend and I were working on finding apartments we want to check out. Which was productive but now I have more reading to do today...

    Goals for Jan 18:
    -Do history reading and discussion board post and anthropology reading
    -Organize my homework
    -Eat healthy and don't stress about going over today's calories (because of the healthy eating)
    -Get some physical activity break in

    Hello Alyx the college student!! I'm a mother of a college student so my hats off to you!! Lots of challenges & struggles so let me tell you that I am so proud of you and anything you accomplish!! Keep up your good work!!
  • My goals for today, Thursday, January 19:
    1. Go to bed at a decent hour so I can wake up at 3am to come to work tomorrow (covering a coworker's shift)
    2. Eat well today so I can go out for dinner tonight and not be a stickler for calories
    3. Not fall asleep at work today!!! :yawn:
  • Yesterday's Goals:

    1.) Drink 10-12 glasses of water - finished the day with 13! Yay!
    2.) Eliminate Soda - took a sip of husband's coke, but I don't count that =)
    3.) Stay in under calorie goal. - YEP!

    I even managed to squeeze in an extra work out, organize the closet in our guest room, and make my way into the attic to organize storage. I would say that Wednesday was a super productive day!

    Goals for Thursday, January 19:

    1.) Add ten more minutes to work-out
    2.) Continue to drink 10-12 glasses of water
    3.) Vacuum/Steam Mop floors
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Wednesday were:
    1. KEEP Listening to my inner voice that screams "KEEP to logging food!!"
    2. Burn 1000 calories.
    3. small clean up around the house (not asking for the world)

    I accomplished all 2 of these goals. I give up on my house until tomorrow.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. KEEP Listening to my inner voice that screams "KEEP to logging food!!"
    2. do some laundry, fold & put away
    3. get a great dog walk in before the rain comes.

    It's going to be a good day. Have a great one challengers!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 18:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (3 mile walk)--2 miles done
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!--yrs.
    3. Work on my jewelry for at least 1 hour.--No.

    Too many people around to concentrate on the jewelry. We had 12+ inches of snow yesterday--in an area the rarely gets more than 3-4 inches at a time. No was able to get to work (well, my son got there but then they sent everyone home).Now we have freezing rain falling on top of all that snow--what a mess! Sure hope our power doesn't go!

    Goals for January 19:
    1. Walking workout--calendar. (3 mile walk)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. Try to clear the walks as much as possible!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    My goals for today are rather simple
    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Clean the area in my basement so I can set up my eliptical instead of it just being a catch all down there...

    So got started on laundry and did some of the dishes but didn't make it into the basement for the eliptical to be cleaned off.

    So goals for today are
    1. Work on the basement
    2. finish laundry
    3. finish the dishes
    4. clean as much of the house in general as I can...including sweeping and dusting.

    Well I'm off to put on some music and just forget about watching anything on tv so I can get more done around here today. I'm also going to shut off the computer so I don't get lost on it again. lol Hope you all have a good day!

    EDIT: Oh yeah forgot to mention that my city parks department is offering a free zumba class starting in Feb and I'm signing me and my daughter up for it :happy: It's going to be 2 classes a week for 9 weeks. I can only imagine how much I'm gonna hate it at first but since I'm doing it with my daughter it should also be lots of fun cause she'll keep me moving no matter what:love:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Wednesday January 18
    1. Water (10-12)- yes
    2. Calorie goal-no
    3. At least 20 minutes of exercise-no

    Denise- I understand about the weather. I am in Dayton and it is the same way! Crazy!

    Welcome all the new and not so new!

    I was tired and cold most of yesterday so other than water, it wasn't a terrific day. Was okay on calories until I had the cheesecake!

    Thursday January 19
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Calorie range (+/- 100)
    3. water plants
    4. Vacuum house

    I hope everyone has an awesome day! Love the different goals! Keep it up!

  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Wednesday

    I know that work will be crazy tomorrow....
    no stress eating... instead smell my flowers and chew sugar free gum done
    journal my meals honestly done
    drink water and green tea done
    end of day....unwind with a long hot shower. done

    Hope eveyone has a great day.

    I was so tired last night, that I pretty much went right to bed after work and dinner . I did well on Wednesday and Thursday. Both stressful days.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Friday

    I see the personal trainer to go over my meal plans.....hoping that the scale shows how well I have kept to the plan
    to journal honestly
    to drink water and green tea
    to food shop after work (supposed to get a snow storm on Saturday...don't want to be without bread and milk. haha)
    to relax after food shoping with a good movie.

    Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the weekend !!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Wednesday January 18
    1. Water (10-12)- yes
    2. Calorie goal-no
    3. At least 20 minutes of exercise-no

    Denise- I understand about the weather. I am in Dayton and it is the same way! Crazy!

    Welcome all the new and not so new!

    I was tired and cold most of yesterday so other than water, it wasn't a terrific day. Was okay on calories until I had the cheesecake!

    Thursday January 19
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Calorie range (+/- 100)
    3. water plants
    4. Vacuum house

    I hope everyone has an awesome day! Love the different goals! Keep it up!


    My thought if you are gonna have something good...have something really good...like cheesecake or chocolate. An occasional treat is okay. I love this thread and reading everyones goals.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Thursday January 19
    1. Water (10-12)- Done
    2. Calorie range (+/- 100)- I was actually too low, but after getting hair done, wasn't hungry anymore.
    3. water plants -done
    4. Vacuum house-Done

    I enjoyed yesterday though didn't get much accomplished at work :wink: Slow time with no real snow to speak of and no grass cutting! Wish people would bring us their mowers for service!
    Did ralize last night that while I was figuring 2 cups of water per glass I use I am actually getting 2.5 cups! Yeah! Just means I am better than hitting my water mark!

    Friday, January 20
    1. Water 10-12
    2. Calories- Been up since 4 with more ice on the way, so this may be a challenge
    3. 20 minutes of extra movement today!

    Have a wonderful, safe, and warm day!
  • Goals for Thursday, January 19:

    1.) Add ten more minutes to work-out - Check!
    2.) Continue to drink 10-12 glasses of water - Check
    3.) Vacuum/Steam Mop floors - Will have to do today (I did laundry instead)

    Goals for Friday, January 20:

    1.) I will continue to stay within my calorie range
    2.) Sneak in a 2.0 mile walk during my lunch hour
    3.) I will do something that I actually WANT to do today. Just because I can =)

    This week has been great, and I am so happy that I found this board. Have a great day everyone!
  • scnix
    scnix Posts: 11
    I loved reading everyones goals. I thought I might join in!
    I have class until 8:45pm tonight (I know Friday night class ugh!). So here are my goals for today:
    1. Stay within my calories, which is hard sometimes when I am at home all day!
    2. Drink plenty of water.
    3. Don't snack on food when I get home from class becasue it is too late to eat.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for today are
    1. Work on the basement
    2. finish laundry
    3. finish the dishes
    4. clean as much of the house in general as I can...including sweeping and dusting.

    Didn't finish laundry yet, still got dishes to work on and didn't get the basement finished.

    So for today
    1. Finish laundry and dishes
    2. go apply at Harbor Freight since my hubby saw that they are hiring.
    3. go to the orientation for the volunteer position that will help me get some office experience under my belt.
    4. sign me and my daughter up for zumba so we get a spot in it.

    Here's hoping I can get more of this done today then I did yesterday.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday were:
    1. KEEP Listening to my inner voice that screams "KEEP to logging food!!"
    2. do some laundry, fold & put away
    3. get a great dog walk in before the rain comes)

    I accomplished all 2 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. clean botton floor of my house only.
    2. prepare for my girl's 13th birthday party. (cook, decorate, etc)
    3. take the time to be patient tonight & be thankful that i have a great kid (s)

    Happy Friday challengers!!
  • So my goal for today...and this weekend since I have to work all weekend. Is the same as the past few days.

    1. Stay below my calorie range
    2. Drink WATER!
    3. No JUNK food.

    If anyone has any healthy suggestions to curb a sweet tooth I would greatly appreciate it. My downfall is chocolate at night!
  • scnix
    scnix Posts: 11
    I loved reading everyones goals. I thought I might join in!
    I have class until 8:45pm tonight (I know Friday night class ugh!). So here are my goals for today:
    1. Stay within my calories, which is hard sometimes when I am at home all day!
    2. Drink plenty of water.
    3. Don't snack on food when I get home from class becasue it is too late to eat.

    Yea I met my goals, but I was under in food, by almost 500 calories, oops! I know I need to be better at eatting enough healthy food.
    Today is going to be a challange. I have class all day 9am-5pm, and then a girls night. So here is my plan.
    1. Only eat two pieces of pizza at class for lunch (we have pizza brought in on long Saturdays)
    2. Drink lots of water
    3. Tonight with the girls only one class of wine and lots of water!
    Wish me luck.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    My name is Kristen. I'm 23 years old and I recently moved to a new town.

    My goal for today is

    1.) Stay within my calorie range
    2.) Drink more water (I tend to not drink as much water on my off days)
    3.) Don't eat the junk food, but opt for the healthier food
    4.) Clean the house and vacuum (cat hair EVERYWHERE x.X)
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Friday

    I see the personal trainer to go over my meal plans.....hoping that the scale shows how well I have kept to the plan....lost 2 lbs....lost 3 lbs of fat and gained 1 lb of muscle. YAY
    to journal honestly done
    to drink water and green tea done
    to food shop after work (supposed to get a snow storm on Saturday...don't want to be without bread and milk. haha) done
    to relax after food shoping with a good movie. didnt't get to do that.

    Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the weekend !!

    I made chocolate covered pretzels after food shopping as a thank you for my neighbor and son who removed the fallen tree from my yard. Totally amazed myself and did not eat one pretzel or even lick the chocolate fork when I was done. I have never done that before.