For all the MEN lovers out there



  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    None of this stuff is specific to men. Sorry but I really can't get behind a sentiment like this. There are a lot of men in my life who I appreciate very much, but it's not because they do stereotypical "man" things for me. Why do we want to separate everything into such specific gender roles? Killing insects isn't masculine; it's just something that grown-ups do. Acting like a frightened child when you see a bug isn't doing anyone any favors.

    Of course these aren't man specific. You aren't getting the point of this thread. As numerous people have said previously, of course they can do those things themselves--any able bodied person can kill a bug, change a light bulb, et cetera. But the fact that our significant male other does it instead, it's appreciated.

    And you can obviously thank the man in your life for being there for emotional support or for being a great friend, not what they do for you, posters have mentioned those in there as well.

    The only ones separating these gender roles are the negative ones in this thread. The positive ones are just clearly mentioning what goes on in their household. There are diverse posts in this thread that proves this.
  • dreamzvt
    Hmm, maybe you need to figure out how to do some things for yourself...

    Learn to fix lightbulbs, invest in a stepladder, and whatever other stuff. I believe women should never be dependent on men or vice-versa. NEEDing someone makes most relationship unhealthy.

    Wow way to be a downer... I think she was simply saying thank you for doing all those things we do not want to do.
    Also i want to say:
    Thank you for supporting us, for giving us lucky mom's the ability to stay home with our kids, and for manning the BBQ to name a few

    Like, Like, Like.... well said :)
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Wow! This is a treat for sore eyes! I am truly amazed at the wonderful thoughts and the appreciation that has been posted here. I know that I try to be everything for my wife (yes, I do my own laundry, love to grill when she invites friends over, vacuum the house, mow the lawn, take care of the dogs, paint the house the colors she wants, be supportive for her when she has rough days, cook, clean, watch the kids without complaining, let her watch her favorite tv show when the game is on, make her coffee in the morning before she wakes, go to the grocery to just be with her and help her, and I love her unconditionally!! She is my inspiration and I would do anything for her!!). There are times when I (and other men) feel we aren't appreciated, but this thread has just made my day for many days to come. Women are just amazing, and I love them for that! Thank you all so very much that responded to this thread, and thank you, OP.

    Oh dear, you poor're going to be receiving 1,000 friend requests all asking if you have a brother...or a cousin...or a friend just like you:happy:
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    We get a thanks for taking a shower? You sound like an easy woman to please.

  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks for congragulating me at punching the bag almost as hard as you.
    Thanks for giving me a high five when i finally got a ball in the hole (playing pool).
    And thanks for always waiting for me and walking behind me either to look at my *kitten* or to make me feel safe... either one is fine by you.
    Thanks for having bigger arms that wrap around me and make me feel warm and safe.

  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Ooh I think I've got a shot with this Kathy23real chick... she seems interested and wants to tell me more...
  • EnjoyEverything
    EnjoyEverything Posts: 13 Member
    This post is sweet. Thanks ladies. I am that guy.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Wow susrprised by some of the negativity here. I think it is sweet! It is always nice to take the time out and thank people for the little things. Yes I can change my own light bulbs, kill a bug and open my own doors...but I am not going to pretend I don't like having someone willing to do it for me!

    I am a strong independent woman when I need to be...but I have no problem letting my man be the MAN in the relationship! And I am thankful he takes on his role

    I too am an independent woman and agree... there ARE things I am not particulary fond of doing and having a man step in to do that for me IS wonderful... the free drinks, the late night calls to see if I'm doing okay - just because makes me feel womanly.

    and to the statement:
    We get a thanks for taking a shower? You sound like an easy woman to please.

    It's those simple things that make the men in 'my life' stay at the top of the list.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Hmm, maybe you need to figure out how to do some things for yourself...

    Learn to fix lightbulbs, invest in a stepladder, and whatever other stuff. I believe women should never be dependent on men or vice-versa. NEEDing someone makes most relationship unhealthy.

    I will never mow a yard, change a tire, kill a bug, climb in the attic. I won't ever clean the bathroom shared by our two boys, and I won't ever put gas in my car. And I like it that way! Just because I have a husband that is happy to do the things I despise absolutely does not make the relationship unhealthy. Judgey wudgey was a bear....
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Awesome post :) I have a lot to thank my hubby for! To name a few:
    Thank you for warming me up at night. For putting our kids and my needs above your own. Respecting me. Teaching me how to drive a stick, shoot and love the outdoors. For taking care of me when Aunt Flo comes to visit! For helping and encouraging me on my weightloss journey. For thinking I'm the sexiest woman in the world (when I know I'm not). For sweeping me off my feet every night :) For squishing the nasty bugs in my life. For always sticking up for me. And most of all for being the love of my life :love:
  • mabrima
    We get a thanks for taking a shower? You sound like an easy woman to please.
    Hello. ( kathy23real@ y a h o )
    I was very impressed to your profile, my name is Kathy, i hope you are fine, i like making new friends so please feel free to send me a mail at ( ) so that i can send you a picture and tell you more about me, thanks! I will be waiting for your respond at my private email address.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Fine! Enjoy someone else's posts... *kitten*.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    thank-you for rubbing my back every night so I fall asleep faster. And for manning the BBQ because i hate the damn thing. I am thankful that you do the dishes because I'd rather wash the toilet 10 times than scrub pots. And for washing the floors, because I know it's a damn hard job (I do it when you're away at work). Thank-you for taking the child every weekend morning so I can sleep as late as I want to, and for helping me grocery shop (because we bag our own groceries, and that takes work). Thank-you for taking care of my jeep, because the deal was I clean the inside and you do the rest. Thank-you for paying most of the bills and allowing me to pay what I can with a little left over. Thank-you for eating my bad cooking, and loving it. Thank-you for giving me a child that tests my patience, acts like me, and drives me nuts. For explaining football to me, not talking to me like an idiot, helping me fold laundry, grabbing my butt every chance you get. Thank-you for never leaving the house without kissing me goodbye, no matter how bad we're fighting. For calling me every night when you're away at work, even if it's just to hear me breath. :smooched: yeah, i'm in love and it feels awesome!
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    To my amazing husband: Thanks for helping me on all the house projects I start, I know you're tired but you stay right there with me, working just as hard and because of our teamwork everything turns out perfect. Thank you for jumping out of bed when the dogs bark at 3am even though I'm not scared to go check, I like the fact that you will do anything to protect me. Thank you for bringing me coffee in the morning, and always saying thank you after dinner and breakfast. Thank you for driving through all the big cities when we are on vacation because I'm scared too. Thank you for being you and loving me for being me.

    To my Daddy: Thank you for teaching me to be independent, loving, caring and sympathetic. I wouldn't be the mother I am without such a great father to teach me how. Thank you for helping with my projects and giving me ideas when i am at a loss. Thank you for coming to my house when I was on vacation to fix my sink before my house flooded (on father's day no less).

    To ex boyfrieds: Thank you for showing me how bad it could be and/or what I didn't want in a relationship. You all helped me to realize what a great man I have now.

    To all my male friends: Thank you for your awesomeness!
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    I agree. I am VERY independent and I can definitely do whatever I choose on my own. But it is nice when someone does those little things that you prefer not to. I also think it is such a PC world that it is nice to feel like a woman sometimes, and I know my husband, at least, has ideas about what it means to be a man to him. Here are a few of mine...

    Thank you for taking care of things on my car, even after I've only asked a question so that I could do it myself.
    Thank you for not being a clean freak or expecting me to be.
    Thank you for always mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow and taking out the garbage.
    Thank you for asking me questions when I tell you something bad going on for me as it shows me that you care about what I am saying.
    Thank you for sharing the cleaning/dishes/laundry responsibilies with me.
    Thank you for giving me the time I need to myself to decompress if you are home from work before me.
    Thank you for grabbing the check when we are having dinner with the 'rents.
    Thank you for always ending a conversation by telling me you love me.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    One more, although there are plenty. Thank you for volunteering to take our daughter on her first date, so she knows how she should be treated by any boy that wants to date her.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Thank you for being you and allowing me to be me. :heart:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Thanks for this great post. I makes me realize there are great men out there and not to give up hope in finding one to share my life with. Men are wonderful and definitely deserve to be recognized for all that they all.
  • EmilyLStuart
    Wow susrprised by some of the negativity here. I think it is sweet! It is always nice to take the time out and thank people for the little things. Yes I can change my own light bulbs, kill a bug and open my own doors...but I am not going to pretend I don't like having someone willing to do it for me!

    I am a strong independent woman when I need to be...but I have no problem letting my man be the MAN in the relationship! And I am thankful he takes on his role

    THIS 100% ^

    1000 times over! It's the little things that count, and I think it's great that we are taking time to acknowledge them. It does not make you weaker, it makes you stronger.

    Thank you for holding the elevator for me extra long :)
    Thank you for letting me go ahead of you in line (although not sure if this is so you can check out my butt?? well, I don't have one so don't waste your time lol)
    Thank you for looking my way and smiling at me when we pass each other, and for not moving your eyes below my face
    And thank you to that nice guy that helped me carry my purchases out to my car the other day
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Double post